Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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浪潮中文版(Deluge CN.ver)
Created by infiniti_K
牧有汉化呕血制作,超大架空历史魔幻MOD 千载欧陆只一拿皇!在滑铁卢击败了英、普、奥、俄四国联军之后,法兰西无可争议地成为了欧洲的主宰,世界的中心。与此同时,雅各宾派们开始在世界各地传播大革命的思想,自由民主种子萌发生根,人们开始置疑先辈世世代代信奉的信条,遥远的东方在欧洲的影响下开始了缓慢地变革。随着一战的结束,二十年后的欧陆面临不是和平而是更加惨烈的战争阴云。法西斯、雅各宾、君主主义者、民主主义者,谁能在这场四方混战的惨烈搏杀中脱颖而出。新世纪的浪潮汹涌不可抵挡,大浪淘尽后,谁能主宰这世界的命运。 汉化...
52 Chinese Localisation
Created by 电脑小龟L.T.
钢铁雄心4 v1.14.3 简体中文汉化包 240401版 * 目前AAT之前的是用的本民间汉化文本(修正了官中的一些错误),AAT之后使用的是官中文本。 * 覆盖了官中的文本和字体,打了本MOD后无论“英文”和“中文”都是汉语且都是修正后版本。 * 目前没有打算做全面的官中润色,基本上就是把大家汇报的汉化错误修一修,定期发布一下。 ===============汉化包说明=============== 本汉化包由52pcgame汉化组和牧有汉化组合作完成,针对钢铁雄心4游戏本体及所有已发布的DLC。 汉化...
east asia
Created by 怒飞
东亚战场 MOD版本:v0.8.8_CN+52汉化 注意事项 开局请勾选AI历史路线; 本mod不兼容任何其他mod; 本mod内置52汉化,运行前请关掉其他汉化包; 本mod难度偏大,不适合新手玩家; 内容概览 东亚mod还原了符合年代的东亚格局; 已制作部分东亚势力国策树,后续版本会继续更新其他势力; 制作了如“军统局”/“一寸山河一寸血”等一系列国家精神; 制作了如“德械师”/“法械师”/“解放军”/“竿军”/“民兵”和“保安营”/关东军等特色兵种+独立兵模; 美化了部分游戏界面,使带入感更强; 史实...
East focus mod Old Version
Created by WanNiang
if you want to help translate English version,you can contact me :). Mod version: 2.1.0 Version: Rise of the Ottomans Game version : 1.8.* This mod have focus trees with China, Shanxi, Guangxi, Yunnan, PRC, Xibei san ma, Xinjiang, new focus tree. New force...
Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day Mod
Created by Ted52
https://i.imgur.com/hpEdk0J.png https://i.imgur.com/MYaznE7.png With the dawn of a new millennium, a new chapter in human history is about to be written. Globalization continues to change the lives of countless billions while rising extremism is showing si...
帝国春秋(The Imperial Age Of China)
Created by Sansheer
现在简中版本可以运行了 现在简中版本可以运行了 现在简中版本可以运行了 MOD:帝国春秋 历史背景:清朝没有闭关锁国,渐渐受西方影响,到1782年,乾隆被上帝我强行驾崩,国内分成维新派和保守派打内战,1787年维新派胜利,统一全国。之后清朝资本主义发展迅速,军事实力迅速增强。在19世纪,打了中国-荷兰,中国-西班牙,中国-法国三场战争,基本驱逐了西方在亚洲的殖民势力,使中国控制力东亚,东南亚。日本在其影响与支持下进行了明治维新。然后在一战中卖军火发财,1929经济危机至1936开局 MOD更新内容请看改动说...
China National Focus
Created by Kappa(籠的傳人)
This mod will no longer update. If you want to, you can update/develope and republish it on your own. A mod that overhauls (most of) the content of the China region, also some minor changes to Indochina. Content: Custom focus tree for Republic of China (CH...
Hearts of Iron IV: The Great War
Created by Wolferos
http://i.imgur.com/fVVaDCS.gif BASICS INFORMATIONS Current Version: Open Beta 0.23.1 "Shell Shock" Compatible with: Hearts of Iron IV 1.14.5 Supported Languages: - English - French (Integrated in the Mod, Version Améliorée) - German (Integrated in the Mod,...
Ming and Qing China
Created by Manifest DK
English translation LINK 本MOD灵感来源:网文《大明1937》,背景略有修改。 背景(省略版): 17世纪: 1644年,北京城坡,崇祯皇帝上吊自杀,清军入关。 (小说中坤兴公主朱媺娖是穿越者)坤兴公主于城破前夕逃出北京,说服郑成功南下寻找郑芝龙。 后隆武帝登基为了笼络郑家将公主赐婚与郑成功。 在坤兴...
No Mans Land - ABANDONED
Created by YellowMoonshine
Grammatically Incorrect and Proud of it Version 2.3.1 - Compatible with 1.5.2 Version 2.3 - Compatible with 1.5 - Fixed bug where INS states belonged to NED - Impassable Amazon - Impassable Congo - Impassable Central Norway - Impassable Lappland - Removed ...
Heirs to Byzantium: 1.4.1 CTD FIX CN
Created by fight fow
This is a Chinese translated version of Magnus's great mod of "Heirs to Byzantium". Non-Chinese players please visit http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=960385888 to get the English Version. Thanks to the original author:Magnus...
Realistic Commanders
Created by Daniel_efc
Description: This is my personal take on what skills and traits the in-game commanders should have based on history. Some thoughts have gone into balancing as well so it is not *hardcore* realistic: For example Zhukov does not start with Offensive doc trai...
Adiya's Historical Flag Pack
Created by Adiya
ver 5.0 As a flag enthusiast with an obsession pursuiting historical accuracy, I have created this mod with close attention to details. It should please most people who wants flags in HOI4 to be perfect, just like myself. CONTENT Most flags have been retou...
Historical Hong Kong (Outdated)
Created by andrewlau0923
I decided to stop doing this mod series. Thanks to all of my subscribers and followers. Pacific War Series vol.1 Hello everyone, I’m a Hongkonger. I have made a mod about the history of Hong Kong during WW2.You can experience and learn the history of Battl...
Historical Malaya (Outdated)
Created by andrewlau0923
I decided to stop doing this mod series. Thanks to all of my subscribers and followers. Pacific War Series vol.2 Compatibility - Compatible with 1.4 - Not compatible with map changed mod - Not compatible with Japan focus tree changed mod Features An overha...
The Road to 56
Created by Greatexperiment
https://i.imgur.com/G8Lt4Zo.png Road to 56 is a DLC-sized addition to your Hearts of Iron experience that has been lovingly crafted by a team of dedicated fanatics. https://i.imgur.com/mEx5XdH.png We've massively expanded the technology tree, extended the ...
Chinese Skin Yong Shi Men
Created by 袁銀-ゆん-Yun
This mod is a model swap and reskin of the ROC troops in the WTT DLC. All ROC infantry model has been swapped to the Cavalry models. I also had my sister retexture the default models into the blue grey fatigues seen in the Taiwanese Historical Drama 勇士們 (Y...
East focus simplified chinese submod Old Version
Created by WanNiang
This submod is not the original mod, for language using simplified chinese. The original mod is here: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=838652285...
Military Songs - Republic of China
Created by Rabbit
Finally learnt how the radio station modding works and updated the mod. Apparently the mod works locally but when I use the steam version it doesn't work. May be a new launcher/uploader problem. Features: -23 military songs of the National Revolutionary Ar...
Modern Day 4 CN
Created by Ceramica
2017: 世界正在改变。全球化、恐怖主义、全球变暖。不仅如此,还在改变。随着各国试图在新世纪中争夺最高地位,你能在未来几十年内带领你的国家走向繁荣吗?还是会发现二十一世纪新的考验? Welcome to Modern Day 4. https://i.imgur.com/ZkWA9Yg.png 汉化版本:Mod Alpha 0.2 兼容版本:HOI4 Version 1.5.4 ...
IH&E Historical Multiplayer
Created by Battlehammer
Discord: https://discord.gg/4qzxrBS Ruleset: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pMSxJMiseTsknXaPkZrYOZqM77EettYgB-7fe7OIgW8/edit One of the oldest historical multiplayer mods, still actively played and developed, the IH&E is the definitive 12kph motorized...
Created by XY
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1R3411B7Pa/ 持续更新,增补最贴近原版画风的中国将领头像。 如果喜欢,请给个免费的赞👍,好让更多人看到这个MOD。 新增将领头像要览(已全部上色完成): 红色阵营:十大元帅;上将:粟裕、陈赓 晋系:元帅:阎锡山;上将:冯玉祥、王靖国、孙楚、石友三;傅作义由国民党阵营移动至晋系 国民党:元帅:蒋介石;上将:汤恩伯、何应钦、程潜 桂(粤)系:元帅:李宗仁;上将:白崇禧、陈济棠、张发奎 滇(川)系:元帅:龙云;上将:卢汉、刘湘、刘文辉 马...
Created by Hungry Fool
~~~欢迎大家订阅~~~ 有问题可以加QQ群反馈:1037588016 支持最新版本,旧版本不再适用 需要全部的主要dlc,缺少dlc可能导致崩溃报错 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 只支持原版!!! 这个汉化补充mod内容比较全面,比工坊其他补充mod多出很多东西,如随机人名等都有汉化到。 现在支持最新绝不...