Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband

A Clash of Kings 8.0
Showing 1-5 of 5 entries
Update: 15 Feb, 2020 @ 1:39pm


New features:
Added new interior scenes to: Barrowton, Fairmarket, Saltpans, Tumbleton, Maidenpool, King's Landing.
Re-did Wildfire Pots.
Only highly skilled companions will now appear in melees.
Some lords will no longer appear in melees.
Re-did all banners.
Increased the size of all lord parties and troop composition.
Added Kingsguard armor by Avellium.
Added all new shields by Avellium.
Added new items by Reyne.
Added special bandit parties with assigned, named, leaders.
Re-did the heraldic banners on shields etc., to avoid banner folds appearing as paint.
Removed Crackclaw Point as a faction.
Removed many redundant villages and some castles.
Removed some redundant lords.
Added lord specific hero troops.
Removed Rhoyne Outlaws.
Removed Kingswood Outlaws.
Removed Sellsword Marauders.
Removed Escaped Slaves.

Slight changes to northern armors.
Made the locations of ransom brokers easier to figure out.
Changed some book models.
Changed the map prop into a Westeros version.
Slight tweaks to economy.
Slightly increased cost of some weapons.
Slightly decreased cutting damage of some swords.
Added itp_merchandise to a few items missing it.
Due to popular demand, changed the valyrian swords back to the 6.2 version.
Slightly changed Westerlands fiefs to make them a bit more resilient.
Buffed leg armor.
Buffed head armor
Slight changes to the Harrenhal scene.
Buffed spear speed.
Slightly reduced wages across the board.
Slightly buffed crossbow damage.
Changed Gregor Cleganes armor.
Reduced the cost of lances massively.
Increased the amount of cattle in the world.
Changed the outcome of the quest: "Brothers".
Slight changes to kingdom caravans.
Slight changes to the Armed Villagers parties.
Added couching to most spears.
Buffed Melee participants.
Slight changes to Vale troops.
Slight changes to Lancer troops.
Slight changes to music.
Updated Town Tough troops.
Removed the companion overview in shops.
Slight changes to Raymun Templeton items.

Bathi of Yi Ti is no longer nude.
Fixed pretender dialogue.
Fixed Goodbrook interior.
Fixed missing prison door at Starpike.
Fixed archers getting stuck in The Crossing.
Fixed White Harbor siege scene.
Fixed Tourney of the Tower spawn points.

Update: 16 May, 2019 @ 1:09pm

A Clash of Kings Version 7.1 (current version)

New features/tweaks:

Added new tournament system.
Buffed horse and camel health.
Tweaked prisoner management.
Added drunks.
Tweaked armor values and prices.
Added a few new weapons.
Tweaked diplomacy.
Halberds can now be used with shields.
Added some new animations.
Added new arena scenes to all towns.
Added new interior scene to Gulltown, Qohor, Pentos, Norvos, Sisterton, Oldtown, Sunspear.
Added new tavern scene to Sisterton.
Made some changes to sellswords.
Added a few re-worked props.
Optimized a few textures and removed redundant textures. The mod should run much better now.
Added new quest: The Wildling Invasion
Added new quest: The New Lord Commander
Added new quest: The Tourney of the Tower
Added new quest: Brothers
Changed some aspects of the quest: The Brotherhood of Winged Knights.
Wight can no longer run.
Wights no longer uses shields.
Wights no longer uses spears.
Replaced Freelancer troops with Sellswords.
Added a few new items.
Changed a few textures on props.
Overhauled religion dialogue.
Added new hair textures.
Buffed Tournament participants.
Tweaked some helmet setups.
Tweaked Sellsword whereabouts.
Added heraldic banner bearers to large armies.
Made a few changes to Vale equipment.
Re-did starting gear based on choices.
Added new models and textures for valyrian swords.
Cutting weapons have been made more effective.
Added 6 new lord personalities.
Added new dialogue to all bandit parties, for variety.
Changed amount of bandit parties on the map.
The sea battle scene loaded will now be dependent on your party size.
Parties now move slightly slower when sailing.
Added sailing system that will have an impact on your sea travel.
Added a few new battle scenes.
New bandits in ambush scenes.
Added faction specific events.
Did a major overhaul of the world economy.
Made slight changes to hairs and beards.
Battle scene sizes are now scaled with the amount of soldiers in your party.
Added new wildling items.
Added new sellsword items.
Added new westerlands items.
Added new clansmen items.
Reduced the number of trees on the world map.
Made some changes to the world map.
Made some changes to party position.
Made some changes to village names in Essos.
Added new slave clothing.
Increased the amount of sellswords in taverns.
Added new scenes for: Old Oak, Wayfarer's Rest, Rook's Rest, Starpike, Rosby.
Added explorable shipwreck.
Small changes to Reach troops.
The player can now travel beyond the wall.
Added Craster's Keep, Hardhome, Whitetree, Fist of the First Men, Storrold's Grove, Lorn's Circle and Ruddy Hall.
Wildlings now only appear north of the Wall.
Looters no longer carry shields.
Various changes to arrows.
Added the following sellsword companies: Company of the Rose, Long Lances, Maiden's Men.
Buffed Javelins, Throwing Spears and Jarids slightly.
Added new interior scenes.


The "player appearing as an enemy with bandits" bug should be fixed. Please report it if it still persists.
Fixed Mystic Merchant missing clothes.
Fixed Dorgoil castle ladder.
Fixed Oldcastle scene.
Some mesh UV map changes.
Fixed bards not appearing in taverns.
Fixed Pentoshi Lancers being unmounted.
Fixed Qohorik Lancers being unmounted.
Fixed Maester Colemons quest not clearing.
Fixed Draconys Tavern Keeper missing.
Fixed missing chests in towns.
Ramsay Bolton is no longer "upstanding".
The reinforcement bug in sea battles should now be fixed.
Fixed a couple of simple_trigger strings.
Fixed missing prison in Winterfell.
Fixed missing prison in Ironrath.
Fixed missing normal map on a surcoat.
Fixed missing textures on some shield straps.
Fixed a tree collision object.

Update: 4 Jun, 2018 @ 10:22am

A Clash of Kings Version 6.2


Fixed following quests:

The Tourney at Ninestars
The King's Attention
The Brotherhood of Winged Knights

Update: 28 May, 2018 @ 1:43pm

A Clash of Kings Version 6.1

New features/tweaks/upgrades:

Changed the "Bastard of Bolton" quest to accomodate the "Beyond the Wall" quest.
Re-did wight faces.
Added some more wight armors.
Slight changes to some armour compositions.
Added new armor to the rhoynar bandits.
Added two new locations for the player to explore.
Added body sliding.
Buffed dornish troops.
Slightly changed dornish troops equipment.
Added some new landmarks.
Added some new village scenes to the North.
Slight changes to sellsword armor.
Companions now only show up in regional taverns.
Added some adjustments to arena scenes.
Added regional specific sellswords to the taverns - no more Ghiscari Spearmen in Barrowton.
Added some new sellswords.
Added a new arena to The Weeping Town.
Added some new scenery to the world map.
Added 14 new armors, courtesy of Zimke.
Added a new quest: The Kraken's Due.
Removed the option to choose quest from Guild Master as it was too exploitable.

New scenes:
Northern generic village.
Weeping Town arena.
New scenes to explore/raid.


Fixed Stormlands Steel Cap having missing bump and specular.
Fixed yronwood_knight mesh missing.
Jon Snow and Maege Mormont are no longer related.
Volantis siege scene now works.
Valysar siege scene now works.
Fixed Flour Pack missing texture.
Fixed slave tunic having the wrong texture.
Fixed wrong shader on the Heavy Fur Armor.
Added prison to Castle Black.
Fixed sword animation.
Westerland Knight know have both sword and lance.
Fixed Qohor siege scene.
Finally fixed the messed up dialogue from Sellsword Man-at-Arms in taverns.
Fixed missing keys from Prison Guards when trying to enter Night's Watch and Crackclaw prisons.

Update: 28 May, 2018 @ 11:17am
