Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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BSE-Light Survey Corvette (Lampyridae)
Type: Blueprint
Mod category: Exploration
File Size
2.567 MB
25 Jan, 2017 @ 11:24pm
28 Jan, 2017 @ 3:46pm
2 Change Notes ( view )

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BSE-Light Survey Corvette (Lampyridae)

In 1 collection by Keq
BSE fleet
78 items
Black Sun Empire Light Survey Corvette (Lampyridae)

No MOD's

Type Corvette

Number of blocks 1,750
Weight 1,719,627 kg
Length 117.5 metres
Width 45.5 m
Height 27.5 m
Crew 5

4 x Exterior turrets


TAB 1 (Main)
1)Landing Gear switch lock
2)Spotlights On/Off
3)Atmospheric Thrusters On/Off
4)Ion Thrusters On/Off
5)Hydrogen Thrusters On/Off
6)Jump Drive On/Off
7)Jump Drive jummp
8)camera front view
9)camera spotlight view

TAB 2(Hover Altitude Aligner)
1)HAA Go
2)HAA Stop
3)HAA Lock
4)HAA Lockh
5)HAA Unlock

TAB 3 (Probe Shuttle)
1)camera Welder PS-v view
2)PS mergeblock On/Off
3)Atmospheric Probe Projector On/Off
4)Space Probe Projector On/Off
5)Welders On/Off

TAB 1 (computer/communications)
1)Rotor reverse
2)Rotor safety lock On/Off
3)LSC Antenna On/Off
4)LSC Antenna SR On/Off
5)LSC Laser Antenna On/Off
6)LSC Laser Antenna Paste coords
7)LSC Laser Antenna Connect to coords
8)LSC Beacon On/Off
9)LSC Beacon SR On/Off

TAB 2 (Docking)
1)Remote Control Main Control
2)Remote Control < Control
3)Remote Control Arft Control
4)Remote Control > Control
6)Remote Control PS Control

TAB 1 (Computer/Power)
1)Rotor reverse
2)Rotor safety lock On/Off
3)Batteries On/Off
4)Batteries Recharge On/Off
5)Batteries Discharge On/Off
6)Batteries Semi-Auto On/Off

1)Camera Hangar View
2)Hangar Open Start
3)Hangar Close Start
5)Turrets On/Off
6)Exterior Turret Front Control
7)Exterior Turret ^ Control
8)Exterior Turret < Control
9)Exterior Turret > Control

Rear Probe Shuttle can detach from main ship
Make sure piston is locked before flying

Feel free to give me constructive criticism and or feedback on any of the builds.
T.w² kodamant 22 Mar, 2023 @ 12:05pm 
hey so i was wondering if there was a ship you used as a base for this one, some of its features are very simular to a ship ive been looking for for years now, cleared my addons and lost it. if you still have said blueprint id love if you could link me to it, this one itself looks very good btw
Keq  [author] 2 Feb, 2017 @ 6:31pm 
thanks, yeah i left it like that as there is a button next to the wheel that flips the screens :)
JCapt 2 Feb, 2017 @ 6:24pm 
in this picture [http//%26quot%3Bhttp] I see your LCD wheel. Any way one could get a better look at it? Personally, I like the nose of the ship, but the rear doesn't looks as great. Good work anyhow. :)