The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

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25 Mei 2017 @ 10:00am
5 Jul 2021 @ 1:34pm
5 Catatan Perubahan ( lihat )
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Nemesis is a new playable character, with her own shooting style !
She works almost like Lilith : she can't shoot, her familiar (some sort of flying mixture) shooting for her.
All the items that normally change your tears are now useless ; you must loot Holy Flasks to modify the tears you shoot.
However, the useless items you may find can be transmuted into new random flasks with the Treastise of Alchemy, a new active item.

For the Repentance version, go to :

Some things you need to know :

- All the flasks are randomly generated, how powerfull your tears will be with the power of this new flask ?

- There are 6 flask's quality, each one with it own level and rarity. The Relic ones are very rare and powerfull.

- You can wear 2 flasks : simply press the DROP button to switch from one to another when you have found a second one.

- The new flask you pickup replace the currently equiped one, but don't worry, the old one will be placed on the ground.

- A new flask may appear after a minimum of 5 cleared rooms.

- You can view the statistics of the flask currently equiped by switching your flasks (with the DROP button), or simply pressing the MAP button.

- The Treatise of Alchemy transform all the pedestal items and trinkets into new flasks, use it wisely (on items like 20/20, Sad Onion, anyone that change your tears or damage).

- In Greed mode, you start the game with the Treatise of Alchemy Volume 2, which in addition create a new flask each time (a basic one), or transform all the flasks in the room to a new one (with a better chance to have a rare).

A big THANK YOU to all the modders who allowed me to use their name for the Relic Flasks, and sorry to all those I forgot or didn't managed to contact.

Other mods by me :
144 Komentar
danyukhin 28 Jan 2024 @ 2:19am 
pls update <3
☁ Back ☁ 20 Jan 2024 @ 12:11am 
my hearts desappeared too
-Bløxxer- 6 Apr 2023 @ 3:21am 
made my hearts disappear when i downloaded it
killDeamons 12 Feb 2022 @ 5:47am 
manbuyong 18 Jan 2022 @ 4:55am 
How to solve the problem that the confessional attendant won't attack
RogueAbyss 27 Jul 2021 @ 8:45pm 
Please add unlocks
Sinsthar  [pembuat] 29 Mei 2021 @ 4:01pm 
Nemesis for Repentance is now available, as a new mod version.
Sinsthar  [pembuat] 27 Mei 2021 @ 9:00pm 
Still working on it. The modifications are so many that I will create a new mod only for Repentance.
CodenameGlitter 21 Mei 2021 @ 4:24pm 
Glad to know that you are working on the repentance port because I used it in repentance without knowing it is not and the tear rate is fast as soy milk lol... had fun with it but patiently waiting for the update! <3
Jazz 19 Mei 2021 @ 12:39am 
So happy to hear you're updating Nemesis, she's my favorite character on the workshop :reheart: