Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Frontier Conquest
Oleh Zenduin
This is an in-depth-guide on how to configure and use my "Frontier Conquest" space engineers workshop mod:

This mod was written for the public dedicated PvP server that I run called Eclipse.
Connect to it with: steam://connect/ or by adding to your favorite servers via steam.
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Usage Summary
This Conquest mod is entirely in-game and does not require SESE or anything special except adding it to your mod list and optionally configuring it in game with slash commands.

This mod was written for my server: Eclipse
Feel free to stop by! Just add to favorites in steam using (no website)

For those unfamiliar with Conquest game mode:
Your primary objective is to obtain points by establishing conquest bases to "conquer" territory on planets, moons, and asteroids. Every (30 minutes, configurable) each person is given victory points (and item rewards if configured) for each conquest base depending on the territory it conquers (different amount of points for each, configurable), how far it is broadcasting (how easily it is seen, configurable), and how long it has been active (configurable).

Requirements for a conquest base (vary depending on mod configuration):
  • Build a Conquest Beacon broadcasting farther than the configured broadcast distance (default is 1000m)
  • Make sure you own the Conquest Beacon.
  • Conquest Beacon is on a station (aka static grid).
  • The broadcast range of the Conquest Beacon does not intersect with another base's broadcast range (then those bases would be conquering the same territory).
    To put it another way: The sum of the broadcast ranges of the two bases must be less than the distance between their Conquest Beacons.
  • Base is within an inclusion zone (if inclusion zones are on).
  • Base is not located within an exclusion zone (There are no exclusion zones defined by default) Note the base can still conquer area inside the exclusion zone if bases are configured to conquer everything within broadcast (just keep broadcast range in mind when configuring them).
if WithinBroadcast is set to true in the config the base only needs to have a planet/moon/asteroid within it's broadcast range (if there are no planets/moons in range it can conquer MANY asteroids).
if WithinBroadcast is set to false in the config (default) the base needs to be on a planet/moon/asteroid. (technically within it's boundingbox)
Player Commands
/conqbase #
Check if this location is valid for a conquest base. Will check inclusion/exclusion zones, existing bases, and what is nearby to conquer. If a valid radius is not specified for argument it will assume you intend to broadcast at 50km and check accordingly
You must have your reticle over a block that has ownership (aka Terminal Block) to use this command. Displays a dialog window listing which rewards the targeted conquest base is eligible to receive on the next update. This is the same information that appears on the Rewards LCD.
You must have your reticle over a block that has ownership (aka Terminal Block) to use this command. Displays a dialog window with the current status of the targeted conquest base. This is the same information that appears on the Status LCD.
/conqlb or
Displays a dialog window with the current conquest leader board (grouped by faction) and when the last update occurred, details include how many points the faction has, and how many of each of the 3 types of bases they have. This is the same information that appears on the Leaderboard LCD.
Displays a dialog window showing the current configuration settings of the conquest mod. You must be an admin to be able to specify arguments to change settings.
Admin Commands
/conqinclude list
Displays a dialog window showing the current inclusion zones that have been configured.
/conqinclude add name X Y Z radius
Adds an inclusion zone with the specified name, with it's center at the X Y Z coordinates spedified and with the radius specified. Inclusion zones area always defined as spheres and it does not matter where your character is when you use this command. If you want to specify a name with spaces use quotes around the name. example: /conqinclude add "asteroid belt 1" 0 0 0 50000
/conqinclude remove name
Removes the inclusion zone with the specified name. If the name has spaces use quotes around the whole name.
/conqexclude list
Displays a dialog window showing the current exclusion zones that have been configured.
/conqexclude add name X Y Z radius
Adds an exclusion zone with the specified name, with it's center at the X Y Z coordinates spedified and with the radius specified. exclusion zones area always defined as spheres and it does not matter where your character is when you use this command. If you want to specify a name with spaces use quotes around the name. example: /conqexclude add "asteroid belt 1" 0 0 0 50000
/conqexclude remove name
Removes the exclusion zone with the specified name. If the name has spaces use quotes around the whole name.
Resets all players and points, runs an update and reschedules further updates. Called when you change UpdateFrequency using /conqconfig as well.
/conqconfig PlanetPoints #
Sets how many points you want each planet to be worth. Set to 0 to disable planetary conquest. Default: 5
/conqconfig MoonPoints #
Sets how many points you want each moon to be worth. Set to 0 to disable lunar conquest. Default: 3
/conqconfig AsteroidPoints #
Sets how many points you want each asteroid to be worth. Set to 0 to disable asteroid conquest. Default: 1
/conqconfig PlanetSize #
Sets the required radius for a Planet/Moon to be a planet (all moons/planets are defined the same in game). If it is below this the mod considers it a moon. This is in meters. Default: 25000
/conqconfig BeaconDistance #
Sets the required radius for a Conquest Beacon to be broadcasting to be valid. This is in meters. Default: 1000
/conqconfig UpdateFrequency #
Sets how often the mod assigns points and rewards. This is in minutes. Default: 30
/conqconfig WithinBroadcast on/off
If set to on then bases will conquer any Planets OR Moons OR Asteroids within range. If set to off then bases need to be within the bounding box of a planet/moon/asteroid. Default: off
/conqconfig Lcds on/off
If set to on then LCDs with [Conquest] in the title will be updated with the specified information. Otherwise you just need to rely on commands. Default: on
/conqconfig Inclusion on/off
If set to on then all conquest bases must be within an inclusion zone to be valid. Specifically their Conquest Beacon's position needs to be within the radius of the inclusion zone. If you forget to define inclusion zones with this set to on then conquest just won't work... Default: off
/conqconfig Persistent on/off
If set to on then points won't accumulate. They will simply be a way of seeing how much territory each faction has conquered. Default: off
/conqconfig Rewards on/off
If set to on then valid conquest bases will have items deposited into one of their cargo containers as a reward after they are valid for at least one update period. These rewards are determined by what the base is conquering (Planet/Moon/Asteroid), and multiplied by how many points it is worth. This is highly configurable via editing the ConqConfig.xml file. Default: off
/conqconfig MaxBonusTime #
Set how long a conquest base needs to be valid in order to receive the MaxBonusMod multiplier to it's points (and thus rewards if on). This is in minutes. Default: 1440
/conqconfig MaxBonusMod #
Multiplier for points & rewards once the base has been valid for MaxBonusTime minutes. This is gradually applied (but only in integer quantities) up to MaxBonusTime. Set this to 0 to disable time bonuses. Default: 0
LCD Operation
If you include [Conquest] in the name of an LCD/TextPanel then in the public title include a keyword for the information you want to display, it will display that information on the LCD and keep it updated whenever someone is nearby to see it. Note that all the information available through the LCD is also available it's corresponding command.

Below is a summary of the accepted keywords in the "public title" text field

Shows the conquest faction leader board. Players without a faction are eligible for conquest but will not be shown on the board. Alternatively use the /conqlb or /conqleaderboard commands.
Shows detailed status information on this conquest base. This is highly helpful in figuring out why something isn't working the way you expect. Alternatively use the /conqstatus command.
Shows a prediction of all the rewards this conquest base is eligible to receive on the next update. Alternatively use the /conqrewards command.
Manually Editing Rewards
By directly editing the ConquestConfig.xml file you can have almost complete control over what is rewarded by conquest.

ConquestConfig.xml is located in the save file for each save (\Saves\WorldName\Storage\692171157.sbm_Conquest.scripts\ConquestConfig.xml).
This file is generated and overwritten on save. You'll need to start and save a game with the mod then exit, edit the file, and start the game again.

I could do this via slash commands or a nice little text file but I'm getting lazy at this point.

Valid types for ConqBody are Planet, Moon, Asteroid.
Valid types for ConqItem are Ingot, Ore, Component, AmmoMagazine
ConqChanceItem Chance is the chance per point of receiving that amount of whatever item you wanted for the reward. (.01 is 1% chance per point)

Here is an example for a ConqBody:
<ConqBody> <Type>Planet</Type> <DefaultItems> <ConqItem> <TypeId>Ingot</TypeId> <SubTypeName>Iron</SubTypeName> <Amount>250</Amount> </ConqItem> <ConqItem> <TypeId>Ore</TypeId> <SubTypeName>Nickel</SubTypeName> <Amount>75</Amount> </ConqItem> </DefaultItems> <CommonItems> <ConqItem> <TypeId>Component</TypeId> <SubTypeName>SteelPlate</SubTypeName> <Amount>50</Amount> </ConqItem> <ConqItem> <TypeId>Component</TypeId> <SubTypeName>Construction</SubTypeName> <Amount>25</Amount> </ConqItem> </CommonItems> <RareItems> <ConqItem> <TypeId>Ingot</TypeId> <SubTypeName>Magnesium</SubTypeName> <Amount>10</Amount> </ConqItem> <ConqItem> <TypeId>Ore</TypeId> <SubTypeName>Uranium</SubTypeName> <Amount>10</Amount> </ConqItem> </RareItems> <ChanceItems> <ConqChanceItem> <TypeId>AmmoMagazine</TypeId> <SubTypeName>NATO_25x184mm</SubTypeName> <Amount>10</Amount> <Chance>0.05</Chance> </ConqChanceItem> <ConqChanceItem> <TypeId>AmmoMagazine</TypeId> <SubTypeName>Missile200mm</SubTypeName> <Amount>10</Amount> <Chance>0.01</Chance> </ConqChanceItem> </ChanceItems> </ConqBody>

This will always reward 250 Iron Ingots and 75kg of Nickel Ore.

It will pick two at random from 50 Steel Plates and 25 Construction Component (it could reward 100 Steel Plate or 50 Construction Component or 50 Steel Plates and 25 Construction Components).

It will pick one at random from 10 Magnesium Ingot and 10kg of Uranium Ore. (10 Magnesium Ingots ORE 10kg of Uranium Ore)

It will have a 5% chance per point to award 10 25mm NATO ammo boxes AND 1% chance per point to award 10 200mm missiles.

Note that these amounts are PER POINT except for the chance items. So a planet base worth 5 points would get 250 * 5 Iron Ingots and 75kg * 5 of Nickel Ore.

The rest of this file can be changed via slash commands in game.

6 Komentar
RELIKT 25 Feb 2021 @ 7:45pm 
not working?
Deserter 11 Agu 2018 @ 8:42pm 
How to set it up quickly for default solar system? Can somebody help?
MrFox 23 Nov 2017 @ 7:24pm 
this mod is like a dream come true!
Me people have even MORE to do now :)
Middy 5 Mar 2017 @ 4:33pm 
everytime i type /conqrewards its telling me that it cannot find IMycubegrid and asks me if im looking at a terminal block (which i am)
Zenduin  [pembuat] 15 Jan 2017 @ 3:01pm 
if it is worth 0 points it gets 0 reward
staficus 15 Jan 2017 @ 1:55pm 
im not receiveing any rewards at all not even 1 iron can you help me out maybe im doing something wrong