ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Additional Emotes
Ergebnisse 1–10 von 14
< 1  2 >
Update: 22. Juli 2021 um 6:00

New Emotes
- Tail Wiggle
- Backflip

- Hula Dance

None of the new emotes are mapped to any hotkey by default. Assign/play them through the EmoteDatabase.

Dino Emotes
- Sleeping dinos will wake up when the server shuts down and fell back to sleep when the server restarts. This is to prevent the affected dinos to be in a constant sleeping state, if the mod was removed during the downtime.
- Added some new sleep options.
Auto Sleep
- Set your dinos to fell asleep automatically when nightime/daytime starts. (There's a random delay between 1s - 21s for when a dino actually starts sleeping, so not all dinos fell asleep at the exact same time)
Enable Auto Sleep During Daytime/Nighttime
- Choose to make the dino auto sleep at daytime or nighttime with this setting.
Auto Sleep Delay
- Set a delay of up to 300min(5h) for when a dino should fell asleep.
Auto Wake Up Delay
- Set a delay of up to 300min(5h) for when a dino should wake up.

Update: 6. Apr. 2021 um 8:31

- Removed subcategory "Emotes". The emote entries can now be found inside the default menu layer. (The first one when you hold "E" while looking at a dino).
This should make the emotes work in singleplayer/non-dedicated games. Going to investigate further.

Update: 5. Apr. 2021 um 5:30

- DinoEmoteDrink
- DinoAntiEmoteDrink

Force feeding the DinoEmoteDrink to one of your tamed dinos adds a custom "Emote" category to the multiuse menu(e).
It's currently possible to play the level up(Cuddle) and startled animation.
You can additionally put the dino to sleep.
The wake up emote can only be used if the torpor value is at zero.
Make it comsume the DinoAntiEmoteDrink while the dino is awake, to get rid of it.

Update: 31. Jan. 2021 um 9:54


New Emotes

- Knock
- Scare

- Air Drum
- Air Guitar
- Mosh Pit

None of the new emotes are mapped to any hotkey by default. Use the Emote Database to play or remap the emotes.

- The Emote Database shouldn't get removed by maps/plugins that auto destroys stuff. E.g. Fjordur Map.

Update: 13. Apr. 2020 um 7:03


New Emotes

- Archer Flex
- Bicep Smooch
- Happy Clap
- Flirty
- Zombie

- Thriller
- Nutcracker
- Bunny Hop

- Panic
- Food Coma
- Caroling

- Hungry
- Belly Rub

Note! Most of the new emotes are not mapped to any hotkey by default.
Assign them through the EmoteDatabase.
Open the EmoteDatabase by clicking one of the 81 EmoteHotkeys

Update: 28. Mai 2019 um 10:19


You might need to reapply the buff

New Emotes
- Kneeling01 (4-1)
- Sit06 (4-9)




Name changes
- Seating02 -> Seating Posh
- Seating04 -> Seating Casual
- CaptiveLow -> HandsBehindBack
- CaptiveHigh -> HandsBehindHead

- Sit02(Crossed)
- HandsBehindBack

- As a server admin, you have the ability to toggle the allowance of any emote within the database.
Click the little "A" button above the emote hotkey window, while the emote database is visible to toggle admin mode.

Emote Presets
- You can create emote preset consumables. To store, share and quickly apply custom emote mappings.
Click the little "P" button above the emote hotkey window, to open the preset creation window.

The ini option "OnEmoteEndWeaponCooldown" is obsolete and can be removed from your GameUserSettings.ini
The option can now be changed in the admin panel without having to restart the server.

Update: 5. Feb. 2019 um 9:06

- Fixed a bug where a non dedicated game would fatal crash, when a connected client would consume the EmoteDrink

New Dances
- LayLow (6-1)
- Hodor (6-8)

- Removed the "Brush" engram, until it's ready to be added.
- Changed name of Dance02 to BeesKnees
- The drinks can now be crafted with modded berries by default. (There were compatibility problems with stacking mods)

- BasicDance and Jaggo were replaced with the new dances. They can now be found in the EmoteDatabase and can be remapped to your likings again.
If you've made a custom emote mapping already, it is possible that the new dances are not mapped to any key by default.

Update: 15. Jan. 2019 um 13:01

New Emotes

  • PushUps (3-7)
  • ScrubbingFloor (3-8)

  • Folk1(6-4)
  • Folk2 (6-5)
  • LineDance1 (6-6)
  • Waka (6-7)
  • Jaggo (6-8)
  • Rock'n'Roll1 (6-9)

  • CrossedArms (8-5)

  • Dismiss (9-3)
  • ThumbsUp (9-6)

  • Changed female sleep animation. (Can't sadly be used for beds, or when actually sleeping. Could change in the future)
  • Use(E) now stops any emote.
  • Jump(Space) and Crouch(C) won't stop UpperBodyEmotes anymore and will only stop FullBodyEmotes, when the player is not falling.
  • The default "OnEmoteEndWeaponCooldown" is now set to 1sec. You won't notice any difference, if you already added the option to your GameUseSettings.ini.
  • Made the UI more opaque.
  • HeyHo can now be found at 8-9
  • Renamed Dance01 to Basic Dance
  • Renamed Dance03 to TheFloss

I forgot to remove the "Brush" engram from the list. It was only in for testing. The brush works, but there are some things not right/done.
  • The brushs position is off for females
  • Wrong crafting ingredients
  • Placeholder Icon
  • Description is lacking

How does the brush work?
Equip the brush and hold LMB to Scrub the floor. That's it. :D

If you want to hide the brush from the engram list, here is the override for it.

Update: 5. Dez. 2018 um 3:05

- Added the EmoteDatabase
- To open the EmoteDatabase, left click one of the 81 emote hotkeys. (Open the console while the emote hotkeys are visible to get the mouse control)
- Left Click one of the emotes in the database to play it.
- Right Click one of the emotes to assign it to the currently activated emote hotkey (the active emote hotkey is colored different)

- Added HeelClick (3-1)
- Added JumpingJack (3-6)
- Added Dance03 (6-3)
- Added Surrender (8-8)
- Added Facepalm (9-4)
- Added Geny (9-5)
- Added Rock-Paper-Scissors (9-7 to 9-9)
- Added Sit04 (4-1)
- Added Lay04 (4-4)
- Added Sit05 (not mapped to any hotkey by default)

- Added 3 custom seating styles (7-2 to 7-4)
- The default seating style is mapped to 7-1
- A seating style may be activated at any time and will automatically be used, when sitting down on a seating structure (Chair, Bench). (Might not work on modded seating structures, that overrides the sitting animation)

- Add IniOption

[AdditionalEmotes] OnEmoteEndWeaponCooldown=1.000000
to your GameUserSettings.ini, to make the player not be able to use a ranged weapon for the given time, after an emote ends.

- Emotes should be visible to players entering the server/rendering area.
- More animation improvements

Update: 10. Nov. 2018 um 9:46

- The EmoteBuff is not marked as disease anymore. (Should now also persist on player death)
- Fixed slow feet rotation bug, when the player reconnected with the buff already activated.
- A lot of animation improvements (Every animation is basicly a wip, as long as this mod is supported. There's always something to improve)

- Removed Eat emote
- Removed Drink emote
- Added Pet1
- Added Pet2
- Added Dance2
- Added HeyHo
- Added Captive2
- Added CantWatch

- EmoteKey1+2 (The default ones) will stop any emote currently played.
- Renamed "Proposal" to "Present"
- Renamed "Hostage" to "Captive"
- Moved Dances to Menu6 (Menu6 will be dance related stuff)
- Moved Captive to Menu8 (Menu8 will be UpperBodyStances related stuff)
- The emote mapping might seem a little odd, because of some gaps. Menu7 and 9 are not in use atm. I try to map more frequently used emotes to key combinations that are easier to reach.