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[EN] Everything you want to know about Dishonored's powers
VolusFM_ 님이 작성
Dishonored offers you a relatively big choice of active and passive powers. Some of them are good, some of them are crap, but overall it mostly depends on your playstyle and objectives. So here's a guide to help you figure that out.

Credits to DMonark for her help with the pictures.
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Well, you don’t have very much of a choice as the game grants you this power with your first rune. It’s a great power, whether you like to play high or low chaos, assault or stealth.

It’s basically a dash. You move forward by up to 10 meters, very fast. Keep in mind that Blink is not a teleportation. So, if there is an obstacle between you and your destination, like a Wall of light, you will hit it (and die, for that wall of light matter). However, you will travel fast enough not to be detected (provided you are not visible at the start and at your destination, of course).

Level II upgrade: increases distance up to 15 meters. Worth it.

Mana cost: low. Blink has no mana cost if you wait for it to recharge.

Uses: It’s quite obvious that this power is great for parkour purposes. You can find new ways a normal human can’t use. You wanna go there, you can, wherever “there” is. Blink has a range, and that’s it. You can aim it wherever you wish. You can also use it to survive a lethal fall by reaching solid ground sooner and preventing too high damage.

For stealth, you can move from cover to cover with less detection risk. Use the high ground to move undetected easier, or evaluate a zone. Move quickly behind an enemy to neutralize him quickly.

For assault, you can use it to rush enemies, quickly pass behind them and eliminate them quickly. You can also blink between two adrenaline executions to reach a nearby enemy.
Blink is a great dodge if you’re fast enough. You can also use it to get above a tallboy and kill it quickly.
Dark Vision
You can see living creatures through walls, as well as their field of view. It’s Dishonored’s wallhack, basically. You can also see sounds and their area of effect.

I really don’t like it. It’s way too OP. Then again, that’s just my opinion, if you like OP powers, there’s nothing wrong about it. Keep in mind, however, that using this tends to match a rather slow playstyle, so if you like to rush levels, you probably won’t be interested in this power.

Level II upgrade: See items of interest like coin, weapons, security systems and more. Not very useful unless you have trouble getting money or stuff.

Mana cost: extremely low. Your mana will recharge before the effects of Dark Vision wear off.

Uses: unless you wanna play a slow, tactical stealth game style, I don’t see a lot of uses for this power. I guess you could use it to render the game more tactical, and plan attack plans depending on enemies’ routes. Especially if you don’t use other powers.
It can be useful if you have trouble getting money, though it will, in turn, be expensive in terms of runes.
Allows you to possess a living being for a short time, i.e. rats, wolfhounds and fish, humans with level 2 upgrade. It’s very useful to bypass security services. While possessing a living being, you may only control its movement. You can’t attack, you can’t sprint (unless you’re possessing a wolfhound).

Level II upgrade: allows you to possess human beings. Depending on your style, it might not really be necessary, but it can be useful and fun. So I’d say it’s worth it, but not a must-have.

Mana cost: high.

Uses: you can use Possession essentially to find new ways around security devices or obstacles, so, for stealth. A wall of light, or a blocked door? There’s probably a rat hole nearby that will allow you to get on the other side without combat or noise. You can even possess a guard and pass through a wall of light thanks to him, or generally cross a zone with a lot of guards. Why not ? As long as you’re inside him, they’ll not suspect a thing, you just need to be careful at the timing.
You can also possess a rat, go see a guard, wait for him to try to smash you, dodge to troll him, then exit the rat and kill the guard. He won’t know what hit him.

Possession can also be used for combat. You can move inside a guard, let the others search for you, while you reposition yourself to your advantage, then take them by surprise. You may also bend time just when an enemy fires their pistol, and then move them so they die from their own gunshot. Savage.
Bend time
Allows you to slow time for a few seconds. Systems and living beings will still react to your presence, only much slower.

Level II upgrade: completely stops time. Security systems such as Wall of Lights are “stopped” during the effects, and living creatures will not notice you.

Mana cost: very high. You might want to use a mana potion just after using the power.

Uses: this power is very versatile. I don’t need to tell you why it’s good, or why slowing / stopping time will help you out whether you’re playing stealth or assault. Obviously it’s much more fun and reliable to completely stop time.

Keep in mind that you can walk through Walls of Light when time is stopped.
Devouring swarm
Summon a group of rats. They are standard rats, which means will act on their own, however they won’t attack you. You can possess them, and they will not attack weapers as well as Granny Rags. It’s a good diversion and really powerful in combat. Keep in mind that regardless of the health of the rats, the swarm has a limited lifespan.

Level II upgrade: Larger swarm. If you like to use it to kill a lot of guards, it’s worth it.

Mana cost: high.

Uses: It’s obviously very assault-oriented, but it does have uses if you want to play stealth. If you want a good diversion, this power is the best one you can have. Because of the plague, the guards will not suspect a thing when they see rats, even if they spawn right in front of them. They’ll just fight, occasionally die, and then go their way. In the meantime, you can move forward while the guards are too busy fighting to notice you. Of course, don’t use this if you don’t want to kill people.

It’s a bit overkill, but you can also spawn a group of rats then possess one, if you can’t find any rat nearby.

You can also use them as an ally / decoy in combat, just as you’d do for stealth. You can always toss a grenade in a group of guards fighting rats… or just attack from behind, whatever you like. The rats will not damage you whatsoever and will keep bothering enemies, while you can move wherever you want.
See it as a shockwave. It will send small objects and living creatures flying, and also break wooden woors. Obviously, it’s not stealthy, unless nobody is close enough to hear the noise. That power is kinda dead tbh, not really useful, for stealth as for combat, unless you want to be creative.

Level II upgrade: Stronger blast. It will kill humans if they’re sent into a wall or solid object.

Mana cost: Medium.

Uses: You can use it to quickly destroy a wooden door without using the pistol (again, it’s not much stealthier). It’s also a nice crowd control power. You can do some funny combinations with Bend time (stop time, launch something like a grenade, use Windblast on it to send it further).
It’s crap. There are no two ways about it. It’s really, really, really worthless. Rune wasting, that’s about it.

The first rank gives you a little bit more health, second rank improves health regeneration. But it’s useless in stealth, and the extra bit of help won’t save you in combat, neither will the health regeneration. Why? Because you have elixirs that are one hundred of times more efficient! And those don’t need runes. So, yeah. It’s crap. Don’t take that.
Now we’re talking. I don’t really imagine a Dishonored game without this passive.

The first rank allows you to jump waaay higher, and the second provides a nice boost to your sprinting speed. The super-jump thing is definitely a must have, if anything, because it will allow you to keep moving, to keep your pace, without waiting for your Blink to recharge : you’ll just jump and grab a corner while it does. It’s also nice in combat as you can jump to dodge strikes, then land behind an enemy, or drop assassinate him, or just land on his head and stagger him.

The sprint boost is more of a gadget, but as Corvo is really slow, it’s still a nice thing to have.
Blood thirsty
One of the most oriented skill trees of the game. There are simply no stealth uses for that. It’s purely assault-oriented.

Killing / blocking strikes will build up adrenaline, and once your screen turns orange-like, you can release the adrenaline burst. With the first rank, you’ll trigger a finisher on an enemy. If you have the power fully upgraded, it will trigger two back-to-back slow-motion sword strikes. You can use a gadget or a power (typically, Blink, crossbow or the pistol) between the two strikes. More badass, y’know.
Shadow kill
Really, really poor ability. Next to useless. Any person you kill without them seeing you fades to dust. Level II extends this to every victim, including those who spotted you.

Hell, let’s say you wanna cheese the game, leave few traces, avoid moving corpses to a hiding spot, whatever. Okay, first rank is worth it in that case. Don’t ever buy the second one, though. Because if you needed the second rank, that would mean you get spotted often, and leave a lot of bodies behind. But if you get spotted often, you don’t really care about body detections. So you don’t need the second rank.

Note that the disappearance of bodies will not prevent them from counting towards chaos. However it does reduce the amount of rats encountered later on. Still not really enough to make this passive useful in my opinion.
댓글 12
VolusFM_  [작성자] 2018년 6월 11일 오후 3시 47분 
can't help but feeling it's just a false good idea, tbh
Punch 2018년 6월 10일 오전 11시 49분 
Shadow Kill is very useful actually. Especially on stealth
VolusFM_  [작성자] 2017년 10월 26일 오전 4시 29분 
Thanks ! Appreciate that :) Make sur to check the guide on the DLC's powers as well !
stank 2017년 10월 25일 오후 4시 19분 
Incredibly Helpful Guide, Thanks my Dude
VolusFM_  [작성자] 2017년 10월 9일 오전 1시 20분 
so you didn't even read / understand the guide? k
Everything 2017년 10월 9일 오전 12시 27분 
so every ability is shit? k
Hakona Ryuuji 2017년 7월 28일 오전 5시 40분 
Spawn 2017년 7월 8일 오전 11시 27분 
Sweet, can't wait! And thanks for the insight, I probably misread it or misinterpreted it from somewhere then
VolusFM_  [작성자] 2017년 7월 8일 오전 10시 03분 
Thanks ! I'll update it for DLC powers, why not. Or most likely, I'll do a separate one, for clarity's sake.

As for Shadow Kill, that's a really interesting point of view. After investigating, it turns out that while Shadow kill doesn't prevent kills from counting towards chaos, it does reduce the number of rats encountered in later missions. So that will not help for chaos, and tbh I don't think you care about meeting more rats that much, but it's still good to know !
Spawn 2017년 7월 8일 오전 8시 03분 
Do one for the DLCs :) Nice guide.
I may disagree slightly on the Shadow Kill tho. Doesn't it get lower chaos since there's no bodies to spread the infection? It may not be the best, but if you like dropping bodies and may like the chaos to be not that big, wouldn't it help?