Space Engineers

Space Engineers

303 평점
[GSI] Encord-Class Assault Corvette [Modless]
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Type: Blueprint
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4.341 MB
2017년 5월 15일 오후 8시 04분
2017년 6월 26일 오후 7시 58분
변경 사항 5개 ( 보기 )

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[GSI] Encord-Class Assault Corvette [Modless]

Extevious님의 1 모음집
Genesis Industries Gen.1 Fleet [GSI]
아이템 17개

The GSI Encord-Class Assault Corvette is one of the most powerful crafts to-date. With a powerful forward-mounted Mass Gun, Planetary Bombardment system, 12 synced Rocket Launchers, multiple missile and gatling turrets; this is a ship never to go head on with. Propulsion systems are a combination of both Ion and Hydrogen thrusters, however for that extra kick there is also a Gravity Drive to ensure acceleration is top-notch when fighting any encounter. Everything is included for survival, including Oxygen Generators and Tanks, Medical Room, Cryogenics, and a Hanger for small ships and Drones. Pre loaded with 6 scripts.

"A break in the defence can mean you outsmarted the enemy, or you're just that good at being ballsy."

This is a really powerful ship. With tons of features, a hanger for small ships and some other small goodies this is totally a ship to PvP with! Hope you enjoy!

Ratings and Comments are appreciated! :D

View "TOOLBAR CONFIG" section for ship operations and systems

When activating the Bombardment System Make sure you're in the gravity well of a planet! AND DON'T MOVE!


The Mass Gun uses the same Gravity Generators as the Gravity Drive so bare in mind what direction the Gravity is accelerating (pointing) ! To check which direction it is accelerating, Tab 2 buttons [1] and [2] increase or decrease the Gravity Generators acceleration, if it's a negative value ( -9 for example ) It will drive the Mass Gun's shell into the hull! MAKE SURE IT'S POSITIVE! To switch between a negative and positive value for the Gravity Drive/Mass Gun, press [5] on Tab 2.

The Gravity Drive Can both be a negative or Positive value. A Negative value will reverse the ship, accelerating it backwards. A positive Value will accelerate it forwards. Make sure the Crew Gravity Generators are Disabled and turning of dampeners is advised for best results! Spherical Gravity Generators can be used during Gravity Drive Operations.

Forward Acceleration:
Gravity Drive Generators: ON
Gravity Drive Generators Acceleration: 9 m/s^2
Crew Gravity Generators: OFF
Artificial Mass: ON
Spherical Gravity Generators: OPTIONAL

Reverse Acceleration:
Gravity Drive Generators: ON
Gravity Drive Generators Acceleration: -9 m/s^2
Crew Gravity Generators: OFF
Artificial Mass: ON
Spherical Gravity Generators: OPTIONAL

The Open Hanger Function is automated. Just wait for the orange light to stop blinking and you'll be fine!

Button [9] on Tab 1 activates scripts

- Tab 01 -

[1] Fire Rockets
[2] Fire Rockets Toggle
[3] camera (Protected)
[4] Combat Mode On
[5] Combat Mode Off
[6] Beacon On/Off
[7] Antenna On/Off
[8] Jump Drive
[9] Script Timer (trigger Now)

- Tab 02 -

[1] Decrease Gravity Drive Acceleration
[2] Gravity Drive On/Off (in conjunction with Artifical Mass)
[3] Increase Gravity Drive Acceleration
[4] Artifial Mass On/Off
[5] Invert Gravity Drive Acceleration
[6] Gravity Shields On/Off
[7] Crew Gravity Generators On/Off
[8] Bombardment Remote Control
[9] Mass Gun Remote Control

- Tab 03 -

[1] Open Hanger
[2] Hanger Spotlights On/Off
[3] Close Hanger
[4] Merge Blocks Left On/Off
[5] Connectors Left On/Off
[6] Reapir Projector On/Off
[7] Merge Block Right On/Off
[8] Connectors Right On/Off

• 7 Gatling Turrets
• 8 Missile Turrets
• 12 Rocket Lanuchers (Synced)
• 20 Missile Defence Turrets (Interior Turrets)
• 26 Interior Turrets (Total)

• 28 Small Reactors
• 10 Spotlights
• 15 Connectors
• 30 Gyroscopes
• 2 Ore Detectors
• 20 Timer Blocks [4 Open]
• 8 Programmable Blocks (Preloaded)
• 2 Sensors
• 6 Spherical Gravity Generators

• Mass Gun (Rail Gun)
• Bombardment System
• Hanger With Auto-Decompress
• 12 Synced Rocket Lanchers
• Gravity Drive (Increases Acceleration 2x)
• Gravity Shield
• Missile Defence System [MDS]
• Combat Repair System
• Scripts: Whip's Artificial Horizon Script, Whip's Auto Door Script, Whip's Sequencer Script, MMaster's Automatic LCDs 2, Gravity Drive Script and Floor Plan Script

• 1 Antenna
• 1 Beacon
• 4 Remote Control Block
• 3 laser Antennas

• 27 Small Cargo Containers
• 2 Assemblers
• 2 Arc Furnaces
• 4 Hydrogen Tanks
• 18 Oxygen Generators
• 6 Oxygen tanks

• 1 Medical Room
• 4 Cryogenic Chambers
• 4 External Recharge Stations

Weight: 3,203,236 kg
Blocks: 3,420
Triangles: 10,715,064
Grid: Large Grid
Length/Width/Heigth: 48x29x12 Blocks; 120m x 72.5m x 30m
Survival Ready: Yes
Planet Ready: No
Moon Ready: Yes
Airtight: Yes
Crew Members: 5 (1 Pilot, 4 Co-Pilots)
Environment: Space, Atmosphere-less Moons, Upper atmosphere above .25g

Class: Encord
Type: Assault Corvette(ACRV)
Role: Patrol, Recon, Defece, Strike, Offence
Generation: First Generation
Identification Number: T-6B5F3-ACRV
Manufacture: Genesis Industries
Faction: Sol Corp.

Whiplash14's Workshop - Sequencer, Auto-Door, and Horizon Script

Alysius's Workshop - Floor Plan Script

MMaster's Workshop - Automatic LCDs 2 Script

dan123's Workshop

k_medlock's Workshop



댓글 75
Adrys 2019년 12월 17일 오후 4시 41분 
This thing is an absolute monster. Stock its pretty powerful for sure, but the construction of the internals allows you to pretty much change anything on the ship without compromising conveyor systems. Played on a Faction v Faction PvP server with this beauty after adding some modded items and oh boy was it great.

It's small but very densely packed, and if your server uses shields you're in luck as you will be able to take hits from larger units while "punching up" ;)

Always great designs from GSI
LordBrocktree4 2018년 8월 16일 오후 1시 47분 
I think this is more frigate than corvette...lovely ship nonetheless!
SkeL 2018년 8월 3일 오전 5시 41분 
Whats the PCU of this ship?
mobai007 2018년 3월 20일 오후 11시 19분 
very good
Whitterman 2017년 11월 12일 오전 9시 18분 
Would you mind if I use this (and several others you've made) in a video if I link you and credit you?
RustyKat 2017년 9월 27일 오전 5시 02분 
love the design. any chance of a "no frills" version suitable for multiplayer server survival construction (ie no 1/2 welded blocks / non fuctional decoration?
Ghost 2017년 7월 22일 오후 12시 30분 
I really like the design and look of this ship. I'd like permission to take and change it a bit and possibly use it for a few videos in the future. giving you credit for the design of course.
aralmo 2017년 6월 25일 오전 10시 58분 
this claims for some scripting
scroogestime 2017년 6월 7일 오후 7시 16분 
This is amazing! It is just what I have been looking for.
Formatting... Still gets me how amazing it is.
Cmdr. DoomForge™ 2017년 6월 1일 오전 11시 51분 
Nice ship there. The thing I'm curious about though is how you had set up the various ship images into the description with the custom headers. Are they all mostly image files placed within HTML tags, or is it from a different method?