Black Desert

Black Desert

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Earning Contribution Points without Questing
By Jammy951
I will be telling you how to get contribution points and cooking xp and best recipe for this while AFK
Please watch the video for full details
mooncaller. 8 Jan, 2018 @ 1:27pm 
tl/dr : You mass-cook EoL, Beer, Steamed bird. - you get CP from turn ins at the cost of some silver profit, which totals in overall PROFIT if I may say. Oh, and milk.

Good of you have time to spare afk ( 500 repeats might take 2-3 hours) , better if you have the means to cook very fast (+3- +4 cook clothes, p2w cook Pearl shop costume, teff bread,alchemy stone, etc etc)
Brubata 6 Oct, 2017 @ 1:24pm 
May not be bad, but it certainly isn't good.
TurtelBear 21 Jul, 2017 @ 11:18am 
Not bad, Thanks!