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Tech Tree - Snapshot
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13 ENE 2017 a las 12:59 p. m.
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Tech Tree - Snapshot

A new way of discovering the technological wonders in the Avenger.

It's basically an attempt to dynamically generate a good-looking tech tree. The advantage is that it works with most mods that add new techs to the game (see the screenshot, with ETC and Laser Weapons).

It uses the Sugiyama Algorithm, using Coffman-Graham-Layering, Median Weight Sorting and Pendulum-Rubberband-Assignment.

It's far from finished (as indicated by "Snapshot"), but I wanted to get it out here so I can collect ideas, feedback, criticism (and also get my head free to work on something else, this took several weeks).

Feel free to take weird screenshots and stuff.

The tech tree DISPLAY is randomly generated (no changes to the tech tree game data!), so every time you open it up, it will look different.

Test it with your mod setups and do stuff I guess.
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30 MAR 2020 a las 10:08 a. m.
WoTC Update
28 comentarios
Jognt 11 FEB 2021 a las 6:33 a. m. 
Smart thinking! This sort of implementation is usually the best in terms of long-term compatibility! Too bad it's also the biggest **** to write all the processing to make it visually pleasing. ;)

I think it's telling that the other tech tree mods basically just show an image.
Alexander Logunov 16 NOV 2020 a las 3:29 a. m. 
It was such a great idea and you did a lot of work, but it's sad to see such talented person haven't finishes his art
Sophist88 6 JUN 2018 a las 8:42 p. m. 
So... what's up with a WoTC update? This mod looks amazing!
LeaderEnemyBoss 7 MAR 2017 a las 8:42 a. m. 
@robojumper ...heh ... tbh i didnt really took a close look at you screenshots until after I wrote my comment. I realize now that what i want to do is probably not as easily doable as I first thought, its probably better to make a visually pleasing non dynamic variant.
robojumper  [autor] 7 MAR 2017 a las 8:25 a. m. 
I'm currently a bit busy with other stuff (UI Stuff too incidentally), so I'm afraid I can't help you with that soon.
(Also, why the heck did you ask in the comments of this of all mods when you want something visually pleasing, lol?)
LeaderEnemyBoss 7 MAR 2017 a las 7:25 a. m. 
Hey robojumper. I am currently working on an Overhaul for LW2's psiop that will add new skills. In my research i found, that LW2 added many prerequisites to existing psi-abilities ( see here ) . This transforms the skill tree of LW2's PsiOp technically to something that is reminiscent of oldschool rpg skill trees. Now the skill tree display of psi ops in the Armory could use an overhaul imho. Would you be interested to design such a new rpg-style psi op skill tree, that dynamically aquires all present class abilities and their respective prerequisites and displays them in a visually pleasing manner? This could be part of my overhaul mod or its own thing. I can try it myself, however i am not too experienced with this kinda stuff, so I wanted to ask you first ;).
LightenedDark 3 FEB 2017 a las 9:15 p. m. 
This mod shares a name with AlexF's techtree, you can't enable one without the other...
Zyxpsilon 1 FEB 2017 a las 5:36 p. m. 
TBH, this is a much more preferable system to handle dynamic Tree principles, IMO.
The trick though would be to provide a visually "appealing" structure that can supply complete info & details while keeping optimal "connections" to a minimum.

Honestly.. that's why i bothered tackling (or try) my own with LAByrinth and its concept of small Hexagons with intuitive symbols & numerical referencing.

Comes along LW2 and its vastly more complex "interactions". I will certainly be giving it the LABy treatment eventually... but after seeing this wild solution by RJ -- i also have to wonder where the most efficient ways are currently hiding. Ultimately, someone will probably have to settle for an hybrid solution that could satisfy our mutual quests for precision. Heck.. even Exodus has just finished *A* cool sheet of his own.
Quvano 1 FEB 2017 a las 4:32 p. m. 
Hey, I love the idea of a dynamic tech tree. Mine is hand crafted and turned into a texture, which means I can control the layout but it is obviously useless if mods change tech relations ships and values, plus the workload of actually crafting it. Also useless for LW2 obviously. If you think your's is comming along well, I won't bother create a LW2 version of mine.
Sevrin 19 ENE 2017 a las 2:00 a. m. 
I like the idea and if it's as compatible as you say it's a good mod, but looking at that screenshot of the tech tree picture... it's a mess. You gotta clean it up, make it more orderly. One of the lines branches 8 times before it reaches its final destination and follows a path that goes all over the place.