Portal 2

Portal 2

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I spent a couple of days designing this level and I put in a lot of effort. Enjoy.

Terribly sorry for the Ear Rape at the end. =)
Souper Russian  [author] 1 Oct, 2012 @ 4:31pm 
Yeah Well, You try to make an descent map and you win some and you lose some but I think this one turned out better than the others. Thanks for the like and the feedback. I really Appreciate it.
cracked_magnet 1 Oct, 2012 @ 10:44am 
I'm guessing this ment to be more of an adventure than a puzzle... Normally I don't like it when I can't see what a button has actually done, but in this case it looks like thats all part of the adventure. I didn't end up using one of the pedestal buttons in the first chamber, not sure what it was ment to do. Thumbs up all the same. If you like a puzzle have a look at the one I published.