Fallout 4

Fallout 4

Otillräckligt med betyg
Console for "Heimwerker"
Av [★] Der Henker
Useful Fallout 4 console commands (Settlement building and NPC´s):

coding the wrong stuff may mess up the game!!!
-How to use console:
-1 Open console usualy [^] key, or for german keyboards try [ö]
-2 Type the command you like to use.
-3 Press [enter] and close the console [^/ö]!
-All commands are typed without [] brackets and all requested ID´s and amount´s musst be inserted!
Values, ID´s or coordinates devided with / you must pick the one you want! YOU CAN NOT use multiple

The "Help" command:
-[console]help [item name] [0-4]
-Searches items, characters, commands, and more. Use Page Up and Page Down to scroll. 0 searches for everything.
(for example ->[console]help attack dog 0[enter] <- would let you know that there's an NPC called 'attack dog'
with the ID 000B2BF2. Make sure to use quotes when searching for two or more words.

Useful game commands:
-Free camera mode:[console]tfc[enter]
-Free camera mode with animation freeze:[console]tfc 1[enter]
-Togle hud:[console]tm[enter]
-Hint: Entering same command will reset to normal.
-Fast quit:[console]qqq[enter]
(WARNING, will quit game immediately and return to OS without saving!)


Modding positions of "static" and none static object´s:
-[console][select object to move]modpos [X/Y/Z][-][amount][enter]
(for example -> modpos z -10 <- lowers selected object down 10 units)
(for example -> modpos z 10 <- raises selected object up 10 units)
-(WARNING, you can also move effects like water splash, light or sound element´s so be sure
you picked the right object to move!)
-Hint: 1 floor of normal wood, concrete and metal constructions is z +/- 223
-Hint: 1 floor of barn or indusrial stuff (elevater floors) is z +/- 256

Rotation of objects:
-Similar to the "modpos" command there is a "modangle" command, if you wish to rotate object´s
-[console][select object to rotate]modangle [X/Y/Z][-][amount][enter]
(for example -> modangle z 90 <- rotates selected object 90° on the z axis)
-[console][select object to rotate][setangle[X/Y/Z][amount][enter]
(for example -> setangle z 0 <- will reset the z axis so you can move object´s better on X/Y Axis)

Adding objeckt´s to the world:
-[console]player.placeatme [object ID] [amount][enter]
-Hint: Place added object´s with the console commands like you want!
-(WARNING, some object´s you spawn CAN NOT BE MOVED via console!)

Wild plants and bushes to make the settlement a greener place:
(Tested can be moved via console!)
-Wild carrot flower: 001c400c
-Hubflower small: 001c0e69, large: 001c0e66
-Wild mutfruit bush: 0001a2958
-Greenhouse mutfruit: 00100cab
-Silt bean plant v1: 001bceac, v2: 001bceb0
-Mutated fern flower v1: 000e34ea, v2: 000e34eb
-Wild corn: 001c4014
-Tato flower: 001c4bef
-Gourd plant: 001c400a
-wild melon plant: 001c4009
-Wild razorgrain: 001c400b
-Aster plant: 03013381
-Experimental plant (greenhouse array): 001ee1fd
(It´s the plants from the prydwen)

Changing object size:
-[console][select object]setscale [-][value][enter]
(for example -> setscale 5 <- increaces objeckt´s size x5)
-Hint: Size range from 10 to -10
-(WARNING, changing size may make it dificult to select object after size change!)

Deleting object´s from world:
-[console][select object to delete]disable[enter]
-(WARNING, BE SURE YOU AIM WAS CORRECT! You can test it by moving it via console like explained earlyer.

Adding objeckt´s to player inventory:
-[console]player.additem [object ID] [amount][enter]
-(WARNING, some object´s can not be spawned in the inventory and may crash the game!)

Changing/Manipulating settlement Size:
-Go to the settlement´s workbench open console and select it.
-To see the limitations type:getav[349/34B//348/34A][enter]
-To change limitations type:setav[349/34B//348/34A] [amount][enter]
(for example ->setav 348 0 [enter] + setav 34A 0 [enter] <- will rsett the settlement size to zero, leaving
everything you built, but you can build the full size of the settlement again!)
-You will always need the combination from to values because they pare up to 349 and 34B that change the
size of the building limitations and 348 and 34A that Resett the current size to Zero if the value is set
to zero.
-(WARNING, building a settlement to large may cause the game to crash! Scrapping materials and
object´s after the build limit is at zero may cause the game to crash!)

Adding a guard dog to a settlement:
-[console]player.placeatme 1cf57d 1 [enter]
-Places one guard dog next to you.
-Hint: Talk to the dog to assign it to the settlement of your choice!

Manipulating/Modding Player/NPC stats ect:

-Map markers:[console]tmm 1[enter] / Hide markers:[console]tmm 0[enter]
-God mode:[console]tgm[enter]
-Freeze all AI:[console]tai[enter]
-Freeze AI combat:[console]tcai[enter]
-Toggle colission:[console]tcl[enter]
-Hint: To toggle colission NO object should be selected otherwhise it will NOT WORK!
-Hint: Entering same command will reset to normal.

Mod Special stat:
-Hint the skills are called Strength, Endurance, Intelligence ect.
-Just... well... don´t break it... (i pushed strength to 100... pssst!)

Kill NPC´s
-[console][select NPC]kill[enter]
-Hint: Does not work on essential NPC´s

Immortal NPC´s
-[console][select NPC]setessential 1[enter] / -[console]setessential [NPC Base ID] 1 [enter]
-Hint: Any selected NPC can not die anymore!

Killing essential NPC´s...:
-[console][select NPC]setessential 0[enter] / -[console]setessential [NPC Base ID] 0 [enter]
-(WARNING, you can now kill a ->ESSENTIAL<- NPC!)

Resurrect dead NPC´s:
-[console][select NPC]resurrect[enter]
-Works on friend and enemy same way!
-(WARNING, Resurrecting may not totaly cure a NPC eventually will lose his head or limbs
~inserst bugout 4 joke here~ the NPC none the less will be able to comunicate with you!)
-(WARNING, Resurrecting may not totaly cure a NPC eventually a [console]resetai[enter] or
[console]recycleactor[enter] will cure it but NO GUARANTEE!)

Adding a mod to a weapon (legendary effects):
-Drop the weapon of choice out of the inventory, then grab it with [E] (aim on object and push [E] until you
grabbed it). Then open [console]getplayergrabbedref[enter]. You then see the ID of the weapon you choosed,
now Open console again [console][ID of weapon].amod.[ID of mod][enter].
(for example -> [console][ID of weapon].amod.1cc2ad[enter] gives you the dubbleshott (2 rounds fired for 1
amunition use) legendary effect.)
-Hint: Does not work on some DLC weapons.

Sorry for the spelling ladies and gent´s i am german :o
6 kommentarer
[★] Der Henker  [skapare] 17 dec, 2020 @ 11:40 
Way to much to read, the reason why i only used parts i realy needed, but yeah that now is more accurate and with more detail
Dutch 16 dec, 2020 @ 17:16 
Der Kehnker; let me help you with this guide, I've been using NetImmerse, Gambryo, and Creation Engine CLI for years; since The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind and later games.

You guys are going to want to head over to the UESP wiki pages for this particular video game's console command usage rules & guidelines.

Burningelmo velk.ca VC0 16 jan, 2019 @ 15:46 
i did. it didnt work for abernty farm
[★] Der Henker  [skapare] 6 jan, 2019 @ 5:12 
@stop harrassing me, You need to check the ID from each settlement´s workbench and get the values from it. :)
luigi from mario brothers 3 jan, 2019 @ 13:48 

pretty good


The ghost of big chungus approves
Burningelmo velk.ca VC0 28 dec, 2018 @ 11:00 
the example you gave for changing settlement size only works for sancuary