Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Back To School (Chapter 4)
Showing 1-1 of 1 entries
Update: 23 Jan, 2013 @ 7:02pm

- "Non-stop hordes” issue fixed. Difficulty now is more or less the same as in official Valve campaigns.
- All weapon mods were removed from vpk (They conflict with other weapon modes).
- Few crashes were fixed (But not all).
- A conflict was detected with "Better Blood and wound textures" add-on (improved blood textures.vpk). Conflict causes game crash. We’ll try to eliminate the cause of conflict, but until then we recommend you to disable this add-on.
- Bots behavior in the finale was fixed (They chose the wrong rescue vehicle sometimes).
- Extra way pointer was added in chapter four in case of jet bombing event.
- Smoke on heli landing spot is removed in case of bus finale.
- Adrenaline was removed from the boat on the first map (It attracted survivors and they jumped down into the deadly water. We’ll delete deadly water in future updates).
- Pistols amount was reduced in chapters two, three and four.
- Bear model (replaces gnome model) is currently broken, we're working on that.