Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

Showing 1-4 of 4 entries
Update: 13 Jun, 2019 @ 9:54am

removed post process volumes in train carts
fixed uvs and blood splatts and various and other minor fixes.
altered and fixed some kismet issuses

Update: 21 Mar, 2019 @ 9:39am

fixed and added more light radious and brightness(nighttime) reported by Cute Anime Girl
fixed blocking volume,not diong its job on endless(expliot modded) pokerman
wave peroid from 2.5 to 4( balanced)
fixed kismet on wave period for endless mode
fixed normals on certain meshs, displays proper flashlight now
upscaled emmiters effects more visable to the player
added more brightness inside train carts,post processing
fixed and altered tone dampness
added more bloom effect on vechile emmiters

Update: 19 Mar, 2019 @ 9:45am

removed certain bollards on boss area( pathfinder)
added blocking volumes
fixed expliots for boomstick campers on modded servers(pokerman)
fixed ragdoll
reduced damadge on emp-shockwave
added more ammo pickups
added lights
fixed normal map on solution
fixed lense flare on vechile on respawn
fixed no axis penalty on spawn volumes
fixed ridgid body

Update: 15 Mar, 2019 @ 4:01pm

possible updates