Alien Breed: Impact

Alien Breed: Impact

113 ratings
Alien Breed: Impact Achievement Guide
By aquatorrent
This guide will help you to get all achievements in the game.
I noticed that there is no achievement guide for this game. Yes, i know that there are some useful achievements guide in the guide section. However, all of them are not in english and i can't read any of those. I'm sure some of you might feel the same and using google translate to read a guide is not fun.

It's recommended that you play the game at least twice. You can start the game with Rookie (easiest) difficulty first to grab all achievements and then play Elite (hardest) difficulty to get Against The Odds achievement.
Single Player Storyline Achievements
Obtained through story progression and can't be missed.

Time to Party
Complete 3 Co-op Assault multiplayer games

Despite of the achievement description, you'll get this after you finish level 3.

Campaign Veteran
Single player completed

Note that you can get this achievement in Rookie difficulty.
Other Single Player Achievements
Born to Kill
Killed a total of 25 aliens in single player.

You'll get this as you play the game. I get this in level 1.

Killing Spree
Killed 20 aliens in 30 seconds

You'll get this as you play the game. I get this in level 2.

Elite Force
Killed 50 aliens in a row without taking any damage

You'll get this as you play the game. I get this in level 2.

Break Out The Arsenal
Used all weapons and items in the game

You just have to use all weapons (triggered with left click) and items (triggered with right click) at least once.

Fighting Light
Finished a single player level without using any items

Items are all things which are triggered with right click. Doing this is easy, especially when you can do it in level 1 in Rookie difficulty.

Aint Got Time To Bleed
Finished 'Interface' single player level without using any health packs

You can do this in Free Play mode. Thanks to [CMA] Clayinator for the confirmation.

This might be hard. Luckily, you can do it in Rookie
difficulty and you can use other items except health packs. If you're running out of health, use Hardened Armor. It'll fully restore your health and give you an extra health bar.

The boss will start by spitting green blobs. The green blobs will pop into small aliens. Kill them with Assault Rifle or Flamethrower. Soon after, the boss will start smashing the ground and some muds will spread on the ground in which, at some point, will pop. Go to the free space in the area and wait until the muds pop. After that, the boss will start emitting green light and shoot a laser beam. Dodge it by running left and right until it stops. The boss will be vulnerable to attacks at this point and you have to shoot it with Shot Cannon twice and it will go back to the first phase. Repeat this a few times until the alien spawns in the middle. Use Frag Grenade twice whenever it's spitting green blobs and do the same for the other phase until it died.

If you're having trouble in the boss fight, you can watch Skipper's video here.
- Against The Odds
I reached character limit when i'm giving tips for this achievement so i'm making a new section for this.

Against The Odds
Completed the Single Player game on Elite difficulty

This one is hard, especially if you suck at shooter games like me. You need to conserve your Credits, ammos, and items. Save at least one Hardened Armor for final boss fight. Save often (especially after a large encounter), even if you have to take a long way to backtrack.

The reason i told you to save is so that you load the game if you lose too much health in the process. If you have played Rookie difficulty, you must have known how long it will take until you finish the level. Try to conserve as little Health Kit as possible, especially on the first two levels so you can spam it freely for level 5. I myself try to not get damage from enemies if my objectives are near Intex Terminal.

Since the enemies are stronger (and has more health) in Elite difficulty, try to not get hit and try to use Pistol to kill weaker enemies to conserve ammo. Do not ever let yourself get surrounded by enemies since it will be hard to take care of. Instead, try to place them in front of you so you can handle all of them easier.

For large enemies, you might want to use Shot Cannon to kill them. If there are a lot of enemies charging you at the same time, try to find a door or an alley to make them closer (and easier to target) and blast them with Assault Rifle (or Flamethrower, if it's hard to keep up). Because of this, you'll need to change your weapons a lot. Changing weapons with mouse scroll causes delay in my attacks which makes me have to change my key bindings. You might need to do the same if you have the same trouble.

I prefer to limit myself to not using Health Packs until level 5 so i can upgrade my Assault Rifle, Shot Cannon, and Flamethrower with Damage Boost Module. Also, you might need to buy Medi Stimulant upgrade for later levels. Note that you don't have to conserve your Health Packs too much like i did.

Here are some guidance for each level:

Level 1 - Aftermath
This should be easy if you save often. Just load your save file when you feel like you're taking too much damage in one "progression". You don't need to use the SentryGun.

Level 2 - Priorities
You might have trouble in "defend yourself for a few seconds" mission and the long hallway before the last Intex Terminal.

For the first one, make sure you are killing all large enemies with Shot Cannon and quickly switch it to Assault Rifle whenever you see small enemies or having trouble to keep up. The hardest part is to switch between the two, so you might want to change your key bindings for this.

For the long hallway area, you have to run to the end of the hallway and use Flamethrower to kill the enemies (make sure you hug the wall to avoid damage). After that, you can either choose to go to the save point (recommended) or do some cleanup in the area first. You have to run again to the first door that you detonate before entering the hallway and use your Flamethrower to do the cleanup. There will still be some enemies left near the exit, but they'll be easier to handle.

Level 3 - Re-Boot
This level shouldn't be hard if you keep on killing large encounters behind a door or an alley (i mostly did it with Flamethrower). The hardest part is when you are resetting the Mainframe. However, the Intex Terminal isn't that far so you can save and load easily. For the last sprint area, just shoot all enemies with Shot Cannon and you'll be fine.

Level 4 - Crossover
You'll have trouble in saving and loading after you're taking De-con key-card (the area after the first Intex Terminal) as your path to the previous Intex Terminal will be blocked. I can't really give you an advice except to make sure that you're not taking too much damage there. After you take the key-card, go to the corner where the insect like alien (not the charging one) spawns and keep on killing it (i'm using Assault Rifle for it) while walking left and right to avoid the charging alien (kill them when they have gone to your spot). After the countdown timer goes to 0, they will be killed so you don't have to waste too much ammo on them.

When you're trying to activate Power Grid system (the area near the second Intex Terminal), activate all of them quickly and kill all enemies on the way (there shouldn't be that many). After the lights are back on, hide in the corner of the inner wall near one of the turrets and hug the wall until the enemies are gone (there will be a message for this) to conserve your health and ammo. There will be some enemies left which you can kill or lure to the turrets.

In Irrigation System, proceed carefully and kill the red blobs on the way to prevent small enemies being spawned. You might want to go back and forth a lot to do this. Actually, you can do this easier by running through the end and activate the terminal in the end of the road, but you'll risk facing a lot of enemies and lose more health in the process. There is also a Power Point to place SentryGun if you do the second option and need more help.

Level 5 - Interface
This level has a far distance between each Intex Terminals. Even so, you can still backtrack to the previous Intex Terminal so always save after you finish an encounter and load whenever you think that you're taking too much damage. If you find backtracking to be difficult because of the turrets, you can use Health Kits to make it easier. I myself used around 20+ Small Health Kits after going to Turbine 01 until before facing the last boss. Kill all red blobs you find on the way. Make sure you have enough ammo, health, and Health Kits for the last boss. For the last boss, check Aint Got Time To Bleed section. You might want to use Hardened Armor before initiating the fight.

Some tips from Psojed:
Originally posted by Psojed:
You don't have to shoot boss at all during his attacks, just kill the small bugs, avoid biomass, avoid his shots (hold Shift to run), then attack him.
I went with damage upg. for Assault Rifle, next damage upg. for Laser Rifle, and in level 5 I got reload upgrade for Shotgun, but that was basically money leftovers I didn't need, because I had full ammo on Rifle and Laser. My strategy was simple, using pistol on the small bugs, using all shotgun and flamethrower ammo from pickups, and only then switcing to AR and LR when needed. I bought all the armors from Intex, only few medkits used. I had about 3 deaths total on the running part of level 2, because I tried to fight the bug :)

If you still have trouble in doing this, check out this guide.

This will take a lot of time and patience, so good luck!
- Logs
I separate this section because it is image heavy. There are 12 logs in total. However, you just need to pick up 10. (Credits to Akhazir for the log names.)

- Level 1 (Aftermath) - 3 logs
- Level 2 (Priorities) - 5 logs
- Level 4 (Crossover) - 1 log
- Level 5 (Interface) - 1 log

Knowledge Is Power
Picked up 100% of the logs

Log 1
Name: Boney Shield
Location: Level 1 - Aftermath
You'll find the log on the way to deactivate the Capacitor.

Log 2
Name: Screamer
Location: Level 1 - Aftermath
On the way to the elevator, you'll find your first fire extinguisher tutorial. Shooting them will make them explode, leaving a path open. From that place, go to the area in the left of the big door (you have to return to the big door entrance to do this). You'll find a Log and an Intex Terminal in front.

Log 3
Name: Mauler
Location: Level 1 - Aftermath
The log will be before the last Intex Terminal.

Log 4
Name: Ranged
Location: Level 2 - Priorities
The log will be in one of the rooms when you clear the first area.

Log 5
Name: Healer
Location: Level 2 - Priorities
The log will be in one of the rooms when you clear the third area.

Log 6
Name: Larval Burst
Location: Level 2 - Priorities
In Medical Command Centre, head to the room east of Intex Terminal.

Log 7
Name: Stunner
Location: Level 2 - Priorities
The log will be in Medical Command Centre, in the Physician's room.

Log 8
Name: Charger
Location: Level 2 - Priorities
The log will be in the room that you have to pass through in order to retrieve Explosive Charges.

Log 9
Name: Hulk Scan
Location: Level 4 - Crossover
The log is in the room before the first Intex Terminal.

Log 10
Name: Moss Creature
Location: Level 5 - Interface
You'll find the log on the way to Turbine 02.
- Secrets
There are 5 secrets in total which is available in each levels. Unlike logs, secrets won't display a text when it's hovered, making it to be more difficult to find. Not to mention, some secrets are well hidden, which adds to the difficulty.

No Stone Unturned
Found all secret collectibles

Secret 1
Location: Level 1 - Aftermath
The secret is in the second to the last Intex Terminal.

Secret 2
Location: Level 2 - Priorities
After saving Fresleven, head to the room next to them and go all the way straight until you hit a dead end. You'll find a large room with two inaccessible room near the corner. Explode the fire extinguisher in the large room to gain access to the said rooms. The secret will be in the top-most room, alongside with a locker containing 1000 Credits.

Secret 3
Location: Level 3 - Re-Boot
After you take the shuttle, head to the nearest Intex Terminal. Head north from there and you'll end up in a room with glass floor. Enter the west door. Head west and then follow the hallway and you'll find the secret near the dead end along with some useful items and cash.

Secret 4
Location: Level 4 - Crossover
On the way to the Hulk Ship, you'll encounter a big round machine part. Notice a Gantry Console on the right side of the platform which will trigger a switch. Activate the switch and wait for a few seconds until a platform which will deliver the secret to go up.

Secret 5
Location: Level 5 - Interface
There is a locked door near Air Filtration system which requires a key-card. Pick up the key-card in Air Filtration system, unlock the door, go east once, and go straight until you hit a dead end. Explode the fire extinguisher in the area to reveal a path which holds a Hardened Armor and a secret inside. Note that the blast will cause a smoke which makes the path to be hard to see. Just go inside and you'll find the items.
Multiplayer Achievements
Hard To Kill
Finished CO-OP Assault level 1,2 or 3 with no player losing a life

Team Veteran
Complete "Hydroponics" in Co-op Assault

You can find co-op partner here.

There are 3 multiplayer levels in total, with Hydroponics being the last level. The maps are similar to level 1, 3, and 4 single player maps with different missions and progressions. In multiplayer, you won't be able to rotate the map and your screen will be shared with your partner (meaning, you can't go far from your partner).

Since all drops and both ammos and items sold in Intex Terminals are shared, you have to distribute it evenly with your partner. Get one people to collect all Credits by collecting the Credit drops and searching both Corpses and Lockers until he/she has 6k Credits to upgrade Assault Rifle. After one person has 6k Credits, switch the collecting role to the other person until he/she got 6k. After that, distribute the money and drops evenly.

You might want to use Pistols most of the time because of the lack of ammos. You'll also have to cover each other's back if there're a lot of enemies spawned. Otherwise, it's better to kill the enemies together. If you die, you'll be respawned with around half of your health bar, so unless you're aiming for Hard To Kill achievement, you can preserve Health Kits by dying.

For Hard To Kill achievement, you only have to finish it in one level. I get it in level 2 because a lot of Hardened Armors are being sold and dropped in the area, but you can also do it in level 1. Use it whenever possible if you are aiming for this achievement.

In the last area after you activate the elevator, you'll be greeted by hordes of enemies. You and your partner have to stick in a corner and shoot all enemies from there. After the elevator arrives, quickly proceed to the elevator to end the level.

Good luck.

*credits to tbnguyen1407 for the strategy.
aquatorrent  [author] 15 Oct, 2021 @ 5:56am 
@preciousgains: thank you, glad it helps :)
Chaos Monk 15 Oct, 2021 @ 5:54am 
Great guide. Much appreciated !!
[CMA] Clayinator 16 Apr, 2021 @ 8:27pm 
Thanks & no worries :cozybethesda:
aquatorrent  [author] 16 Apr, 2021 @ 7:54pm 
@[CMA] Clayinator: congrats! I'll put it on the guide. Thanks for the info :)
[CMA] Clayinator 16 Apr, 2021 @ 7:42pm 
I just got 'Ain't got time to bleed' on Free Play mode, so I guess it works lol
[CMA] Clayinator 16 Apr, 2021 @ 5:16am 
All good, thanks anyway
aquatorrent  [author] 16 Apr, 2021 @ 4:45am 
@[CMA] Clayinator: i'm not sure tbh. iirc, i finished it in story mode. Sorry i can't be much help 😅
[CMA] Clayinator 16 Apr, 2021 @ 4:30am 
For the 'Ain't got time to bleed' achievement, does it need to be done on story mode? Or can it be done on 'free play' mode?
aquatorrent  [author] 14 Nov, 2020 @ 11:52am 
@Leandro: thank you! as for your question, i don't think so. i just tried to start the co-op mode solo and it won't let me start. you might want to ask in the discussion thread for a co-op partner like i did if you really want to finish them :)
L34-N 14 Nov, 2020 @ 10:06am 
Great job, Man!

By the way, the co-op achievements can be done alone? I usually prefer playing single.