STAR WARS™ Empire at War: Gold Pack

STAR WARS™ Empire at War: Gold Pack

Ultimate Galactic Conquest Custom Edition (UGC CE) - No Consortium and More !
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更新于:2023 年 11 月 21 日 上午 9:42

Update 61.1
Game Update Compatibility Patch I (TurretFix)

  • Modified the ground turret files to include the current game update data.


更新于:2023 年 5 月 26 日 上午 4:46

Update 61
Maintenance VIII Update

  • Gave the V-wing fighters the hunt ability so the v-wing squadrons can finally use the ability as originaly intended.
  • Reverted the Palpatine squadron data to vanilla values to correct an issue where he would randomly dissapear and not come back.
    • Gave Palpatine a squadron of Imperial guard as a garrison instead.
    • Thank to Veresdon for the suggested fix!

  • UniqueUnits.xml
  • HeroCompanies.xml
  • Containers.xml
  • NamedHeroUnits.xml
  • GroundCompaniesEmpire.xml

更新于:2023 年 1 月 1 日 上午 11:21

Hotfix 60.1

  • Reverted the original incorrect reference in lua scripting regarding the GC cutscenes because the new ref was breaking the game.


更新于:2022 年 12 月 26 日 上午 2:29

Update 60
Christmas Update 2022!

  • Fixed an incorrect reference in lua scripting regarding the GC cutscenes.
  • Added a cutscene for rebel winning/empire losing in UGC CE - The Galaxy Awaits GC scenario.


Merry Christmas!

更新于:2022 年 11 月 2 日 上午 4:55

Update 59
Maintenance VII Update

  • Added The Forces Awakens "The Jedi Steps" Track to the music playlist.
  • Added "The Force Suite" track edit to the music playlist.
  • Tweaked the Tion space map so it's now possible to call in reinforcements for both attackers and defenders.
  • Added a traderoute between Myrkr and Mimban in the UGC CE GC Expansion Region sets (all factions, multiplayer included) so Mimban can be reached by fleets.

  • MusicEvents.xml

更新于:2022 年 3 月 13 日 上午 3:54

Update 58.1 - Maintenance Update

  • Fixed an issue where the Consortium faction heroes would not spawn in multiplayer galactic conquest.
    • Thanks to Lair42 for finding a clever fix!


更新于:2021 年 6 月 4 日 上午 12:48

Update 58 - AI Update
We told you it would come

  • Added a brand new German translation, made by LordCain!
  • Made changes to the AI files and the difficulty adjustments.
  • Increased Galactic_Influence_Range of the Rebel Long Range Scanner from 0 to 140.
  • Increased Hyperspace_Fleet_Reveal_Range of the Rebel Long Range Scanner from 0 to 200.
  • Fixed required planet text string for the Lucrehulk.
  • Added AT-AT to the AT-TE "Weak against" UI list.
  • Tarkin retreat prevention will now only take effect during space battles. Retreating ground battles while him being present will now be possible.
  • Added a galactic markeup file
  • Added galactic markups for all "UGC CE" Galactic Conquest sets.
  • Removed the pirate forces over Hypori when player is playing the Zann Consortium.
  • Fixed spelling errors on Polis Massa's in-game description.
  • Fixed spelling errors on Druckenwell's in-game description.
  • Fixed spelling errors on Fallen's in-game description.
  • Applied the same starting layout in UGC CE and LAGFEST GC sets for the Consortium in order to prevent the black screen bug to occur in LAGFEST.
    • Fix applied to LAGFEST - "The Galaxy Awaits" - Regular start.
    • One planet start will have the issue as long as the planet the mission is on is not controlled by either the Empire or the Alliance.
    • Some "UGC CE" gc sets might still have the issue. When reporting the bug, please specify which set you are playing on.
    • As always, the "v1.0" sets don't have any fixes applied, those are present just for legacy purposes.
  • Increased rebel slicing costs proportionnaly to the Empire tech costs increase we did the 10.02.19 update.
    • Increase table in-code(in-game):
      • Tech 0(1) : +100%
      • Tech 1(2) : +150%
      • Tech 2(3) : +150%
      • Tech 3(4) : +350%
      • Tech 4(5) : +500%
    • Unit slicing cost table :
      • Tech 0(1) :
        • Y-Wing squadron : from 400 to 800
        • Nebulon-b frigate : from 400 to 800
      • Tech 1(2) :
        • Marauder Cruiser : from 640 to 1600
        • Corellian gunboat : from 800 to 2000
      • Tech 2(3) :
        • T4B tank : from 1800 to 4500
        • Assault Frigate : from 1400 to 3500
      • Tech 3(4) :
        • Rebel airspeeder : from 2000 to 7000
        • MC80 cruiser : from 2000 to 7000
        • A-Wing squadron : from 2000 to 7000
      • Tech 4(5) :
        • *Generic Home One : from 0 to 15000
    • If I missed any, do not hesitate to tell me!
    • These changes were made to better reflect the costs and incomes of the UGC galactic conquest. Since the empire saw an overall technologies price increase, there was no reason the rebels would not have one either.
    • Since there is only one level 4(5) ship on the rebel roster, it's not impossible these slicing costs further increase in the future to better balance the costs.
  • Softened the Gia and Naboo Speeder unit icons.
  • Softened the Lucrehulk unit icon.
  • Softened the TIE Striker unit icon.
  • Changed the colour of the few UI elements that still had the yellow FOC colour scheme (+160 blue tint).
  • Globally changed GUI font colour, from FOC Yellow (195,171,2,255) to plain white (255,255,255,255).
  • Changed the font colour of the commandbar text (credits, tech, pop, ...) from (255 212 33 255) to (175 213 242 255).
  • Increased the population cap for the Pirates, from 30 to 60.
  • Set the AI of the Independent faction from "BasicRebelNoGalacticAI" to "BasicRebel" in the LAGFEST GC sets.
    • Because who wouldn't want it?
  • Build cost of the Death Trooper squad decreased from 1500 to 1000 credits.
  • Re-gave the <Is_Named_Hero> tag for Emperor's squad container in an attempt to fix that damn bug where he's disapearing...
    • Dunno if all the changes to the guards will fix palpy. I might revert him to vanilla at some point.
  • Fixed a bug where the recruitable imperial guards didn't have population value.
  • Fixed a bug where the Mon Calamari soldiers didn't have population value.
  • Fixed a bug where the recruitable imperial guards didn't have any FOW reveal range.
  • Fixed a bug where the Emperor's guard didn't have any FOW reveal range.
  • Adjusted stats for the recruitable imperial guards.
  • Updated all language packages.

Special thanks to JonK for his help testing the mod and to Geir389 for his great work on the AI!

- [text files] - [AI files] - DifficultyAdjustments.xml - SpaceUnitsCapital.xml - SpaceUnitsCorvettes.xml - SpaceUnitsFriagtes.xml - GroundCompaniesRebel.xml - GroundCompaniesIndigenous.xml - Squadrons.xml - Units_Land_Rebel_AT-TE.xml - Units_Land_Empire_Death_Trooper.xml - NamedHeroUnits.xml - CAMPAIGNS_EIGENE_KAMPAGNEN.xml - CAMPAIGNS_UGC_LAGFEST.xml - CAMPAIGNS_MULTIPLAYER_UGC.xml - CommandBarComponents.xml - Factions.xml - Markers.xml - Containers.xml - *GUIDialogs.xml

更新于:2020 年 12 月 24 日 上午 6:13

Update 57 - Christmas Update
Another one.

  • Fixed Leia having no population value, now set to 1.
  • In an attempt to prevent the Emperor from disappearing randomly, added <Is_Homogeneous> xml tag.
  • Switched position of Ion Cannons and Front Turbolasers on Thrawn's ship.
  • Fixed an issue where Fondor required 3 Bossk hero units to start a corruption mission.
  • Fixed an issue where Hosnian Prime required 3 Urai Fen hero units to start a corruption mission.
  • Fixed an issue where Jakku required 3 Urai Fen hero units to start a corruption mission.
  • MAL required unit count reduced from 20 to 5 for Thyferra's corruption mission.
  • Fixed an issue where the DeathStar was clipping through the planet on Iego space map.

- UniqueUnits.xml - HeroCompanies.xml - Hardpoints_Underworld.xml - [Ship_names] - Planets.xml

更新于:2020 年 7 月 18 日 上午 1:48

Update 56 - Balance Update
Who needs strong empire anyway...

  • Added "Anakin_Redeployed" By Kevin Kiner as a track.
    • Added to Rebel GC map playlist.
    • Added to Rebel Space Ambient playlist.
  • Added "The_Republic_Fleet" By Kevin Kiner as a track.
    • Added to Empire Space Ambient playlist.
  • Added "Clone_Theme" by Kevin Kiner as a track.
    • Added to Empire GC map playlist.
    • Added to Empire Urban Ambient playlist.
    • Added to Rebel Urban Ambient playlist.
  • Removed "Naboo_Loading_LoopA.mp3" from Rebel Urban Ambient playlist (it now only plays in the temperate ambient playlist).
  • Activated video cutscenes for the TGA one planet start sets.
    • Available for both Rebels and Empire.
  • Fixed the position of the Pirate Command Center on Fallen Ground map.
  • Updated Corulag Corruption Mission map in an attempt to fix a bug.
  • Fixed a bug where the Midrim campaign would display max tech level at 6 instead of 5.
  • Modified the TIE Striker "good/vulnerable against" list so it display enemy units.
  • Tantive IV is now named "Tantive IV" instead of Leia.
  • Executor is now named "Executor" instead of Admiral Firmus Piet.
  • C3P0 and R2D2 now have their two names displayed in the heroes bar on the top right of the GC map.
  • In an attempt to re-establish a fair late game balance, Rebel fighter/bomber garrisons have been reworked.
    • MC80 : Now spawns 1 additional X-Wings and 1 additional Y-Wing bomber. Reserve unchanged.
    • Home One : Now spawns 1 additional Y-Wing bomber. Reserve unchanged.
    • Generic Home One : Now spawns 1 additional X-Wing and 1 additional A-wings fighter. A-wing reserve increased from 2 to 4.
    • Assault Frigate : NEW : Now spawns 2 X-Wings and 1 Y-Wing bomber. Reserve is 4 X-Wings and 2 Y-Wings.
    • This decision was taken with consultation of the UGC CE Discord Server and after thorough testing and inspection of multiple solutions.
    • Thanks to joshuam63 for helping me test the balance, and to all who took part in the discussion about the fighter garrisons balance.
  • Adjusted Frigates and cruisers text descriptions to match the current garrisons.
    • Description now displays garrison following this scheme: "[Initial]([Reserve])"
    • Acclamator-class description updated.
    • Victory-class description updated.
    • Venator-calss description updated for both the rebels and the Empire.
    • MC80 description updated.
    • Home One description updated.
    • Generic Home One description updated.
    • Assault Frigate description updated.
  • In order to prevent the black screen bug from happening on Bothawui, initial planet ownership switched from neutral to rebel in "UGC CE - The Galaxy Awaits" (ZC Only).
  • Updated all language packages.

- [Music Files] - [Map Files] - [Corruption map files] - [Text Files] - CAMPAIGNS_EIGENE_KAMPAGNEN.XML - MusicEvents.XML - Units_Land_Empire_Striker.xml - UniqueUnits.xml - Units_Space_Empire_Executor.xml - SpaceUnitsFrigates.xml - SpaceUnitsCapital.xml

更新于:2019 年 12 月 25 日 上午 12:09

Update 55 - Christmas Update
Update 55

  • Added resources to enable victory and defeat cutscenes in Galactic Conquest.
  • Added story events to enable intro and contextual cutscenes.
    • Thanks to Locutus from Pegasus Chronicles Mod and Pox from Thrawn's Revenge for their help.
  • Enabled custom cutscenes for Rebel defeat, conquering Hoth with both the Rebels and the Empire, and conquering Endor as the Rebels.
    • Other cutscenes might not be available yet.
  • Locked Pirate small ground base shield so it can't be built independently anymore.
  • Added AT-TE data.
  • Added AT-TE as a unit for the Rebels as an armoured transport.
    • Can carry up to 8 infantry squads and has a small healing radius.
    • Thanks to Killdivas for the model and base unit data.
  • Added Deathstar position marker on Bespin space map in order to fix a bug.
  • Increased clear radius of Serndpidal ground map top right deploy point in an attempt to fix a deployement issue.
  • Polished aesthetics of Sernpidal's ground map.
  • Yag'Dhul is now inaccessible to infantry again.
  • Re-enabled Scarif Death Troopers spawner lua script in an attempt to fix a bug.
  • Price of Skimirsh Generic Executor decreased from 40'000 to 20'000 credits.
  • Added ambient SFX events for the TIE Defender in an attempt to fix a bug.
  • Added Bakura - Lwhekk traderoute in the MidRim GC set in order to make Lwhekk accessible again (UGC CE and Multiplayer sets).
  • Object "Secondary_Scarif_Death_Troopers_Spawner" transfered from SecondaryStructures.xml to UGC_CE_SpecialStructures.xml with a brand new code in an attempt to fix it.
    • Object is now a GroundStructure and not a SecondaryStructure.
    • Fixed Scarif map data.

- CAMPAIGNS_EIGENE_KAMPAGNEN.XML - [GC Story plots] - [GC Story LUA Scripts] - SpecialStructures.xml - Projectiles.xml - HardPoints_UGCCE.xml - *Units_Land_Rebel_AT-TE.xml - *SFXEventsFootsteps.xml - GameObjectFiles.xml - Planets.xml - SecondaryStructures.xml - UGC_CE_SpecialStructures.xml - Units_Space_Empire_TIE_Defender.xml - Factions.xml

Merry Christmas!