Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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DST Server Mods(饥荒联机版服务器端mod合集)





Chinese Language Pack(中文语言包):

Global Positions(全图定位,可以在地图上显示你和其他人的位置):

Fast Travel(木牌传送,消耗一定的饥饿值和san值可以在木牌之间传送):

Show Me(显示各种状态,功能比Combined Status更强大):

Health Info(血量显示,显示各种生物的血量):

Damage Indicators(伤害显示,以数字的形式显示你造成的伤害):

Extra Equip Slots(增加一个额外的背包栏和饰品栏,可以同时穿戴护甲和背包):


DST综合成就系统 V2(可在游戏内通过做某些事情而获得成就,获得成就后奖励相应数量的成就点,使用成就点可以在专属UI中交换永久性buff):
Items (9)
Chinese Language Pack(中文语言包)
Created by L.Yun
饥荒联机简繁汉化Mod。 Simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese language pack. 请将游戏的“Small Textures(小型纹理)”设置为“禁用”! Please set the "Small Textures" options to "Disabled".!!! 将steam语言偏好修改为中文或点我获取详细的中文版Mod描述。 By L.M.U~...
Global Positions
Created by rezecib
Map sharing works again! You don't even need to be in the A New Reign beta anymore! Code contributions are welcome: Features Show other players on the map (and hover over them to see who they are). Show player in...
Fast Travel
Created by Isosurface
Build a fast travel network using home signs. You can travel from one home sign to any other home signs instantly. Instruction - Right click on a home sign to select destination. Right click repeatedly to cycle through all available destinations. After hav...
Show Me (Origin)
Created by star
It's Tell Me mod but it shows hint ON MOUSE OVER. And this is server mod. Recommended ShowMe (this mod) + Health Info I have to enable only 2 mods? Yes. Actually you can disable all other interface mods and enable only Show Me. But it's better to enable He...
Health Info
Created by NubsPixel
v2.2.03 - Quickfix v2.2.02 - Fixed incompatibility with some mods. - Added new prefabs to white list as of October 2021. Shows exact health of creatures on mouse-over or controller auto-target. This mod is inspired by Tell Me About Health (DS) which was po...
Damage Indicators
Created by 雪拉比
Baaaaam Baam. Take that, nasty brute of hell!, modify from 修改: 1.显示最大血量由256增加到65535 2.回血颜色修正 3.修复男子汉复活后提示扣血的bug...
Extra Equip Slots
Created by NubsPixel
I stopped supporting this mod! I don't and wont update this mod anymore. I stopped playing this game a long time ago. It will break your game. ------------------------------------------------------ Adds a backpack and amulet slot to the game. Patch List v1...
Created by Sunnyyyyholic
Overall system - Pets have Level and Mood system. - Pets have common skills and unique skills. - Pets have container. - Your pet will help your work. (collect,woodcutting,mining) Level - Level : Max is 6 - At levels up, slightly increases size. and pet's s...
DST Achievement V2
Created by 柴柴Chai-Chai
---- DST Achievement V2 ---- Unlock achievements throughout gameplay to collect achievement points. Exchange points for permanent buffs via the user interface. For details, click open the UI on the top left corner.