Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

173 평점
Zed Varients
즐겨찾기 해제
Maps and Mods: Mutators
태그: Zeds, Custom
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302.102 MB
2017년 6월 3일 오전 4시 12분
2018년 9월 12일 오후 12시 44분
변경 사항 44개 ( 보기 )

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Zed Varients


There is nothing much to say but this mutator add some custom zeds which have different stats as original zeds like : Body Health, Head Health, Speed... They were created to be dangerous than original one, some of them will make you have hard time to deal, so beware to install this mutator because i focus this for veteran skillful players who seek for greater challenge.

This mutator can work along OsgMaxZeds mutator by Oldschool and it work same method.

Localization supports for this mod so every zed will have different name to original zeds.

1. Press Subscribe button to download resources ( include .U, .UPK files )
2. Get the config : and put it in your config folders
(..\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Config)

3. Running mutator :

? For Solo-Offline :
open KF-BurningParis?Mutator=ZedCustom.ZedCustomMut

? For Dedicated Server :
start .\Binaries\win64\kfserver kf-bioticslab?difficulty=3?gamelength=2?mutator=ZedCustom.ZedCustomMut

Configurable Spawn Setting
Look into KFZedVarient.ini and search this line :
;Wave 2 CustomZeds=(Wave=2,SpawnAtOnce=3,Zed="zedcustom.greenbloat",Probability=javascript:ValidateForm()1,Delay=80,MaxSpawns=10)
This will spawn 3 Green Bloat zeds at 80th second from start of wave 3, totally Green Bloats will spawn in wave 3 = MaxSpawns*SpawnAtOnce.

You can easily add your own spawn setting for each zeds by following the meaning of each value :
  • Wave - Determine the wave which you want to spawn custom zeds
  • SpawnAtOnce - Number of zeds which you want to spawn.
  • Zed - Name of custom zeds. You can check the list below for available for custom zeds.
  • Probabiltiy - randomization to spawn, 0 is 0% ( never ), 1 is 100% ( always ). You can set 0.5 as 50%.
  • Delay - Delay between each spawn attemps by seconds.
  • MaxSpawns - Define how many times a CustomZeds config line can actually spawn a zed. E.g: setting the delay to 2 second with a probility of 1 and MaxSpawns 5 would only spawn 10 of that zed for the set wave. This feature was added to prevent endless spawn.

If you want to spawn more type of zeds per wave. Here is example :
;Wave 4 CustomZeds=(Wave=4,SpawnAtOnce=4,Zed="zedcustom.yellowcrawler",Probability=1,Delay=45,MaxSpawns=3) CustomZeds=(Wave=4,SpawnAtOnce=4,Zed="zedcustom.bluecrawler",Probability=1,Delay=35,MaxSpawns=3)

Available zeds for this mutator :
zedcustom.bluehusk zedcustom.bluescrake zedcustom.greenbloat zedcustom.redfleshpound zedcustom.redhusk zedcustom.redscrake zedcustom.redstalker zedcustom.magmaclot zedcustom.shocktroop zedcustom.hellfire zedcustom.darkcreep zedcustom.otis -- Mini-Boss Scrake zedcustom.sparky zedcustom.honeybiscuit zedcustom.revenant zedcustom.mancubus zedcustom.mrpelvis zedcustom.prowler zedcustom.baronhell

I hope you guys enjoy this. I will try to improve this mutator much more better by adding some special abilities. If you find any bugs, just report it here.

Thank Oldschool for his code from OGSZed, special thank to PissJar for improving mechanic and his effort to new mechanic zeds

* Knowning Issue *
인기 토론 모두 보기(5)
2024년 5월 17일 오후 10시 52분
고정됨: KFZedVarient.ini
2024년 5월 17일 오후 10시 54분
Zedternal config
2021년 3월 22일 오전 1시 34분
EXP Reward by Custom Zeds
댓글 174
Palladium Cheetah 2024년 2월 18일 오전 7시 42분 
Otimos inimigos para o zedternal para deixar o jogo equilibrado
That One Christian Guy 2023년 11월 21일 오후 4시 28분 
Does anyone have the source code, We want to make changes to the mancubus on scareds rpg server but dont have the source Code for the custom zeds.
Yuki Nun 2022년 10월 8일 오전 3시 17분 
I don't know why but the zed variants keep re-spawning on the first wave
GenZmeY 2022년 8월 22일 오전 6시 34분 
@Satanicus, I am very late with this answer (noticed your message just now), but maybe it will help someone else

I made an alternative spawner without these problems:

it can be used with zeds from ZedVarients
Humping Koala 2022년 2월 26일 오전 10시 58분 
When using this mutator with ServerExt (GenZmeY fork), the number of zeds left is sort of bugged. It can increase mid-wave, and when there are only a few zeds left, it will show about 10 more zeds in the counter that what is actually left. Has anyone else encountered this issue?
GameplaysDavis (Twitch) 2022년 1월 10일 오전 11시 35분 
hi Leenker , I wanted to know what happened to the gold Fleshpound King, it was good, I am installing my server but I realized that Zed is not there anymore, could you not add it? , Thank you!
Vhuz 2022년 1월 2일 오후 1시 17분 
I'm not sure if it's a bug, but here's what I found.

The Blue Scrake is unkillable during the Bobblehead wave in endless.
I know it has it's headshot only mechanic (Which I absolutely love!)
I can shoot and break the skull for 1M damage but does not actually break the head. It goes down to around 20% health left. It can be killed but WAAAAAAAY too much health on the body with the head not instantly popping.

If zedcustom.bluescrake get's an update soon that would be Awesome!
I had to sit that out in my friend's server because of that Bug.
We using Reinforced weapons Mutator, that's never going to die for a few hours during bobble head, It's head needs to break!
toocoolhenpoo 2021년 12월 4일 오전 10시 13분 
hell on earth+++
Sean2111 2021년 11월 7일 오전 1시 11분 
I added this line into the KFZedVarient.ini


is this the correct method,I dont think he spawned though.
He is the Cyberdemon from Workshop.
Leenker  [작성자] 2021년 11월 7일 오전 12시 36분 
@boromir : You can if you know how