Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Eilat & Aqaba
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25 Oct, 2016 @ 7:33am
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Eilat & Aqaba

In 1 collection by MrMiyagi
Levant Coast - Cyprus Lebanon Israel Palestine Jordan Syria Egypt
95 items
A real-life 1:1 map - large flat central area with nice slopes for the edges and mountains forming the backdrop make this a really nice map for those of you who like to have lots of room to stretch out and be creative but still want nice scenic views on the sides.

Eilat, Israel and Aqaba, Jordan are two neighboring port cities on the Red Sea. There's a nice video for each above. The same impressive scenes of the highway that winds down the mountainside on the Eilat video can also be experienced in this map! :)

You start in Eilat on a very attractive piece of land - slightly sloped, which will offer beautiful expansive views of your city along the flat beach shore. I've made two handy start square roundabouts for you, built so you have efficient connections that minimize slowdowns on the traffic circle.

Lots of guide images to help you plan your city and figure out what the squares next to you wil have as you decide which direction to expand to.
Helpful beginning square dual enties for road and rail.

This uses Avanya's Semi Desert Theme. It has beautiful dried, cracked mud flats as oil, and ore is a nice gravelly texture. All three together make a very nice palette for this area!
I used Cinematic HD LUT for these shots. Try out different kinds of LUTs. This theme is very flexible in how it looks under differents LUT, which is great since it allows you to pick what look you like!

As you build your city, you may want to use Surface Painter Mod by BloodyPenguin to keep your oasis farm fields colors and other terrain decoration that may be consumed by the industry occupying the space.

TREES by MrMaison
Regional trees Acacia and Canary Island Date Palm are used as the trees in this map, although very sparsely planted. This is a very dry landscape with barely much growing outside of the human settlements.

This true to life map began as a heightmap from the website, was run through the Wilbur geologic program, and finished up by hand.

The roads are located in true to life paths thanks to the mod Overlayer2, which you can find here:
Overlayer v2 Mod


Israel Hwy 12 and on the other side Jordan's Aqaba Highway 80 offer magnificent views as you descent down to Eilat and Aqaba respectively.
MrMiyagi  [author] 4 Jun, 2018 @ 9:11am 
Awesome! I'm glad it worked. It sounds like you already had some mods in there, and the handy clear all traffic button was what was needed to clear the blockage. I could have used that button a few times :D Thanks for letting me know about that feature, it helps!
nayls142 3 Jun, 2018 @ 4:52pm 
Thanks for the replies MrMiyagi. I dug around in Reddit a bit more, and found advice to install the Traffic Manager President Edition, to use the "clear all traffic" feature, and that worked. Not sure what was jamming things up, but the city with a population of 60,000 was importing 600 units, and exporting 3000 units, dispite 7 additional pairs of road connections, 4 additional rail connections, 4 ports, and 6 freight terminals. After clearing vehicles and letting them respawn, the imports shot up to over 8000, and I started to have beautiful traffic jams again :) Imports/exports have stabilized around 4000 units each, with a population of 70,000 and growing. Thanks again, I've really enjoyed this map.
MrMiyagi  [author] 8 May, 2018 @ 3:49am 
Any ideas what it could be? I'll try to help :)
MrMiyagi  [author] 8 May, 2018 @ 3:48am 
Hi nayls142, maps do not have an AI function that could cause you those difficulties (unless of course there are no outside highway rail and shipping connections :D )
There are a number of reasons this could happen, from workshop cargo/industry assets with a problem, or (quite likely) a mod interfering with the AI function, or (if you're new to the game) something planning-wise in how your infrastructure is set up, for example if it's too slow to get to your industrial areas.
nayls142 7 May, 2018 @ 3:48pm 
Beautiful Map, but industry doesn't seem to be able to import raw materials. Its been really limiting growth.
MrMiyagi  [author] 25 Jul, 2017 @ 2:44am 
:D Are you ready to build a wall and make Saudi Arabia pay for it? Apparently, that's how you become first! lol
gashatta 24 Jul, 2017 @ 5:54pm 
MrMiyagi  [author] 20 May, 2017 @ 8:38am 
Cool! :) Hi and glad you like it!
rgal8383 20 May, 2017 @ 8:00am 
יפה מאוד!! אני אילתית וזה נהדר!!!
Very nice! Im from Eilat and that is very lovely
just your usual talking train 29 Jan, 2017 @ 2:55am 