Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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Items (9)
50 Unit Corps Limit
Created by UnnecessaryEnemy17
UPDATED FOR MAN THE GUNS Ever felt that 24 is too few units? Here is the mod for you, increasing it to a grand 50 divisions per corps (general). Field Marshals now can also handle the 50, otherwise everything else is unchanged. Suggestions welcome :) Thank...
Araxiel's Bonus Research Slot
Created by Araxiel
!!! OBSOLETE !!! New Version: Bonus Research Reloaded https://i.imgur.com/7eyYlAV.png This little mod does exactly what it says on the tin; every nation gets an additional research slot, for extra immersion, realism and historical accuracy. I planned on re...
Destroy Faction With Members
Paradox paradoxically does not let you betray faction members after a war as a faction leader, something Germany IRL was very worried about with Japan and Italy for example. This mod lets you LEAVE or DISMANTLE a faction for 25PP or 300PP respectively as l...
Increased Resources (inactive)
Created by LukyLucaz
This mod will not be updated! This mod is inactive and I will not be updating it for the following reasons: I have been struck by serious chronical illness which prevents me from working on it. The mod itself is balanced badly and contains many inaccuracie...
Invasion As U Wish 1.0
Created by Cosalcea
Do you feel boring when start an naval invasion or paradropping but your general tell you "We dont have naval supremacy/air superiority"? This mod will change this! Naval invasion & Paradropping can be performed without supremacy or superiority! The visibi...
(Almost) No Experience for Division Design (1.10)
Created by Legendarymarvin
First Hearts of Iron IV Mod (; Simply sets the cost of changing/creating Division Designs to one and gives you a decision to get 50 exp for amy and naval (new for 1.6, so you can build ships), so you can almost freely use Division Templates. Having the cos...
Colourblindness Mod
Created by Partario
An ironman-compatible mod that makes important colours in Hearts of Iron IV easier to see. There are a lot of red and green bars in this game that are very small and unsaturated. This makes them hard for colourblind people to see and sometimes means I have...
Created by [DG]Meatplay
Mod to hide diplomatic actions like stage coup/justify wargoal/support party. Very useful for multiplayer games. Currently supported languages: English, German Due to the fact that most of the diplo-interface is hardcoded, I could only cover up the icons. ...
Instant War
Created by DJCarAlarm
Updated for 1.14.5 - ironman incompatiable (no achievements) Mod should be compatible with any other mod Allows a new wargoal that allows justifying in 1 day Still keeps government rules for war IS IT BALANCED? lol, no anyone still using an older version y...