Door Kickers

Door Kickers

141 ratings
Essential Guide + 3 Star All Single Missions
By piper.spirit #StandWithUkraine
A run down of the best weapons and equipment, some pointers in gameplay and strategy, plus videos to all the single missions with 3 stars. I have missed the easy levels at the start as these are more for tutorial purposes than a challenge- most will find them no bother at all. There is an easy level halfway through "Mad Working Men", this was not included either as it is fairly straight forward and does not require much strategy.

The main emphasis for this guide is really the harder levels of the game and single plans.

All levels whereby a single plan is possible, it has been achieved. The levels that contain bombs/warrants/arrests where a single plan is not possible, 3 star has been achieved.
The Best Equipment
Assault Guns
Short/Medium Range
is a great all round gun that is particularly useful in close combat. It is accurate and has a fast rate of fire. This gun should be your first choice, unless outside/or long distances/or heavily armoured enemies.

can be a better choice than P90 for extreme close range where rapid fire is required.

has slightly more damage, though weaker on key stats of fire rate and accuracy- can be useful against more armoured enemies at close range.

is further weaker on the stats of of fire rate and accuracy, however provides a far more damaging round. Can be effective in levels that have tougher armoured enemies, yet still provide the fast firing benefits of an smg.

For Medium/Long Range
M4 Carbine
is a great weapon for longer ranges. It is highly accurate with a high damage impact. Perfect for guarding long corridors or rapid fire outside. The M4 is also especially useful against the toughest or most armoured enemies.

HK Carbine
is very similar and almost equally effective, though slightly weaker stats in key areas, it is a more manoeuvrable gun - perhaps a better choice for indoors.

Long Distance/Outside
SAR-18 Bullpop
For the very longest distances, or for greater accuracy than the M4/HK, nothing beats the Bullpop. This weapon is generally used outside and is perfect for taking out targets far away.

Hand Guns
Mark 23
is most likely the best all round secondary weapon in door kickers. Powerful enough to gain single shot kills but with a high capacity magazine. Make this your number 1 choice.

Magnum 44
is an absolutely devastating secondary weapon only available for the pointman class. High damage stats, very accurate and fast, the only drawback is the low magazine capacity.

Joint Combat Shotgun
owns all other shotguns in terms of key stats especially fire rate. This gun will enable you to get off 1 possibly 2 extra rounds in the same time which is a very big advantage especially against heavily armoured enemies. The default shotgun is not bad, but nothing really comes close to the Joint Combat.

the main advantage of this shotgun is it's magazine capacity. The KSG can fire off 15 shells before needing to be reloaded, which can be very advantageous in levels with many heavily armoured enemies. The Joint Combat does have better stats(fire rate), however the KSG virtually eliminates the risk of reloads.

Raider Vest
is probably the most useful armour in the game as it provides a high level of frontal defence, but still allows speed and manoeuvrability. Even though this option does lack side defence, the disadvantage for your squad members is minimal in a well organised plan.

Extended Protection
as the name would suggest, this armour provides the most protection out of all the available options, however at a great expense to speed and manoeuvrability. Extended protection is great for levels that have a large number of heavily armoured enemies where speed/element of surprise is of less of an importance.

can be thrown into areas to disorientate enemies. Helps buy precious extra seconds to give your men the advantage, especially useful in hostage situations.

Stinger Grenades
are similar to flashbangs, except they can actually kill enemies if close enough, make those who are hit move, and cover a larger area. Very useful in tight situations where enemies are "dug in".

Breaching Charges
useful to open doors fast and efficiently, they will also stun nearby enemies and kill those who are close enough. The major downside of breaching charges is that they are very loud, and have the potential to also kill hostages.
The most important thing is make your men work as a team. Try to use "pairs" of troops (rather than single) to work together, double teaming enemies puts the odds massively in your favour. Men can fire over shoulders if they are close enough, so pairing up your men increases their protection.

Some equipment can weigh more than others, and thus reduce the speed of your individual squad member. Equip each soldier of the "pair" the same, so they have the same speed- this will make keeping them together easier.

Equip each pair appropriately for the role they are serving in the mission. For example a team that will be directly saving hostages will need to be fast, equipped with accurate firing weapons and possibly some flashbangs. Equipment you supply your teams can make or break a mission.
If you can control your teams effectively, planning and carrying missions becomes alot easier.

right click=
squad member looks in that direction briefly, then looks in the direction they are walking.
ctrl+right click=
squad member looks in that direction regardless of walking direction, and continues until told otherwise.

The best way to form your "pairs" at the start of a mission, direct two squad members to an area, then place them both on a go code. This will ensure they will come together and stay there until you tell them to move. Plus, as they have the same equipment, or equipment that weighs the same, they will move as one.

Try and keep your plans efficient and robust. Don't duplicate orders on a soldiers path, the less clogged up it is the more you can coordinate, time and maximise your attacks.

3 Star Mission Videos
The easier levels have not been included in the videos.

6. Kepler Building Apartment Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

9. Cartel Beach Party Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

16. Rodeo Hill Vacation Home Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

17. Private Slaughter Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

19. House Call D Crew Hq Door Kickers Non Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

20. First Irrational Bank Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

21. Solomon Islands Embassy Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

22. Gang Drive Gone Wrong Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

23. Takedown On Tarmac Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

24. Bomb Defusal Training Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

25. Locate the Bomb Door Kickers Non Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

26. West Side Convention Center Door Kickers Non Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

27. Manole's Home Improvement Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

28. Lakeview Residence Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

29. Last Door On 1st Floor Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

30. Lucetti Family Mansion Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

31. Vacation Home Nightmare Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

32. Active Shooter At The Showroom Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

34. Aircraft Assault School Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

35. 255th Precinct Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

36. House Call 23127 Winter Circle Door Kickers Non Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

37. Willard Farmhouse Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

38. Fairthrough Lane Derelict Workshop Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

39. Antrock Inn Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

40. Rescue at John's Pit Stop Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

41. House Call Unhuman Squad Training Base Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

42. House Call 4122 Washington Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

43. Cult Of Great Rila Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

44. A View To Kill Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

45. Taylor Residence Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

46. Lost In The Bog Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

47. Beauview Condo #83 Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

48. The Beehive On Martin St Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

49. House Call Soto Residence Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

50. Woodville With Trinity Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

51. Hillside Battle Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

52. Luigi's Diner Door Kickers Non Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

53. 52 White Street Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

54. House Call Norwegian Bikers Door Kickers Non Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

55. Fifteen or Less Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

56. Backyard Business Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

57. Payday At The Lab Door Kickers Non Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

58. Oakridge Home Retreat Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

59. Luigi Meets Luigi Door Kickers Non Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

60. Lee's Groceries Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

61. Just a Question of Time Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

62. With Your Shield Or On It Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

63. Almost Too Easy Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

64. Fire Station North Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

65. Sky Pub Door Kickers Non Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

66. Urban Madness Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

67. Zed's Auto Works Door Kickers Non Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

68. Longshore Drive Soap Company Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

69. Luigi's Dock Warehouse Door Kickers Non Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

70. House Call The Taking of Church 17 Door Kickers Non Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

71. Clearing House Door Kickers Non Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

72. Rainy Night On Venice Hill Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

73. Home On The Hill Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

74. Grocery Shop Trouble Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

75. Hard Lessons Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

76. Gone In 50 Seconds Door Kickers Non Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

77. Grand Avenue Bank Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

78. Rescue At St. George Door Kickers Non Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

79. Christmas with the Smiths Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

80. Blood and Snow Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

81. Crossfire Brunch Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

82. Little House On The Prairie Door Kickers Non Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

83. Derailed Door Kickers Single Plan 3 Stars Mission

84. Big Benny's Bust Door Kickers Non Single Plan 3 Stars Mission
Crusader 13 Nov, 2021 @ 4:50pm 
The pistol recommendations are real weird ngl, the shadow pistol and it's cheaper partner 1911 are by far the best secondary weapons in the game. Once you unlock the mozambique doctrine enemy armor becomes irrelevant with pistols as even the most armored enemies will get 3 tapped anyway and so the only stats that matter for pistols is fire rate, accuracy, and mag size.
DJ B Dog Daddy Slicc 22 Feb, 2020 @ 6:47am 
ump and mp5 cant pen any armor, not even a low threat, the usp45 fires very slowly compared to the m&p 40 or 1911, and the magnum 44 is the slowest pistol in the game discounting the tazer.
Nickatron 9 Jul, 2018 @ 2:11am 
Great work thanks for the guide :steamhappy:
[HRE] Deus Imperatoris Mewmew152 5 Apr, 2018 @ 1:52pm 
just skimmed thru the guide but other than that it seems okay
[HRE] Deus Imperatoris Mewmew152 5 Apr, 2018 @ 1:48pm 
@ICoHI-piper what about the X635 PWD and the SP01 Shadow Pistol?
Sam Disturbing 1 Mar, 2018 @ 11:42am 
Oh and accuracy is not that important in a hostage situation, as long as you don't use a shotgun... your team can't shoot the hostages, the only advantage of a more accurate weapon would be to kill quicker, for which accuracy isn't the highest priority...

Sorry for the critique/rant, but I hate guide's that give false information.
Sam Disturbing 1 Mar, 2018 @ 11:39am 
dude you know that the p90, mp7 and the longer rifles are best at anti-armour ?? Not the ump which if i'm not incorrect uses big .45 rounds which is a crap round against armour... It's better against unarmoured opponents, so exactly the opposite of your advice.
Barry 31 Dec, 2017 @ 7:11pm 
WirtRopenzoken 27 Dec, 2017 @ 3:38pm 
_Makaveli 2 Jul, 2017 @ 5:37pm 
just got the game thanks man