

2,717 Bewertungen
Rimsenal - Augmented Vanilla Pack
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Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
3.190 MB
24. Jan. 2017 um 3:21
13. Mai um 5:02
73 Änderungshinweise (anzeigen)

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Rimsenal - Augmented Vanilla Pack

In 1 Kollektion von 삼치구이/CeroForGrill
Rimsenal Pack
15 Inhalte

Look, I'm proud of being a person of good taste. What I mean is, I don’t want to touch those boorish alien Kill-O-Matic guns of megacorps. If you're a real rim pioneer, you can solve everything with your sturdy rifle. Come on you sons of Randy, my shiny bayonet wants to taste your blood!

The Rimsenal: Augmented vanilla pack is, as its namesake, designed to provide a variety of new equipment without compromising the unique ambiance of the Rimworld. The main purpose of the Augmented vanilla pack is to fill the gap between the existing equipment. There is no super equipment, but they're enough to keep you survive in this tough rimworld.

Beliebte Diskussionen Alle anzeigen (4)
6. Mai um 4:20
15. Aug. 2020 um 2:14
Weapon balance suggestions
Red Phantom
29. Dez. 2021 um 12:15
Found a error of Smart Rifle.
379 Kommentare
AcetheSuperVillain 3. Nov. um 13:32 
what happened to Smart weapons?
Long-comment-san 2. Nov. um 3:14 
Hi. I wanted to ask to buff infrantry charge rifle a bit because it just loses so hard to burst charger. You lose the second shot and it has lower range and just a bit higher accuracy. It would make a lot of sense if the range of ICR got buffed to something like 35-37 cells because losing the second shot means a huge decrease in DPS, at least it has to be compensated by range and accuracy
Mojave Ranger 23. Okt. um 13:29 
Your mods are the best! o7
Ironpanther617 14. Sep. um 16:48 
Headsup fam, the Marksman rifle has 0.00 recoil. The SVD from combat extended has identical stats but a 1.74 recoil. The weapon should have recoil. If this is a CE oversight, I will let them know instead. Cheers.
朴人勇 23. Aug. um 3:23 
Really? I thought this was an ice cream parlor.
The Nut Champ 16. Aug. um 16:27 
is it intended for the charged infantry rifle to sound like its industrial counterparts?
addictedtotanks 14. Aug. um 5:07 
Anywhere I can see the sprites for the various idology varients? Such as Rustic
ReverseProzac 1. Aug. um 20:01 
are the charge burster, charge sidearm, charge driver, and assault charger intended to not cost advanced components? I wasn't sure about this but considering that the charge rifle and charge infantry rifle do cost advanced components it seems a bit weird
Nasheed's feed and seed 29. Juli um 0:07 
was this armor from this mod? looking through old screenshots and trying to figure out what its from: https://i.gyazo.com/01e142e9c3baa4d902947074ad3ac708.png
Iteration Zero 21. Juli um 4:26 
The automatic rifle Is clearly based on the Bren Light machine gun, a real firearm with sights mounted along the side. The reason for top-loading it was actually so it was easier for someone standing alongside you to reload it for you. Asking the mod author to reskin the weapon to your specific, and likely more generic taste, is completely ridiculous