NDF: Ability Overhaul [BETA 1]
Showing 1-9 of 9 entries
Update: 17 Jul, 2019 @ 7:05am

Beta 1 Patch 1.1.0
This patch brings a large selection of new abilities, reworks and restructuring of db material.

New abilities

Zhang Yan has gained a new identity as the master of ambush. With abilities like “Falling tree” allowing his units to burst out of hiding into battle and “Three-step assault” allowing deadly timed ambushes before retreating.

Zhuge Liang has gained a new ability “Stratagem of excellence” this is a powerful aura that massively increases the accuracy of nearby ranged units, perfect for dropping trebuchet shots exactly where you want them!

Zheng Jiang has gained a powerful new stealth ability called “queen of shadows” allowing her to gain unspottable if she remains out of combat for 15 seconds.

Reworked/retuned abilities
A minor update to Huang Zhongs “swift fingers” ability now ensures that it also applies to himself, he may be selfless, but an old man’s gotta take care of himself!


Yellow turbans have had their unlock conditions corrected so they no longer have 8 additional random abilities (What the hell) they should now at least be playable, though they haven’t had a balance pass yet.

All ability type localization was redone, making sure that abilities have precise types that accurately reflect their function.

The new list of generic types is as follows.

Passive Debuff Aura
Passive Debuff Aura
Passive Buff Aura
Single Target Buff
Passive Self Buff
Active Self Buff
Active Buff Aura
Active Debuff Aura
Missile Attack
Melee Attack
Active AoE Buff
Active AoE Debuff
Single Target Debuff
Active Global Buff
Active Global Debuff
Active Local Buff
Active Local Debuff
Passive Global Buff
Passive Global Debuff

Update: 10 Jul, 2019 @ 4:45pm

Hotfix to correct a big issue regarding what abiliites wood generics start with.

Update: 8 Jul, 2019 @ 4:39am

Corrected Ma Teng's Qiang Maneuvers to have a visible radius.
Downtuned some of the regeneration effects.

Update: 6 Jul, 2019 @ 7:08am

Typo fixes

Update: 4 Jul, 2019 @ 10:53am

Update: 4 Jul, 2019 @ 10:47am

Update: 4 Jul, 2019 @ 10:36am

Extra data for mass and hp changes.

Update: 3 Jul, 2019 @ 6:39pm

Initial BETA 1 release
Abilities, interim skills and generally playable.

Update: 14 Jun, 2019 @ 10:56am

Test upload, no complete content (unless you like weird debug stuff)