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Hoah Colony | Nexus: The Jupiter Incident
Copies of spaceships from Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. This ones represents Noah Colony fleet.
(Those copies a rough a bit)


Копии кораблей из Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. Этот набор представляет флот Колонии Ной.
(Копии приблизительные и немного грубые)
Items (3)
Human Frigate
Created by dumbaq
This is human frigate from the Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. Very light military ship. Volume: 105.5k m^3 Credits value: 2405 Iron value: 1751 Default system slots: 2 Resize it if you need. Main material is iron, so you can build this ship even at the beggi...
Human Destroyer
Created by dumbaq
This is human destroyer from the Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. Small-sized military ship. Volume 919.02k m^3 Credits value: 16850 Iron value: 13107 Default system slots: 4 Resize it if you need. Main material is iron, so you can build this ship even at the ...
Human Cruiser
Created by dumbaq
This is human cruiser from the Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. Medium military ship. Volume: 2.32mil m^3 Credits value: 52214 Iron value: 34166 Default system slots: 5 Resize it if you need. Main material is iron, so you can build this ship even at the beggin...