Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

OWB - Enclave Reborn
Showing 1-10 of 62 entries
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Update: 5 Aug, 2022 @ 7:53am

Update: 6 Mar, 2022 @ 1:43pm

-Updated state history for OWB update

Update: 22 Jan, 2022 @ 12:23am

-Followers no longer spread to Enclave unless they reform
-Fixed making Salvatore recruitable, increased Salvatore's benefit to decrease hiding cost by 5 pp

Update: 15 Jan, 2022 @ 6:11am

-Updated mod version number so it won't show as outdated
-Allowing Van Graffs decisions for reformer side

Update: 13 Jan, 2022 @ 3:32pm

-Reduced some of the 10 day focuses to 7 days
-Removed Midwest Brotherhood Event
-Added missing technologies that in middle of already researched tech trees like one laser tech and all the missing tribal lvl pa techs
-Troll Warren: merging several buff ideas into single idea and removing redundant tech from the event
-Troll Warren victory event fix
-Edited focus for nevada to progress down focus tree with annexing a51 wargoal
-Added few missing decisions to subdue tribals in state of nevada and added condition for conquering area 51
-Tweaked decision to support Old World Party for Nevada to stop removing spies flag. did not change cooldown or cost
-Added cost to ncr radio propaganda and made it repeatable but only if Old World Party under 50% support.
-Changed water value for event to remove water from nixon so now it actually appears
-Fixed what states are shuffled around with treaty of hoover dam returning proper cores to nevada and ncr
-Added event that slightly buffs washington boss in case they defeat troll warren since as a threat they were quite weak to reformers doing nation reborn focus
-Added Event buffing Washington BOS
-Pentagon idea picture file .dds was incorrectly cropped and made the icon clip.
-Fixed NCR Chiefs of Army localization
-Added slightly customized ability for NEVADA to use archimedes too if they restore helios
-Added Utah reclamation zone
-Added spies option to sabotage relations between NCR and Shi
-Fixed leaders for NSB
-Updated Military Focus Tree to account for Doctrines now require XP
-Fixed event where Caesar takes the Hoover Dam when you go to war with the NCR
-Fixed BOS civil war
-Vegas now wants to stay in alliance with Enclave
-Possible fix for autonomy issue where puppets gain independence far too quickly. May still be an issue.
-Fixed Democracy event for The Old Country
-Nations now automatically declare war on reformers during Democracy event

Update: 1 May, 2021 @ 8:00am

- Updated National Focus wait times to match OWB's new system.

Update: 16 Nov, 2020 @ 2:37pm

-Space Bloomfield Center gives scientific air tech
-modified SHI events

Update: 12 Nov, 2020 @ 3:36am

-Fixed aborting conditions of "Where Free Men Shall Stand"
-Fixed yellow text on yellow background on certain events

Update: 10 Nov, 2020 @ 2:59pm

Feature Updates:
-Scattered tech level ups throughout the focus tree and events!
-With the correct technology unlocks, the Enclave can research implants!
-The Enclave starts out not using currency. This may change if the Enclave commits to reforms and conquers New Reno.
-Since the Enclave does not use wages at first, they start off with no wages. Instead, their soldiers are initially motivated by vengeance.
-United States Dollar printer makes a loud whirring sound, and the USD is inflationary.
-Added additional decisions to support building the Pacific Commonwealth.
-Added decision for the California to cede the Mojave Territories back to Nevada.
-Added decision to return territories to their proper owners Between California and Nevada!
-If the Republic of Texas or Oklahoma form, decisions to invite them to the Allied States of America become available.

Balance Updates:
-Reduced costs of No broadcasts to 25 pp
-To deal with Shi and the Mojave Territories, since Nevada is the diplomatic approach, all NCR members will join the Allied States of America.
-If the NCR falls, Legion will march and aggressively expand regardless if New Canaan exists.
-New Canaan or any nation in the same faction as New Canaan is on the Legion's target list for bringing the torch of civilization.
-White Legs automatically complete "Home in the Ruins" if Legion conquers New Canaan, to prevent them from getting locked out of their focus tree.
-Lanius's Cohort will automatically join Legion in the war against the Enclave.
-Gave Troll Warren combat bonuses against the Gorgons and Rib Breakers once Thradd arrives, keeps the game in the North dynamic.

Bug Fixes
-Fixed "Launch Civil War" and "President Hayes!" not being mutually exclusive.
-Nation Focus Khan Job removes the Khans from any faction they might have joined.
-Added bypasses for National Focuses if you already went to war against the Western Brotherhood.
-Checked to make sure you have control over Canis Outpost and Benton before you can complete "Nationalize the Mojave Express".
-Fixed Thradd defecting to the Troll Warren. Now it should be triggered once the Enclave Reformists take New Reno!
-"The Last Argument of Presidents" gets annex wargoals against whoever has control over Ashton and Hopeville
-"Free Cascadia" will bypass if you already own North Koover
-Fixed the NCR transition to President Hayes, whether through election or civil war.
-Fixed Vertibird Company.
-Fixed Trade Laws.
-Fixed starting division templates.
-Major Businesses are available once New Reno is set as the Enclave's new capital.
-Back to California decisions go away once you complete the focus "Our New Ally".
-Made the requirements for the focus "The New Day" clearer.
-"The Southwest Commonwealth" focus creates the state of Arizona properly.
-Fixed the Fall of Rio, Santa Anna gets correct war goal.
-Fixed "Wild Card" event.
-Added other members of the Allied States of America to tech sharing group.
-Fixed "The State of Utah"
-Fixed decisions on the State of Deseret.
-Fixed the Treaty of Hoover Dam.
-Fixed "Operation Spartacus" not working.
-Fixed "Operation Augustus". Now, the Enclave's men will discredit all of Caesar's potential successors to rob them of their glory and prevent any of them from succeeding Caesar without a civil war. Thumbs down you son of a bitch.
-The NCR automatically loses its border wars when the Enclaves launches the Insurgency.
-Added localization to Purists exploitation decisions.
-Added Battle Mountain core for Nevada.
-Washington Brotherhood releases The Old Country as a puppet before the Enclaves puppets The Old Country.
-Updated tooltips.
-Corrected Typos.
-Fixed yellow text on yellow background.

Update: 17 Mar, 2020 @ 11:30am

Patch 2.1.2 Legitimacy fix
- Legitimacy will be correctly displayed when you have slaves
- Added warning event when you play a non Enclave nation