Ys Origin

Ys Origin

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How you really get the "Totally Fact Up" Achievement!
By PowerPeach
The story before you enter the Mantid-Bossroom:
Dalles gives you a taste of the demonic power to defeat the boss.

Now How to get the "Fact Up Achievement"

1. Kill the mantid completely, means his 2nd phase too! (Important, to trigger the achievement!)
2. Sequence
3. Now
- use ur boost until its completely wasted (means let it go to 0)
- WHILE its charging -> die!

PS: If ur boost isnt full after the sequence, just run around till its full-loaded.
Use it then till 0, WHILE charging back again -> die!

For all the achievement-hunters here, i hope i could help you out with this and congrats you have the
special-hardcore-3%-achievement now 🙌
How you really get the "Totally Fact Up" Achievement!