Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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BnF:NHAT(3 player)
Game Category: Card Games
Number of Players: 3
File Size
44.079 KB
18 Jan, 2017 @ 1:09pm
5 Sep, 2017 @ 3:11pm
3 Change Notes ( view )

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BnF:NHAT(3 player)

In 1 collection by Denesta
BnF No Honor Among Thieves Collection
3 items
No Honor Among Thieves, a quick set building card game set in BnF World designed to be learned and played in 20-30 minutes. In No Honor Among Thieves, 3 to 5 players take control of some of the less scrupulous characters in BnF World as they try to build a little criminal empire in the underbelly of Capitol City, all while outsmarting and messing with their opponents at every turn.

The Game is played over 3 "years" or "seasons." Each season, players are handed a full hand of cards and they pick one to play before passing the rest of the hand on to the next player. The objective is to create sets of cards to obtain gold, the player with more gold at the end of the game, wins! One must consider how to build your own sets and, just as important, how to keep your opponents from completing THEIR sets, either by taking the cards they need or using special cards that might throw a wrench in their plans.

Rules and how to play can be found in the in game notebook.