Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

SBS SCARAB Mk.I Submersible (LEGACY)
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Actualizare: 17 febr. 2019 @ 1:31

Updated SBS SCARAB Mk.I Submersible (WIP).

Added a Deployable Support Pod attached to two Large Winches that can be sent to the surface at depths just under 100m. The Support Pod has pumps on it and resource filters. The plan is that with the pod deployed you can still run the diesels to recharge the batteries at depth: Input Winch will be for Air, Output winch will carry exhaust. In another scenario when the diesels aren't running I could use the Input to take in Fuel and the Output to push water from the Drain Pumps to a lesser depth that should (in theory) take less time to clear. Could be useful when at depths greater then 50m the vessel takes a fair amount of time to clear the ENTRY Airlock even with larger pumps. Haven't fully tested but speculating it should work.

Added another large battery by extending the length of the ship backwards, Added room for another passenger seat and more controls (for the Support Pod and eventually some winches) in the CONTROL area by extending the length of the ship forwarded. Additionally the ENTRY airlock area is now bigger.

REMOVED: They weren't practical - <Add two 2-axis Searchlight mounts (one forward, one to rear). Extending the bottom airlock hatch lower. Should be completing all the necessary logic for docking, etc. shortly>.

Actualizare: 13 febr. 2019 @ 21:33

Updated SBS SCARAB Mk.I Submersible (WIP).

Changed the Engine Pods to add another Axis relating to Roll. As a result the Pitch, Roll and Depth Engines will always attempt to point upwards regardless of the pitch or roll of the ship.

Extended the Hatch on the Bottom of the Ship, separated it with another internal hatch and reversed it so the magnet side is facing down. As a result it will eventually allow you to dock underwater with another vessel. Control of the docking magnets is still WIP.

Completed the Auto Secure/Door Lock system with Override...
At the back of the CONTROL section are a variety of panels that allow you to control the lock state for the maintenance hatches and all of the various doors and entry hatches in the sub. Each door/hatch has an RGB light near it that notifies you of the lock condition that is active Green - Unlocked, Red - Locked, Yellow - Override. When a door is locked the OPEN/CLOSE buttons will not open the door. The door button OPEN request button will retain its value (ON or OFF) but no action will take place until the Lock is removed. A locked case is instituted under various conditions:
- Manually lock all doors assigned to a group from a panel in CONTROL (separate group for Maintenance Hatches and "Doors and Entry Hatches")
- If a compartment (ENGINE, ENTRY, CONTROL) has water detected in it then the Doors leading in and out of that compartment will be Locked/Sealed to ensure that the water is isolated. It's particularly effective in ENTRY as that will be the location you will use to exit and enter the submarine while diving when submerged. The only way to unlock the door is to drain the compartment using the pump controls in the room or institute an OVERRIDE (see below).

OVERRIDE: In each room and on the external top of the Ship there are Keypads that allow you to enter an Override code (currently: 5468, configurable in the OVERRIDE BLOCK as a property). Entering the Override code will overide the lock condition on every door in the vessel and give access to the EMERGENCY SURFACE button located in CONTROL (NOTE: EMERGENCY SURFACE is still WIP). All doors will then show a Yellow RGB Indicator light. In order to remove Override you need to enter 0 in to the Keypad where you originally issued the code.

WIP still to complete: External RGB Hatch lights; Accessories including winches, magnets, docking magnets, manipulator arm; Possibly modifying Autopilot to include an optional Terrain following module that will automatically alter the subs depth depending upon the terrain in front of it, also considering adding multiple way-point system; Spit and Polish including some additional Painted blocks; possible Auto Ballast adjust that will account for fuel changes in a zone; Figuring out the final numbers for the various Buoyance settings (Neutral, Surface and Sink).

Actualizare: 12 febr. 2019 @ 19:54

Updated SBS SCARAB Mk.I Submersible (WIP).

Completed first version of the Auto Ballast System.

In front of the Pilot in the ceiling there are 3 Buoyance Settings Selectors: Surface, Neutral and Sink. Hit the button and it will instruct the Auto Ballast system to fill the 4 tanks around the sub to a specified level and then maintain it. A RGB light to the right of the Pilot will light up with the colour of the system that is active (Green=Surface, Yellow=Neutral, Red=Sink) There is a Ballast Control Panel just behind the Pilot's seat. Each tank (Port Front, Port Rear, SB Front, SB Rear) has a 2 value gauge where White is the Current Volume in the tank and Red is the requested volume sent by the Auto Ballast system. There are Override buttons which allow you supersede the Auto System and add or remove water from a grouping of tanks (Front and Back). In order to return to the Auto Setting values just press the Reset Button at the top of the panel group. Additionally there are two Variance keypads that allow you to adjust the settings numbers from each group by the number entered in the keypad. It could be useful for when you have consumed fuel and you want to adjust according for the weight. I'm planning an auto adjust to account for the fuel differences in each quadrant but just haven't gotten around to it yet.

Next WIP: External Indicator Lights, Auto Door lockout system depending upon the water level in the compartment, Emergency Overide system that allows you to remove the lockout by entering in a code. Adjust the Auto Pitch & Roll setup as the Roll system is not as "in control as I'd like". It has a tendency to drift by a few degrees which causes the sub to slew slightly. Annoying the heck out of me.

Actualizare: 9 febr. 2019 @ 18:38

Updated SBS SCARAB Mk.I Submersible (WIP).

Completed Alerting System. Alerts are now present for Low Diesel Fuel, Low Electric Power for Engines, Low Electrical Power for Systems, Engine Temperatures for Port and Starboard Generator Engines, Alerts for Water Levels for the ENGINE, ENTRY and CONTROL compartments and a Master Proximity Alert that polls 6 separate Distance Sensors. Each alert has two Threshold conditions: Warning and Critical. For example, for the proximity alerts when any of the distance meters detects a distance less then 5 metres then the Proximity RGB Indicator will flash yellow with one second intervals for OFF and ON while sending a signal to a Buzzer to alert with same interval, when 2 metres is breached it will change to Red and flash ON and OFF every 0.5 seconds and send the escalated signal to the same Buzzer.

For the Alert System there are now 3 separate Silence Alarm buttons: MAIN (which covers off Sensors (ex. Proximity Alerts) and the Alerts from Low Electricity; DIESEL ENGINES which covers off alerts for Generator Engine Temperature and Low Fuel available to the Aircraft Engines; WATER LEVEL Alerts for ENGINE, ENTRY and CONTROL Compartments. Silencing that alarms will allow you to turn off the audible alarm while still allowing the lights to flash.

Changed the default value for Surface to -2 m and added a new SURFACE ASSIST key turn button (set to Default ON) near the Top Hatch. With the Key on it will simultaneously set the AD (Auto Depth Control) to ON and turn the Key in the Pilots set to requested SET REQUESTED TO SURFACE... which will now be 2 metres over the top of the water. The craft will never make it to that height but it forces the top of the sub to sit higher in the water. This will allow for easier movement in and out of the ship when it has surfaced. Without Surface Assist on the sub the entry hatch will sit just above the level of the water where waves could wash water to enter the sub. Having Surface Assist ensures that your will stay nice and dry when exiting and entering the sub from the top hatch.

Actualizare: 8 febr. 2019 @ 20:09

Updated SBS SCARAB Mk.I Submersible (WIP).

Completed Work on Fuel Transfer Panel. When FUEL TRANSFER MODE is on it will disrupt Fuel Flow to the Engines but it will allow you to transfer fuel amongst the 4 tanks using two throttles and selecting the tanks as sources and destinations. The Throttles define the "bias" for how the transfer will work. For example if the Throttles are set slightly to Port and Forward and the Port Front and Starboard Rear tanks are selected it will transfer fuel at a slow rate between those tanks. Another example, if all four tanks are selected, the Cross Connect Throttle is set to 0 and the Forward Back set to Full Forward then the transfer will send fuel from the rears to the fronts but not across.

The Fuel Transfer Panel is a useful way in the sub for balancing fuel amongst the tanks to ensure there is proper weight distribution.

Completed Work on an Autopilot controller based on Tajin's model. The Autopilot both controls the rudder and a throttle cuttoff on the Main Drive once the vessel comes within 20m of the destination (cuttoff distance can be customized as it is set as a property value for the Auto Pilot block.

Tweak PID settings some more to try to keep the Depth, Pitch and Roll holding as smooth as possible. More work to do on weight balance.

Added Depth and Linear Speed sensors to the bottom of each pivoting Engine Pod. May consider changing how the depth and pitch hold works by having each pod work independently to maintain their own requested depths instead of each pod trying to maintain a "calculated depth" for the front of the ship.

Projected WIP: Automated Ballasts controls for Neutral, Sink and Rise settings that automatically adjust for the amount of fuel and the reported Linear Speed for each quadrant. Add Alerts for Low Fuel, Low Battery, Proximity, etc.. Add Accessories such as winches and arms for underwater recovery.

Actualizare: 8 febr. 2019 @ 13:13

Updated SBS SCARAB Mk.I Submersible (WIP).

Actualizare: 7 febr. 2019 @ 10:47

Updated SBS SCARAB Mk.I Submersible (WIP).

Actualizare: 6 febr. 2019 @ 12:25

Updated SBS SCARAB Mk.I Submersible (WIP).

- Changed the upper front face to provide additional room for Ballast in the front and to "cosmetically" match the additional bulk that was added for the Sensor Pivot Bar.

Actualizare: 6 febr. 2019 @ 10:57

Updated SBS SCARAB Mk.I Submersible (WIP).

Actualizare: 6 febr. 2019 @ 10:56

Updated SBS SCARAB Mk.I Submersible (WIP).