Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Bahia Soleada (Tropical Island)
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5.003 MB
3 Dec, 2016 @ 6:11am
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Bahia Soleada (Tropical Island)

Bahia Soleada - a beautiful Paradise alone in the sea. White beaches, green hills and black mountains wait for being discovered.

Use the Space wisely
The Islands of Bahia Soleada are not very big. To be successful with your city you need to plan and build compact and effective. If you waste space with gigantic interchanges or airports you won`t achive the goals.

Connect the Islands
There isn`t only 1 island - there are four of them. You`ll need to expand and spread over all of them via bridge, tunnel or ferry ( use Ship Line Tool by S. Klyte). Transport your citizens to every point on Bahia Soleada and Watch them having fun in their paradise.

Blow it up
What would a tropical paradise be without some hurricanes or tsunamis? :D

I`m planning to create a scenario on this map, here`ll be a link soon.

I recommend:

Ship Line Tool by S.Klyte
Tropical HD theme by Mark Fire
Network Extensions