Arma 3
TRGM2 - Stratis
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Frissítés: jan. 18. @ 13:43

V2.0.37 (small update)
- Chance of enemy patrolling from AO to AO

- Korean translations added (Thank you MINPD)
- Converted enemy spawning to functions for optimization (one small step)
- Mission settings are now picked by admin (if no admin player, then top teamleader will select options)
- New mission "Secure and Resupply Area"
- New advanced setting "Make missions mini" (will have very small enemy guarding AO, but still chance of some nastys)
- New advanced setting "Compact Target/Ied Missions" (if enabled, Targets or IED missions will be more compact within the AO)
- Tool tips added to help show meaning behind advanced option selections

Fixed: issue with dedicated server not completing the Secure and Supply mission
Fixed: choppers hanging around issue, and one was taking his time getting to the AO
Fixed: when town secured (i.e. flag lowered), enemy will try to recapture the town (how many depends on how well you cleared it)
Fixed: removed debugging param for forcing secure/supply mission

Frissítés: 2020. máj. 19. @ 13:08

- Remove hint that would list all music when mission success
- Now delete all enemy groups (even if empty) on each campaign mission end (to fix the bug when no enemy would spawn)
- Added extra patroltype (same as option for smaller groups but more patrols, however, will have an increased number of enemy in each patrol
- Removed a test hint
- Fixed issue with campaign on server not loading saved local or global campaigns

Frissítés: 2020. jan. 31. @ 5:19

patch: civs wasnt spawning for full map mode

Frissítés: 2020. jan. 31. @ 5:14

- New Advanced setting: you can select the AO position
- New Advanced setting: you can select starting camp position
- New Advanced setting to choose if enemy have flashlights
- New Mode (full map populated, talk to civs to find the AO location and mission type, plus other intel)
- New, chance of Enemy sniper in random overwatch position (watching over AO, IEDs and some other events)
- New, IED triggerman, may be watching over an IED, will set off the charge if alive and you get close!
- New enemy patrol type (smaller patrols, but more of them around the entire AO!)
- New Mission "Search and destroy" locate three targets (could be vehicle on road or cache in building, or placed in open
- New Mission "Destroy Cache"
- New event small amount of guards could be guarding a weapon cache
- New event, destroy Important enemy vehicle location (small enemy group guarding)

- SL will have option to call in flares to illuminate a selected area
- Custom mission setup (requires scripting knowledge) (
- Lowered number of air assets flying in during warzone event
- Enemy can have flashlights (advanced option to force this)
- Moonlit night, now checks for full moon for setting the date

- East Germany 80s winter enemy faction added
- West Germany 80s winter friendly faction added
- When spotted, enemy may fire up flares to illuminate AO
- fix turret at enemy checkpoint (was always CSAT)
- car alarm will only run for 20 seconds (instead of forever)
- Removed hint which shows in top right corner when player spotted
- Bug: Bomb defuse, IED and meeting missions were never called for campaign or random main heavy mission
- Bug with long freeze ever few seconds at start fixed (hopefully!)
- Bug - Bad Vehicle message for meeting mission (hopefully fixed!)
- Bug: Zeus players were having issue with Zeus modules being deleted (hopefully fixed)
- Civilian populated areas (only on full map mode)
- Civilian vehicles can be IEDs (and not just parked vehicles!)... Rare, so dont just jump in one to drive without searching!
- Civilians can be asked for intel
- Civilian drivers can be asked to leave vehicle, then talk to for intel

Frissítés: 2019. jan. 22. @ 11:15

==Version 2.0.31==
- Can now select custom start locations, mission settings, and define friendly loadouts and enemy factions from a script file (export to pbo, then play your own predefined mission) (Tutorial: XXX)

- show loading status of mission at start
- Bomb mission adjusted (count down timer as soon as wire cut, and display should be ok now)
- Suicide bombers will run to a player now (instead of the trap/decoy etc..)
- Single player switching unit, will now keep you as teamleader (so ai team leader doestn start changing orders)

- missing Malden and Altis buildings added to list of buildings tasks can spawn within 
- -IED task didnt complete on server???
- bomb task didnt remove red circle stopping extraction being called to AO
- If Ace active and player bleeds out, the death will now score against reputation
- If Ace active and player caused civ to bleed out and die, this will also now score against your reputation
- Bad Vehicle Type error fixed
- Fixed Zeus issue (TRGM deletes units and objects at 0,0,0 however, this causes issues with some other mods)
- IEDs wasnt being marked as "Defused" and would still blowup if drive by and been defused

==Version 2.0.30==
- New Event: AT mine areas placed in open fields(with chance of ambush and/or chance of stranded friendly vehicle in field to rescue for rep), can gain location of AT areas via intel
- New Event: roadside IEDs (cars or rubble, defuse for rep, chance of ambush, chance of traps off road around IED. Will detonate if drive by and require engineer to defuse, otherwise risk it going off!)
- New Mission: defuse 3 IEDs (one is in built up area)
- New Mission, defuse bomb (thanks to Igneous01 and cobra4v320 for update version:

- fixed: MP wasnt letting you get quads from AO Camp
- fixed: sometimes AO camp would start in warzone area!
- fixed: sometimes ambushes will happen near AO Camp
- adjusted warzone script (explosions going off that can kill if in zone, made sure wasnt too close to AO)
- when new task created, main building damage is reset (just in case building had collapsed in previous mision and have to locate a laptop!)
- map boundary added to make sure camp and checkpoints dont get created outside the map area (another step closer to Unsung!)
- Kilo 2 team will now also start at the AO camp (along with kilo 1 and recon team)
- mode now defaults to single AO with two objective

Frissítés: 2018. szept. 8. @ 11:18

=Version 2.0.29=

- Warzone event added (ambient effect)
- 2 new game modes "Two objectives at one AO, heavy and light"
- Fixed: meeting mission would not fail when HVT escapes
- Fixed: issue where turning in a mission would get the campaign stuck and cant move on following days
- Adjusted: further Chinese translations added (Thanks GodOfMonkeys)
- Adjusted: Can now use revive feature if you have removed Ace medical pbo files (thanks Vormulac)
- Adjusted: main task will never be friendly rebels (only side tasks or campaign missions)

Frissítés: 2018. júl. 28. @ 1:55


- fixed: Text for turning in mission on campaign added

Frissítés: 2018. júl. 28. @ 1:03

=Version 2.0.28=

- fixed: Transport option would vanish if you had revive option enabled and try to switch units

=Version 2.0.27=

- added: all HVT and POW missions will show name of person
- added: you can now enable group management via advanced settings
- New mission: Wait for a meeting to take place and assasinate the HVT

- fixed : issue with medical event not increasing rep when first aid kits or blood bags supplied to ambulance
- fixed : hint for completing medical request event now shows on MP
- fixed : (MP) Some tasks was not allowing transport chopper to have LZ inside red zone when mission completed
- fixed : Issue with enemy patrol having thousands of waypoints (now only have 10 waypoints)
- fixed : Space added for message "Please wait, USERNAME is choosing ...."

Frissítés: 2018. júl. 28. @ 0:43

Frissítés: 2018. júl. 3. @ 15:35

Version 2.0.26
- Added: Korean translation added (Thank you MINPD)
- Fixed: if pick any mission type, then change mode to campaign, it was only ever picking the same mission every day for campaign
- Fixed: transport option would not show for hosted multiplayer mode

Version 2.0.25
- fixed hint wording when destroy AAA or artillery side objectives
- fixed issues with enemy faction : RHS - ChDKZ Insurgents (had CUP units used for some assets, incorrect vehicle for AAA and Arti)
- fixed bug when starting single mission ("undefined variable in expression: imissionparamobjective2")
- fixed bug that would not show transport option when switch unit and CBA not loaded

- Tweaks to AI transport script (including moving it to Ace interactive menu if Ace is active)
- 3CB MTP friendly loadout option added (AA specialist is M6 mortar unit if using 3CB)
- Autorifleman and AA units added to playable units
- Can now choose mission type for other two side missions (if available)