Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

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Update: 3 Mar, 2019 @ 2:40pm

Kismet connections are now a LOT better.
Added DominantDirectionalLight
Removed a LOT of unused objects
Fixed some street art that was streched.
Increased level performance.
Fixed every blocking volume.
Removed a lot of lights that were unnecessary
Fixed every light inner and outer angles.
Increased fog density.
The map is now playable on any length and you can win XP.
The map now uses official Objective Mode (weld things and escort).
Customization point now has light all the time.
Objectives changes depending of what game length you are playing.
Fixed feedback, now you'll have more idea of what you need to do on a certain objective.
Fixed level pickups, now they show default weapons instead of custom weapons (there was a pickup that gave a Medic SMG).
Re-designed the "hotel". Now the outside looks a lot more better.
Fixed some lens-flare that were in a bad position.
Fixed Reverb volumes and spawn volumes.
I was using double Mover actors for lights on/off, now i use "Set Actor Material" at kismet.
Re-worked level design. Now looks a lot more like a real world location.

Brand new objective: ESCORT. If the VIP dies, you lose. Escort him safe to the base.

Note: there's a "bug" where the VIP might slow down or even crouch the whole time, idk how to fix this.