Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

Black Dragons Space Marine Miniatures - Warhammer 40k
Showing 1-10 of 52 entries
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Update: 7 Oct, 2019 @ 12:03am

Completed all space marine sergeant bike models including:
Holding handlebars
Bolt pistol
Arm Blade to substitute as Lightning Claw (because, Black Dragons)
Plasma Pistol
Power Axe
Power Fist
Power Maul
Power Sword
Storm Bolter
Thunder Hammer

Added Space Marine Biker holding handlebars

Remade Space Marine Biker with plasmagun because I accidentally used the combi-plasma mesh
Remade Space Marine Biker with meltagun because i didn't like the way it turned out the first time
Remade Space Marine Biker with bolt pistol because I didn't like the pose.

Removed all Space Marine Biker models from 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th company in preparation for fixing descriptions and replacing texture files to accommodate new custom weapons.

Update: 5 Oct, 2019 @ 11:13pm

Completed normal space marine bikes(not sergeants)
2nd company assault marine bikes
3rd company assault marine bikes
4th company assault marine bikes
5th company assault marine bikes
6th company tactical marine bikes
8th company assault marine bikes

This includes Space marine bikes equipped with:
bolt pistol

Update: 5 Oct, 2019 @ 2:02pm

added space marine bikes to 2nd company with:
chain sword
bolter pistol

Update: 5 Oct, 2019 @ 1:06pm

added space marine bike sergeants to 2nd company:
chain sword
bolter pistol

Update: 5 Oct, 2019 @ 12:06am

Started on space marine bikes.
First upload is a space marine sergeant in 2nd company. He's equipped with his arm blade as a substitute for a lightning claw. It just seems fitting for the black dragons.

Update: 4 Mar, 2019 @ 1:45am

Added more sergeant options (because i needed them for a game)

Tactical Sergeant with chain sword/ storm bolter
Tactical Sergeant with combi-flamer
Devestator Sergeant with storm bolter

Update: 24 Feb, 2019 @ 5:51pm

Added scout bikes with grenade launchers to 10th company

Update: 24 Feb, 2019 @ 12:18am

Added Scout Bikes with Heavy Bolters
Corrected Size of Predator Tanks

Update: 9 Feb, 2019 @ 7:03pm

Added all variants of the Predator tank. Variants are set up in model states.

Update: 20 Jan, 2019 @ 1:26pm