Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

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JFD's Civilizations and Leaders
A collection of Alternate Leaders and new Civilizations for Civilization VI: New Frontier.
Items (71)
America: Calvin Coolidge
Created by JFD
AMERICA (CALVIN COOLIDGE) Trait: Roaring Twenties Receives bonus Loyalty when unlocking new Economic Policies. Cities at full Loyalty receive +5% Gold and Production, and can work the Deregulate Businesses unique project. Project: Deregulate Businesses Ame...
America: Donald Trump
Created by JFD
AMERICA (DONALD TRUMP) Trait: American Contract Internal Trade Routes provide +1 Loyalty per turn for the starting city. Cities at full Loyalty can purchase Civilian Units for 20% cheaper. Gain the Supercarrier unique unit after researching the Combined Ar...
America: Norton I
Created by JFD
AMERICA (NORTON I) Trait: Imperial Proclamations Receives a random Inspiration upon unlocking a new Government. Switching between Governments replenishes Loyalty to full in all cities. Agenda: People's Emperor Likes civilizations with the same Government s...
America: Rutherford B. Hayes
Created by JFD
AMERICA (RUTHERFORD B. HAYES) Trait: Reconstruction Compromise +20% Production toward all Projects during either a Dark or Golden Age in cities with a unit garrison. Cities without a unit garrison receive +15% Production toward Builders and Settlers and +2...
America: Ulysses S. Grant
Created by JFD
AMERICA (ULYSSES S. GRANT) Trait: Reconstruction Era +20% Production toward all Projects during either a Dark or Golden Age. Garrisoned units earn Experience (up to Level 4) when a city completes a Project. Receives the Colored Troops unique unit when they...
America: Woodrow Wilson
Created by JFD
AMERICA (WOODROW WILSON) Trait: Fourteen Points Has immediate access to all Diplomatic Policies from the current era. Gains an extra Diplomatic Slot in the current Government during peacetime. Gain the Doughboy unique unit after researching the Replaceable...
Created by JFD
BELGIUM Trait: Industrial Furrow Commercial Hub and Industrial Zone districts provide +1 Housing. Industrial Zone regional buildings reach 3 tiles farther and provide +1 Population when completed. Building: Chocolaterie A building unique to Belgium that re...
Belgium: Leopold II
Created by JFD
BELGIUM (LEOPOLD II) Trait: Congo Free State Culture Bomb adjacent tiles when completing a Commercial Hub, Harbour, or Plantation inside friendly territory. Gain the Force Publique unique unit when they research the Colonialism civic. Unit: Force Publique ...
Created by JFD
CHILE Trait: As We Possess Improvements built adjacent to Coast, or over Bonus or Strategic Resources trigger a Culture Bomb. Combat victories in Chilean borders generate a burst of Loyalty for all cities. Improvement: Salitrera +1 Housing and +1 Productio...
Chile: Aguirre Cerda
Created by JFD
CHILE (AGUIRRE CERDA) Trait: Growth Inward Constructs Industrial Zone Districts 50% faster when the city has a Campus District, and vice versa. Mines over Bonus or Strategic Resources generate +1 Great Engineer Point and +1 Great Scientist Point in cities ...
Chile: Diego Portales
Created by JFD
CHILE (DIEGO PORTALES) Trait: Republic of Virtue Unlocking a new Government grants bonus Loyalty in all cities; otherwise Era Score if all cities are at full Loyalty. During a Golden Age, receive an extra Economic slot in your current Government. Agenda: P...
Chile: Jorge Montt
Created by JFD
CHILE (JORGE MONTT) Trait: War of the Pacific Combat victories in Chilean borders generate Great Admiral Points. Expending a Great Admiral grants a random Eureka from the current era. Gain the Esmeralda unique unit after discovering the Steam Power technol...
Chile: Jose Manuel Balmaceda
Created by JFD
CHILE (JOSE MANUEL BALMACEDA) Trait: Salitrero Cycle Salitrera yield +2 Gold. Builders and Military Engineers purchased with Gold begin with +1 Charge. Agenda: La Libertad Intends to keep his people happy and prosperous. Likes civilizations that are high i...
Chile: Pedro de Valdivia
Created by JFD
CHILE (PEDRO DE VALDIVIA) Trait: Encomienda All cities founded on a continent other than your home continent receive a free Builder unit and a lump sum of Gold. Gain the Yanacona unique unit when the Exploration civic is researched. Unit: Yanacona Chilean ...
Chile: Ramon Freire
Created by JFD
CHILE (RAMON FREIRE) Trait: Joya del Pacifico Trains Builders and Traders 33% faster in cities with a Harbour. Salitrera provide +1 Trade Route capacity. Agenda: Pipiolos Movement Seeks to liberalize his government by focusing on having high Happiness and ...
Created by JFD
DENMARK Trait: Leding System Cities with access to coast claim new tiles 50% faster and generate a boost of Loyalty when doing so. Naval Units are 33% cheaper to purchase in cities at full Loyalty. District: Kobstad A district unique to Denmark for trade a...
Denmark: Christian IX
Created by JFD
DENMARK (CHRISTIAN IX) Trait: Father-in-Law of Europe Fully Loyal Cities with an established Governor generate +1 Influence toward an Envoy Agenda: Magnanimi Pretium Tries to maintain a happy and loyal people, and respects civilizations that do the same - ...
Denmark: Christian X
Created by JFD
DENMARK (CHRISTIAN X) Trait: Kongemaerket Civilian Units trained in cities at full Loyalty ignore Zone of Control and have +1 Movement in owned territory. During wartime, cities can work the King's Ride unique project. Project: King's Ride Danish unique Di...
Egypt: Ptolemy I Soter
Created by JFD
EGYPT (PTOLEMY I SOTER) Trait: Pearl of the Mediterranean Receives a Naval Unit upon completing a Harbor District Building. Construct Harbor Districts 50% faster. Gain the Tesserakonteres unique unit when they research the Shipbuilding technology. Unit: Te...
Created by JFD
ENGLAND Trait: Royal Charters Campus, Commerical Hubs, and Theatre Squares produce double their base Great Person Points. Upon completion of a Project from these Districts, receive bonus Science, Gold, or Culture, respectively. PATCHNOTES v1 Updated for Ne...
England: Athelstan
Created by JFD
ENGLAND (ATHELSTAN) Trait: Witenagemot Completing a Campus or Holy Site District grants +1 Era Score during a Dark Age, +1 Envoy during a Normal Age, or +1 Governor Title during a Golden Age. Can construct one more District than normal when a city has both...
England: Elizabeth
Created by JFD
ENGLAND (ELIZABETH) Trait: Drake-Norris Expedition Great Admirals have an additional charge. Receives a Settler upon retiring Great Admirals for the last time once Shipbuilding has been researched. Gains the Sea Dog unique unit when they research the Merca...
England: Winston Churchill
Created by JFD
ENGLAND (WINSTON CHURCHILL) Trait: Finest Hour +25% Production towards Air and Naval Units, and these Units fight at full strength even when damaged. This bonus is doubled during an active War. Gains the Spitfire unique unit when they research the Radio te...
France: Charles de Gaulle
Created by JFD
FRANCE (CHARLES DE GAULLE) Trait: Free France Earns Great General Points when defeating an enemy unit within their own territory and Great Generals have +2 Movement. Gain the Char B1 unique unit when they research the Combustion technology. Unit: Char B1 F...
France: Louis XIV
Created by JFD
FRANCE (LOUIS XIV) Trait: Sun King Receives +1 Envoy and +2 Culture Per Turn for each Wonder constructed in the Capital; +1 Culture elsewhere. Bonuses doubled during a Golden Age. Gain the Vieux Corps unique unit when they research the Gunpowder technology...
Germany: Frederick II
Created by JFD
GERMANY (FREDERICK II) Trait: Junker Academies Encampment Buildings yield Gold and Science equal to their intrinsic Production output. Gain the Landwehr unique unit when they research the Rifling technology. Unit: Landwehr German unique Industrial era unit...
Germany: Wilhelm I
Created by JFD
GERMANY (WILHELM I) Trait: Watch on the Rhine Levied City-State Units receive +5 Combat Strength outside German territory and generate +3 Loyalty when stationed in occupied cities. +1 Influence point towards Envoys per Government tier. Agenda: Preussens Gl...
Iceland: Kristjan X
Created by JFD
SUKRITACT'S ICELAND (KRISTJAN X) Trait: Kongemaerket Civilian Units trained in cities at full Loyalty ignore Zone of Control and have +1 Movement in owned territory. During wartime, cities can work the King's Ride unique project. Project: King's Ride Icela...
Iceland: Snorri Sturluson
Created by JFD
SUKRITACT'S ICELAND (SNORRI STURLUSON) Trait: Sturlunga Saga Receives an Inspiration upon using a Great Writer during a Golden Age or a Eureka during a Dark Age. Construct Campus and Theatre Square Districts in half the usual time in the city with the Gove...
Created by JFD
ITALY Trait: Centers of Renaissance Districts produce additional Great People Points for being placed adjacent to another District. Building: Duomo Italian unique building that provides bonus Faith equal to the adjacency Culture bonus of its district. It h...
Italy: Benito Mussolini
Created by JFD
ITALY Trait: Nothing Against the State Build Encampments in half the time and cities with an Encampment district can build one more district than the Population limit would normally allow. Gain the Carabinier unique unit when they research the Replaceable ...
Italy: Margherita
Created by JFD
ITALY (MARGHERITA) Trait: Il Regio Escursione Begins with +1 Great Prophet point per turn. All Religious Units have an additional charge and are unaffected by Zone of Control. Agenda: Circle of the Queen A district unique to the Papal States for Faith. Rep...
Korea: Myeongseong
Created by JFD
KOREA (MYEONGSEONG) Trait: Royal English School +10% District Production per active Alliance, and can support 1 more District than normal with at least one Level 3 Alliance. +25% Alliance Points generation during wartime. Gain the Righteous Army unique uni...
Macedon: Olympias
Created by JFD
MACEDON (OLYMPIAS) Cabeiri Mysteries Receives an Envoy from founding a Pantheon. Assigning Envoys to City-States grants Great General and Great Prophet Points, doubling if to Militaristic and Religious City-States. Agenda: Oracle of the Chthonics Ensures s...
Macedon: Philip II
Created by JFD
MACEDON (PHILIP II) Trait: League of Corinth Receives an Envoy when retiring a Great General. Cost of levying units from City-States is halved. Gain the Pezhetairos unique unit when they research the Bronze Working technology. Unit: Pezhetairos Macedonian ...
Mali: Uli I
Created by JFD
MALI (ULI I) Trait: Pilgrim Caravans Free Trader when you complete the Holy Site District project, if you have a free Trade Route slot available. Trade Routes to other Civilizations yield +1 Gold and +2 Faith. Gain the Sofa unique unit after researching th...
Mexico: Carlota
Created by JFD
LEUGI'S MEXICO (CARLOTA) Trait: Miramare Appeals Gains an Envoy upon meeting a Civilization for the first time. +1 Faith from each of their Envoys at City-States; doubling during either a Golden Age or Dark Age. Agenda - Empress of Farewells Tries to make ...
Mexico: Maximilian I
Created by JFD
LEUGI'S MEXICO (MAXIMILIAN I) Trait: Stand At Quertaros Citizen Loyalty penalty during a Dark Age is reversed and bonus during a Golden Age is doubled. Cities at full Loyalty generate +1 Great General Point per Panteon Civil. Gain the Volunteer Corps uniqu...
Created by JFD
NETHERLANDS Trait: Dutch Miracle On your Continent, Harbors and Commercial Hubs placed adjacent to the City Centre yield Culture equal to their adjacency bonus. On other Continents, Harbors and Commercial Hubs are built 100% faster and provide +1 Era Score...
Netherlands: Wilhelmina
Created by JFD
NETHERLANDS (WILHELMINA) Trait: Radio Oranje During an active Emergency, all cities produce +1 Loyalty; doubled for those on another Continent. Cities at Full Loyalty produce +15% Culture. Agenda: Dutch Resistance Will seek to maintain the Loyalty of her p...
Netherlands: Willem II
Created by JFD
NETHERLANDS (WILLEM II) Trait: Hollandic Arithmetic Changing Governments restores all cities to full Loyalty. Cities at full Loyalty receive +1 Amenity based on the current Government Tier. Agenda: Slender Billy Remains on his guard by pursuing military al...
Papal States
Created by JFD
PAPAL STATES Trait: Apostolic See Begins with +1 Great Prophet point per turn. All Religious Units have an additional charge and are unaffected by Zone of Control. District: Diocese A district unique to the Papal States for Faith. Replaces the Holy Site. A...
Papal States: Gregory I
Created by JFD
PAPAL STATES (GREGORY I) Trait: Dialogues Shrines and Temples have a slot for a Great Work of Writing. Great Works of Writing yield +2 Science and, in a Dark Age or Golden Age, an additional +2 Faith. Agenda: Father of Christian Worship Appreciates civiliz...
Papal States: Pius IX
Created by JFD
PAPAL STATES (PIUS IX) Trait: Vatican Councils Receives an extra Diplomatic slot when they research the Divine Right and Reformed Church civics. Receives an Envoy when any Religion is founded; two if their own. Agenda: Papal Infallability Friendly to those...
Poland: Roman Dmowski
Created by JFD
POLAND (ROMAND DMOWSKI) Trait: Polak-Katolik Completing Holy Site and Theater Square Projects grants Faith and Loyalty. Cities at full Loyalty ignore pressure and combat effects from Religions not founded by Poland. Agenda: Father of Polish Nationalism Str...
Poland: Stanislaw II
Created by JFD
POLAND (STANISLAW II) Trait: Commission for National Education Build Theatre Square districts in half the usual time. Theatre Square Buildings and Great Works of Writing yield +2 Science. Gain the Uhlan unique unit when they research the Metal Casting tech...
Portugal: Joao IV
Created by JFD
======================== OVERVIEW ======================== Adds King Joao IV as an alternate leader to Portugal. Trait: Restaurador Combat victories grant Loyalty for the nearest friendly City when fighting on the same continent as the Capital. Cities on t...
Rome: Antoninus Pius
Created by JFD
ROME (ANTONINUS PIUS) Trait: Dutiful in Affection One Military policy slot in the current government is converted to an Economic slot. Whilst at peace, construct Campus, Holy Site, and Theatre Square buildings 20% faster. Gain the Temple of Hadrian unique ...
Rome: Caracalla
Created by JFD ROME (CARACALLA) Trait: Martia Victrix Purchasing Melee Units grants Loyalty and is 20% cheaper in cities with a Bath. Cities with a garrison have +1 Amenity. Agenda: Soldier-Emperor Maintains a happy people and a powerful s...
Rome: Commodus
Created by JFD
ROME (COMMODUS) Trait: Hercules Commodianus Entertainment Complex districts receive a Faith adjacency bonus when placed next to other Districts. Buildings in the Entertainment Complex can be purchased with Faith. Gain the Plebeian Games unique project when...
Rome: Nero
Created by JFD
ROME (NERO) Trait: Quinquennial Neronia Cities with a Theatre Square district complete Projects 25% faster. Earns Great Artist, Great Musician, and Great Writer Points from completing any Project. Gain the Theatrum unique building when they research the Dr...
Russia: Elisabeth
Created by JFD
RUSSIA (ELISABETH) Trait: Court Masquerades Receives an Envoy when expending a Great Artist, Musician, or Writer. Gain the Arts Institute unique building after researching the Humanism civic. Building: Arts Institute Russian unique building when Elisabeth ...
Russia: Ivan IV
Created by JFD
RUSSIA (IVAN IV) Trait: Third Rome Conquered cities always begin with your Religion and cities following your Religion produce +1 Loyalty; doubled to +2 during a Dark Age. Gain the Streltsy unique unit when they research the Gunpowder technology. Unit: Str...
Russia: Nicholas II
Created by JFD
RUSSIA (NICHOLAS II) Trait: Trans-Siberian Railway Build Industrial Zone districts 50% faster and train Military Engineers in half the time in cities with an Industrial Zone. May spend Faith to purchase Industrial Zone buildings. Agenda: Passion-Bearer Fri...
Russia: Peter I
Created by JFD
RUSSIA (PETER I) Trait: Grand Embassy Receives Science or Culture from Trade Routes to civilizations that are more advanced than Russia (+1 per 3 technologies or civics ahead). Gain the Preobrazhensky Regiment unique unit when they research the Military Sc...
Russia: Rasputin
Created by JFD RUSSIA (RASPUTIN) Trait: Strannik Missionaries and Apostles purchased during a Golden Age have 1 extra Spread whilst those purchased during a Dark Age have 2. Agenda: Sin Through Grace Maintains a high Faith and pursues reli...
Russia: Vladimir Putin
Created by JFD
RUSSIA (VLADIMIR PUTIN) Trait: Federation Treaty Cities with a Governor generate +1 Influence toward Envoys and +15% Production toward Districts. When the target of an Emergency, these cities also generate +1 Loyalty and +15% Production toward Units. Gain ...
Scotland: Mary
Created by JFD
SCOTLAND (MARY) Trait: White Queen Happy cities receive an additional +5% Faith; ecstatic cities double this amount to +10%. Receives a free Spy when the first and last Religion is founded, and can purchase Spies with Faith after the discovery of the Refor...
Soviet Union
Created by JFD
SOVIET UNION Trait: Communist Nationalism Buildings in their Campus and Industrial Zone districts yield Culture and Tourism equal to half their intrinsic yield outputs (round down). Build these Districts 33% faster. District: Naukograd A standalone distric...
Soviet Union: Joseph Stalin
Created by JFD
SOVIET UNION (JOSEPH STALIN) Trait: Ten Victories Yields from pillaging districts are doubled and all land combat units recover 50 Hit Points upon capturing a city. Gains the T-34 unique unit when they research the Combustion technology. Unit: T-34 Soviet ...
Spain: Isabella I
Created by JFD
SPAIN (ISABELLA I) Trait: Reconquista Can always buy land combat units with Faith and combat units have +7 Combat Strength near foreign cities following a foreign Religion. Gain the Hidalgo unique unit when they research the Horseback Riding technology. Un...
Spain: Isabella II
Created by JFD
SPAIN (ISABELLA I) Trait: Pronunciamiento Established Governors generate +2 Great General Points each. Receives Loyalty in all cities and an Envoy from earning a Great General. Gain the Isabellino unique unit at the discovery of the Nationalism civic. Unit...
Spain: Philip II
Created by JFD
SPAIN (PHILIP II) Trait: Plus Ultra Gains Gold and Faith when settling new cities, increasing with distance from the Capital. Gain the Adelantado unique unit when they research the Exploration civic. Unit: Adelantado Spanish unique recon unit when Philip I...
Spain: Torquemada
Created by JFD
SPAIN (TORQUEMADA) Trait: Grand Inquisition Inquisitors can Remove Heresy one extra time. Combat units have a bonus of +4 Combat Strength against players following other Religions. Inquisitors eliminate 100% of the presence of other Religions. Agenda: Alha...
Created by JFD
======================== OVERVIEW ======================== Adds Wales. Requires an alternate leader to use. Trait: The Mabinogion Earns Great Writer Points from kills; doubled in owned lands. Each level of Walls has a slot for a Great Work of Writing. Dist...
Aztecs: Cuauhtemoc
Created by JFD
AZTECS (CUAUHTEMOC) Trait: Descending Eagle Earns a burst of Great General Points upon a declaration of war, based upon their Points Per Turn. The amount is doubled if the war is defensive. Great Generals transfer Movement to their escorts. Agenda: Cuauhtl...
Wales: Llywelyn
Created by JFD
WALES (LLYWEWLYN) Trait: Council of Aberdyfi Culture Bomb adjacent tiles when completing a Caer inside friendly territory. Caers with a garrison generate +2 Influence Per Turn. Agenda: Tocius Norwallie Princeps Likes to build up the defenses of his cities ...
Soviet Union: Vladimir Lenin
Created by JFD
SOVIET UNION (VLADIMIR LENIN) Trait: Proletariat Revolution +1 Great Engineer and Great Scientist Point per active Cultural, Economic, and Research Alliance (doubled at Level 3). +25% Alliance Points generation after researching the Class Struggle Civic. A...
Zulu: Cetshwayo
Created by JFD
ZULU (CETSHWAYO) Trait: Royal Kraals The Ikanda District yields +1 Loyalty per Building, and bonus Culture and Food on adjacent Camps and Pastures. Cities at full Loyalty cannot be put under Siege. Agenda: Osborne Appeal Likes civilizations that are willin...
Japan: Meiji
Created by JFD
JAPAN Trait: Pen and Sword +50% Production toward Encampment and Theatre Square District Buildings. Military Units generate Great Writer Points when promoted. JAPAN (MEIJI) Trait: Imperial Restoration Districts receive a +1 adjacency bonus for each adjacen...
Spain: Pedro de Valdivia
Created by JFD
SPAIN (PEDRO DE VALDIVIA) Trait: Encomienda All cities founded on a continent other than your home continent receive a free Builder unit and a lump sum of Gold. Gain the Yanacona unique unit when the Exploration civic is researched. Unit: Yanacona Spanish ...
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3 Jul @ 10:09am
True Start Earth Compatability