Portal 2

Portal 2

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Just some maps I have played and would like to remember. This collection is mainly for myself, but I thought, I would make it public, so everyone can have some quality maps to play.
Items (24)
The Ship
Created by Jazz
Don't ask us how it got here....
Prison Break
Created by Jazz
Rescue your friends, and use their unique "skills" to escape the prison....
Expendable Human Launch Vehicle
Created by ceski
"This is the longest and largest custom map I've played. None of the challenges were too taxing but they were all logical and interesting. What impressed me most is how the player's path twists through the space so you keep getting close to the exit (or en...
Created by pythonzen
Part of an old map pack I did last year....
Created by Mevious
A remake of my map for Portal 1 by the same name. Get it here: https://forums.thinking.withportals.com/downloads.php?view=detail&df_id=286 This map is very hard. Use F6 to quicksave and F7 to quickload....
enlighten the chamber
Created by Zapperlott
In this puzzle you have to escort a laser.. conceptual difficulty 6/10 technical difficulty: 2/10...
Spider's Nest
Created by Goose
Conceptual Difficulty: 6/10 Technical Difficulty: 3/10 What a tangled web we weave......
Created by Zapperlott
The exit is open..use the bridge to get there... I think this map is pretty challenging. It involves a timer,some cool jumping and thinking outside the box.. conceptual difficulty 6/10 technical difficulty: 4/10 Thanks for playing!...
Created by Mevious
The Shepherd Company would like to remind you to stay within the confines of this chamber. Those caught violating this rule will be put to sleep. http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=87278255...
Created by Mevious
faithplates and stuff...
Created by Salimuyne
A simple one-room chamber puzzle. Contains thermal discouragement beams (and catcher), redirection cubes, standard weighted cubes, panels, etc. Slightly destroyed theme. Bugs: Some surface anomaly where portals near the panel will only appear halfway. Test...
Upstairs Downstairs
Created by David
A co-operative map featuring four puzzles, set in an abandoned Old Aperture test sphere. The puzzles get progressively more difficult. None of them require ninja moves or reflexes - you simply need to have a good think together! The map is meant to be hard...
Created by Mevious
Conserve your energy....
Created by Mevious
I don't care what Greg says, Cave prime is telling you that overlapping excursion funnels will NOT collapse the space time continuum. Continue testing. Inspired by Hideous's map Mitosis. http://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=68456870...
Scientific collaboration IV
Created by potemkinhr
After a slight accident involving P-body getting cut in half with lasers in the last test, this testing initiative is being performed in a totally safe environment. The drawback is, it's pretty hard, even ENIAC couldn't solve it. ==========================...
Created by Mevious
Cube levetation and descension techniques...
Created by jesse
Work your way up the tower, activating switches along the way to open new paths. Edit: Moved a ceiling panel back 1 space. It is not needed for some crazy fling. #portal2cast...
Created by Yunas
Due to an "accidental" acid spillage, your path to the exit is blocked. Please either A: Seek alternate methods of reaching the exit, or B: Curl up in a corner and cry Possible entry to the Portal2cast Monday Madness competition... As always, please report...
Help me [Co-op. ]
Created by УМА
CO-OP TEST 1 Waiting for comments and feedback. Thanks for playing....
Trajectory Companion
Created by Misturgy
Yes, you're right. It's a companion cube. Keep it and it won't bite. Feel free to send feedback! This is a Monday Madness entry. Monday Madness Discussion Results #portal2cast...
Created by Mevious
Lenses, polarity, and their application to advanced cube transportation techniques...
twisted little ditty
Created by stormsend
there's a trick to this one but you can figure it out....
Created by Moth
Test 01: Complete this chamber to advance to the next level of The Jungle Gym. Minimum Number of Portals: 4 Difficulty: Hard Enjoy :) The rest of my maps: Moth's Maps...
Created by Geneosis
It would be easy if you could just reverse this funnel... Type : Logical Difficulty : Medium Walkthrough video by Metzger Ben Tags : geneosis, timer, stase, fly, catch, cut, stack, activate #F4F : Rate and comment this map and I will do the same for one of...