

354 ratings
Keyboard: A cure for double-tap dodge cancer
By Mad Cat Lad and 1 collaborators
Dedicated to all console port survivors.
For anyone deeply grieving over double-tap dodge mechanic
  • Grab AutoHotkey[] from here and install it. Use latest v1.xx version, not v2.
  • Grab the script here[] and save it somewhere.
  • If needed, open the script in any text editor (Notepad, etc), and adjust its keys to your own preferences. All keys are listed in the very beginning of the script.
  • In the game, go to System -> Controls -> Customize Keyboard and rebind Fire 2 from Left Shift to the button used by the script (Tab by default).
  • To launch the script, just double-click on the file you've downloaded. AutoHotkey icon for that script should appear in your tray.
More features
  • Drone attack is toggleable instead of hold-to-fire, Tab by default.
  • Air dash can be quickly performed with Z (default).
  • Added ability to quickly use last selected item, such as Recoveries, by pressing C.
  • All these buttons can be changed by editing the script constants. For example, to change fire button to something else than Tab, open the script, find
    fireButton := "Tab"
    and change "Tab" to other button.
Script might screw with typing inside Steam overlay. Alt+Tab to a separate Steam window if that happens (not a big deal since fullscreen is broken anyway lmao).
Zeraph 21 Oct, 2024 @ 11:07pm 
Is 2024 and I can't believe this is still a fcking problem, I bought the game and had to use google to find a solution, why is dodge not on a button ON A KEYBOARD? THAT HAS A MILLION BUTTONS
Mad Cat Lad  [author] 21 Jan, 2024 @ 4:01am 
As far as I remember, that's indeed how the game be. You can try it without the script and see if this behaviour remains.
KingBoo9911 20 Jan, 2024 @ 6:51pm 
Err, on second thought, is this just part of how a dodge works? Sorry if that was a stupid comment, I just got this game lmao
KingBoo9911 20 Jan, 2024 @ 6:45pm 
This basically saved me, thanks - the only issue I'm having is that I'm not currently running, after executing a dodge, I start running. This is annoying because changing directions while running is a lot slower than while not running, and I don't want to start running in the middle of a fight. I'm not sure why this is happening, because as far as I can tell the script is never pressing the "R" key and neither am I during the fight.
Protoss 29 Dec, 2023 @ 2:11am 
Great stuff, thanks!
neroche_ 27 Jun, 2023 @ 5:46pm 
Dawn 19 May, 2022 @ 2:12pm 
yea its the version 1. i list out how i do it if any steps wrong please tell me

1.downloaded the script,put it on my desktop
2.double click and the H icon is in my tray nier automata
4.go right into the game
5.rebind the keys from left shift to tab

its not working, and when i end the game, i go open the tray and my cursor just point on the H icon it disappeared.

And after that the script is gone.

hope i get to know where i did wrong, thanks for the help
Mad Cat Lad  [author] 19 May, 2022 @ 6:55am 
You can put it anywhere. Be sure that you downloaded the latest AutoHotkey version 1, not 2. And check your in-game binds too.
Dawn 19 May, 2022 @ 3:19am 
thanks, and i got another question , do i put the file into the nier automata game files? Because when i run the script, its still no working
Mad Cat Lad  [author] 19 May, 2022 @ 3:03am 
Not sure, I just tested it and I can download the file even without logging in. Try getting a copy from here: