Cataph and Vandy's: Return of the Lichemaster 1.2 [update TBD]
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Update: 3 Jun, 2021 @ 8:19pm

- mounts

Update: 26 May, 2021 @ 2:25pm

- added agent subculture text overrides
- fixed the vanilla event kill stuff
- added back AI ruin grab delay
- some other UI script fix I dunno

Update: 25 Mar, 2021 @ 7:13am

- I fucked up

Update: 25 Mar, 2021 @ 6:15am

- fixed faction group bundle, which means fixed whoopsie doopsie on army cap and siege stuff.

Update: 22 Mar, 2021 @ 2:45pm

- more TTC updates including fixes for all vanilla and ROR units to work, with thanks to DF for the help!

Update: 22 Mar, 2021 @ 12:54pm

- TTC update to new system
- added more effects to frontend

Update: 21 Mar, 2021 @ 2:26pm

- fixed frontend order when used with Moxillon
- fixed battle entities
- fixed woopsie with vanilla buildings, removed redundant disables
- fixed RAM leaks on scropts and reintroduced NP counter.

Update: 20 Mar, 2021 @ 9:16am

- Mixer now required! Kemmy is done through a custom Mixu-Unlocker-created faction, so we no longer have to tweak with vanilla VCount stuff.
-- Frontend is a placeholder-ish, vanilla Kemmy is still visible.
-- Vanilla Kemmy is killed if you play as RotL Kemmy; otherwise, vanilla Kemmy will exist. Pending future AI update
- The above change also fixes a couple of old bugs: this mod won't remove occupation options for other vampire count lords, for one, and there should be less faffery with disabling vanilla VCount lords
- victory conditions
- Raise dead currently inactive, will be replaced; currently bandaided in a Simulacra unit at start to help
- Fixed other small bugs, including Barrow units not reviving and the Necromantic Power icon being places it absolutely did not belong
- One of the necropowa tooltips is temporarily removed until we figure out what the hell is eating RAM in backstage.
- main building should have a tier V symbol FWIW
- attribute removal from abilities updated to new locs

Update: 1 Feb, 2021 @ 4:06am

vandy fixed some stack thingy problem and the unit card issue in frontend

Update: 6 Dec, 2020 @ 6:15am