Titan Quest Anniversary Edition

Titan Quest Anniversary Edition

137 ratings
Hybrid Guide: I Have minions for that - playing as a druid.
By Algahzor
So, You are fanatic about not doing anything, and yet still become ridiculously overpowered, near unkillable, mage tank with pets running around doing all your dirty work - because blood on your own hands are soooooo yesteryear!

Luckily, Titan Quest has the classes and equipment for you to be your absolutely laziest you can be, provided you don't mind spamming that one-button-wonder. In this case - your 1-button-wonder will be your ... Regrowth Healing Spell! Because how else are you going to ensure that your enemies die because you healed!

This guide is aimed at moderately-advanced players that had a run-in with the game's resistance system and saw the horrors of legendary difficulty before - and stands to make the goal for players to Finish Normal difficulty with under 100 kills. (by getting an Idea from what your gear should be like by looking at the example gear build I provide in this guide, and stress-to-the-fact that you should get yourself some minions and the regrowth spell super-early in the game too).
Mastery Selection
You will want to go for druid:

  • Nature (Level 2)
  • Storm (Any Level beyond 8)

What sets this apart from going summoner instead is the following:

  • Less Risk of doing any retaliation damage to mobs - as it will count towards a kill. In the spec below, yes, I have specced Storm Mastery's Reflection - but that's intended for after you have finished Normal Difficulty!
  • Storm wisp buffs synchronizes extremely well with your nymph's Nature's Wrath
  • Your wolves will do the majority of tanking. Mobs tend to target whatever attacks them first, or steps in their aggro radius first. Since you won't be attacking, your wolves will soon steal all the aggro.
  • Mobs that come to you instead of your pets will have a nasty surprise: You have extreme amounts of HP, Super short cooldowns on healing, and Brute force stands to be no match for your superior intelligence and willingness to run away!
  • Nymph can place small - but handy - shields on you. Ofcourse, you won't go out of your way to spec every point into this shield. You will spec 1 point into this, and let +Skill points do the rest for you. Somewhat.
  • You will effectively be much stronger vs. Lightning and Ice attacks - Once you spec energy shield - But don't go spec reflection in normal difficulty!. There was a change to energy shield where it blocks a % of incoming damage, instead of a flat amount only.
  • With a good loadout - you will be able to heal everyone around every 0.8 or less seconds
  • With a great loadout - you will gain +6 to all nature skills and +4 to all storm skills
  • Reiterating the fact that you will have around 14000 HP in legendary - if you have farmed up the legendary items I would suggest in this post.
Endgame spec for mastery, and the effects they provide.
Druid Spec* [www.titancalc.com]

*Note - this site is outdated as of the 10th anniversary edition

This is what you will see, if you followed the spec above, and got all the gear I recommended in this guide later on.

This guide also assumes that the items you have equipped from the loadout in the guide gives you 15% energy cost reduction and 16% cooldown reduction.

So the energy cost and cooldowns listed in the guide may vary slightly, but on the topic of one skill, tranquility of water, 90% of the time - it works all the time - it will drop energy cost of your spells by 50%.
Spec Explained: Nature

Heart of Oak Tree:

  • Heart of Oak (16/12) - +85% Max HP for you and your allies, +10% Total Speed - 18 meter radius, 100 Energy Reserved.

  • Tranquility of Water (Passive) (10/6)- 90% chance to reduce energy cost of spells by 50%, for you and your allies affected by Heart of Oak. No Cost

  • Permanence of Stone (Passive) (10/6)- 31% Elemental Resistance to you and all allies affected by Heart of Oak. 1 Energy Per second

Regrowth Tree:

  • Regrowth (20/16) - 3520 HP Cure to Target. 160 Base Energy cost. Around 56 Energy cost with Tranquility of Water proc + Gear bonuses. Cooldown ~ 0.8 Seconds

  • Accelerated Regrowth (Passive) (12/8)- 80% cooldown reduction on Regrowth. No Cost

  • Dissemenation (Passive) (16/12)- Chain-Lightning style heal (a heal which leaps to allies) for 1770 HP. No Cost.


(11/12) - Reduces the remaining cooldown of all your abilities by 48 Seconds. Cooldown ~25.2 Seconds when you have the gear.

Brair Ward Tree: (AKA - My pets failed at tanking. Lets summon trees to tank for us!)

  • Brair Ward (20/16) - Surrounds you with "tanking trees" which retaliate damage of 14 - 29 Piercing damage. This won't count towards your kills I believe - doesn't come directly from you - the player. Each tree has 3772 HP, lives for 30 seconds, and has a 188 Energy cost, 65.2 With Gear and Tranquility of Water Proc, and a 100.2 Sec Cooldown.

  • Stinging Nettle (Passive) (12/8)- Brair Ward retaliates with poison damage to the target for 228 Damage over 6 seconds. No Cost.

  • Sanctuary (Passive) (12/8)- Here is where Brair Ward Shines: While standing in your ward, for 18 seconds, you will take 32% LESS DAMAGE, regenerate +32 HP a second, and your spells will cost 32% less (which is sweet with gear and tranquility of water procs - will cap out at 80% reduction to spell cost. Yay Regrowth @ 32 Energy Cost!

Call of the Wild tree (Summon Wolf):

  • Call of the wild (20/16) - Summon 3 Wolves to attack stuff for you. On Legendary difficulty (where pet bonuses are applies), they will have 2920 HP and 252 Energy - and 28% chance to dodge both projectile and melee attacks. ~16.8 Sec cooldown, 196 energy cost (with proc and gear: 68.6 energy cost)

  • Maul (Passive) (7/12)- One-point-Wonder +6, causes your wolves to deal 90 bleeding damage over 3 seconds, 14 piercing damage, and a direct 10% to enemy health - counted against vitality resistance. (so useless against undead and constructs.)

  • Survival Instinct (Passive) (7/12)-One-point-Wonder +6, When your wolves are at critical HP because you're a heartless monster promoting animal fights and refuse to keep your pets alive, they will do +45% physical damage and take 47% less damage. At the speed you execute heals, this will rarely be needed to be pushed up to 16/12. I never had a use for this skill that high, but it's just me.

  • Strength of the pact (Passive) (7/12)-One-point-Wonder +6, your wolves buffs you and all other pets with +16 Armor, +43% physical damage, + 1 Energy Regeneration Per Second, and 15% total speed ... which is the sole reason you want this buff.

Sylvan Nymph (Little Miss Sproink):

  • Sylvan Nymph (20/16) - Summons 1 nymph to attack your target at range, at a ridiculous speed and ability to find rocks and trees to shoot instead. She would have 3018 HP with my build on Legendary, 702 Energy, and will do 48 - 94 Pierce damage and 4% direct damage to the enemy's health as vitality damage per hit (which.... is useless against undead mobs again...). She also has a 44% chance to dodge both melee and projectile attacks. She can be summoned once every 50.4 seconds and costs 282 base energy - or (Proc + Gear = 98.7 energy)

  • Overgrowth (Passive) (7/12)- One-point-Wonder +6, buff your nymph provides to you and seldom other pets, blocks up to 363 damage from all sources (which is ignorable) and the buff has a 33% chance to retaliate with 10 ~ 19 pierce damage. At super low levels, be careful with this buff - will count towards kills, from what I could tell.

  • Nature's Wrath (AKA PEW PEW) (Passive) (16/12)-Your Nymph will now attack mobs for 155 - 261 Elemental damage (Checked against Fire, Frost and Lightning resistances), and this attack splashes to nearby mobs (1.5 meter radius) AND has a 33% chance to penetrate mobs! Super good ability this -- provided your nymph's nemesis rock didn't "Jump" right in front of her.
Spec Explained: Storm

In this part of the guide, there will be abilities which you should avoid speccing in Normal difficulty. Be warned - otherwise that kill counter might just go over 100 kills before you finish normal!

Spell Breaker Tree:

  • Spell Breaker (10/6) - Don't Spec this in normal

    In a 6 meter radius, this will Remove buffs (good status enhancements) from enemies, and debuffs (bad status afflictions) from allies. Seems like a good thing right? Wrong. Here's why

    This skill does 100 flat physical damage. Use this on monsters on normal, and you're going for the achievement to kill fewer mobs than 100 in a complete normal playthrough, this will make you very sad in the end.

    Additionally, this spell does %50 bonus damage to demons.

    Another attribute to this spell at 10/6, is that it removes 100% of your enemy's energy bar. drains it out completely. This is a huge enemy DPS breaker you want to have in normal, but cannot because of the damage this spell does.

    It costs 82 Energy to cast, and 28.7 energy with Tranquility of Water + Gear. Has a 5 second cooldown with gear.

  • Spell Shock (Passive) (12/8)- Don't Spec this in normal

    At a 32 additional Energy cost and a harder slap in your enemy's face, you can do +71 Electrical burn damage to the enemy, damage him for 1.95 damage per point of energy drained (195% ratio), and Silence the enemy for 8.4 seconds - reduced by their skill disruption resistance.

Summon Wisp Tree:

  • Summon Wisp (20/16) -

    Since the release of the 10th anniversary edition, you will gain the ability to summon one on the most indestructable critters in the game to fight by your side - and I'm not joking *glares at 80% dodge%, avoid projectile caps*

    This little bugger has 2258 HP, 963 Energy and a whopping cap-bypassing 99% chance to dodge projectile and melee attacks.

    He/She/Apache Helicopter also boasts 2 abilities:

    Plasma burn: Slap a target for 66 ~ 78 lightning damage, modified by a portion of the +Elemental% damage buffs your pets receive

    Thunderclap: In a 3 meter radius, he slaps enemies for 107 ~ 159 lightning damage modified by a portion of +Elemental% damage your pets receive

    He costs 200 energy to summon, 80 with tranquility of water and gear, and has a 16.6 second cooldown.

  • Eye of the Storm(Passive) (12/8)-

    In a 14 meter AoE Radius, your wisp buffs you, all your pets, and all your allies with +150% elemental damage, and 45% cold and lightning resistance. what a nice guy.

Summon Wisp Tree:

  • Energy Shield (16/12) -

    Slaps cold/lightning enemy mages harder in the face by giving you an 85% damage reduction vs. cold and lightning spells for 100 seconds. Considering this has a 49.8 second cooldown, you can pretty much keep this up permanently. The goal of this entire run is to survive... and make it possible to even get the hardcore achievements if you play well!

    Has a 150 Energy cost and with Tranquility of Water + Gear, ~59 Energy cost.

  • Reflection(Passive) (12/8)- Don't Spec this in Normal!

    For an additional 30 energy cost to energy shield, any lightning / ice attack against you has a 33% chance to be reflected to the target for 242% damage dealt (may need confirmation if this is before reduction from elemental resistances and reduction from Energy shield, or after. From the mobs I tested on, they pretty-much croaked with this).
Attribute point distrubution with sight on Legendary Endgame

You will need a minimum of 500 Intelligence and 172 Dexterity - without +int / +dex gear. Trust me - this is an easy goal to reach. The rest of the points can go straight into Max HP - which was what I did.
Gear Loadout for Legendary
List is an absolute endgame loadout and should serve to give you an idea how to gear your character early on in the game.

This is my loadout I have prepared for legendary. The main focus is to get +4 to all skills, and get an additional +2 for nature mastery, so I can free up more points from that point-consuming spec.

The second stats I looked at was Survival Stats - your pets can't do squat if you're dead.

In Order: +Skill Points > Resistances (varied) > Max HP > Movement Speed > Attribute Increases.

This loadout on my game gave me 224% elemental resistance (you need 180% to cap on legendary) which was sweet - incase enemies hit me with Resistance reduction effects.

  • Head: Crown of Dockma'Ar [tq-db.net] -

    fantastic for resistance, +1 to all skills, bump to energy, slightly raises intelligence and dexterity, and important for healing: Skill Disruption Protection!

  • Chest: Feng Xaos' Meditation Robes[tq-db.net] -

    Badass Legendary Item
    Granting Enormous amounts of life leech + energy leech + vitality resistance. tiny boost to intelligence. boost to max HP. Provides you with a Level 4 Dark Covenant - Which you can use to boost your pet's energy regen and total speed - as well as your own: At the cost of some menial amounts of HP. Also Reduces Cooldown and Energy cost of skills.

  • Hands: Entwined mark of calchas[tq-db.net]

    Mainly for resistance boosts to Elemental Damage, Some slow Resistance, good boost to defensive ability (Trust me -Legendary crits HURT), energy leech retaliation (which is awesome) and +1 to ALL skills

  • Legs: Demonskin Walkers [tq-db.net]

    Overall Colossal boosts to Elemental resistance (Especially Fire), Big boosts to Pierce and Poison Resistance (Where poison will still lag behind), +1 to all skills, and some movement speed!

  • Ring1: Black Pearl Ring[tq-db.net]

    Tiny boost to max HP and Energy, gives pets some +Elemental Damage and +Elemental% damage. Part of a set which will give some life leech.

    Pets already do good damage. You can always swap this ring with a duplicate of the second ring I propose in this guide, below.

  • Ring2: Star of Elysium [tq-db.net]

    WAIT! HOLD UP Algahzor! This is a strength ring granting +poison and bleed damage!

    We ignore those properties, because: Colossal boost to max HP and HP Regen!. Also gives +Poison and +Pierce Resistance! remember.. some of those damage types we are lagging with?!

    So if you feel your pets do enough damage as is, simply swap the black pearl ring with another one of these beauties. Trust me - Legendary is all about survival. Your pets are expendable and kinda like little projectiles you can keep shooting towards your target that never die, unless you don't heal them like the monster you are.

  • Amulet: Black Pearl Pendant[tq-db.net]

    Some Elemental Resistance, Colossal boost to Max HP and Energy, and, +Total Damage to pets with Attack Damage Converted to health. This should make your pets a bit more sturdy.

  • Weapon: Staff of Elysium [tq-db.net]

    Must-have for pet players!

    This staff is all kinds of good. +Poison, +Pierce, +Elemental Resistance (Kinda so much Elemental resistance by now that not even Reduced Resistance effects would hurt you that much eh!?)

    Moderate +MaxHP +Energy boosts, Small Energy and HP Regeneration boosts, and

    Wait for it ...
    Wait for it ...

    +2 to all Nature Mastery Skills!

  • Artifact: Thoth's Glory [tq-db.net]

    In short - I'm not planning on getting CC'd while my pets are getting hurt. This is where this artifact comes in. No super special effects, just Immunity to CC (Stun, Freeze, Entrapped)

    Also gives +10% EXP per kill (which is useless at level 75), but.... +1 to all Skills
(Living Guide Section) - Findings using my own guide, and potentially dangerous bosses
This section of the guide is for living information - where I find flaws and dangerous situations that people following this guide should be aware of and situations which could prove dangerous to the player, if not fatal.

Act 1 - Megalesios

At this point, your pet's won't do very decent damage ... yet - due to lack of skillpoints to make them absolutely monsterous.

Megalesios uses Mind Control on your pets
... which was annoying. He also summoned adds that, when they attack you, they heal Megalesios. The strategy I devised for this part was to do the following:

Kite the adds. Hopefully you are using Wraps of Journeying at this stage (~+22% movement speed) Enhanced with Essence of Hermes' Sandal (+15% movement speed) and Heart of Oak granting another 10% movement speed. That totals to ~+47% movement speed.

When he controls your pets, it's time to start kiting, and immediately resummon your pets. When your 'new' pets are summoned, group-select them and make them attack the adds, before finally returning to Megalesios. Rinse and repeat this process. It's going to be a relatively slow win, but not particularly hard.

Act 2

Small Strategy-Swap:

During Act 2, you will start encountering tougher mobs, such as Reptilians, and some new "Open world bosses", ranging from level 30 to 44 (yes, on NORMAL difficulty). At this point, my wolves were at 7/12, and didn't fare too well. I was already pushing points into Storm mastery, and decided to get rid of my healing spell as well as my wolves to hard-push Storm mastery, In favor of getting my wisp. What a good move this was - since the wisp rarely dies, has a short cooldown, and these bosses were easy when your nymph slaps the mobs from a range and your wisp goes gung-ho on their behinds. Once Wisp is mastered out, I will bring back my wolves.
Finally, Tips

Pretty much anything you do is passive gameplay. Remember to put points into Summon Wolf early on so they can kill things for you. You don't want to exceed 100 kills by the time you end Normal Difficulty.

Learn how your pets behave on Aggressive, Normal and Defensive Behaviours (right click their portraits after summoning them)

Above all else for this achievement: Stay away from Retaliation damage - unless it's energy retaliation.

For gear early on, I would throw in the following components into gear:

Essence of Amun-Ra (Max HP + Energy)
Essence of Dyonysis' Wineskin (Max HP + Physical Damage resistance)

Be careful of the following damage types:
  • You > Enemy : Any retaliation Damage. Retaliation damage increases your kill count, and your kill count should remain <100 until you reach epic.
  • You > Enemy : Any basic staff attacks - this happens if you click fanatically to move and accidentally click on an enemy's hitbox. you can cancel the animation by clicking elsewhere.
  • Enemy > you : Bleeding damage - thankfully, there are no colossal bleeding nukes in the game that I can recall from the top of my head, however, this build leaves you with -100% bleeding resistance. If you spot a mob which can bleed you, it's seldom better to kite them instead of soaking the damage. Thankfully, in this build you will have well over 13000 hp and should be able to heal back the damage the bleed does to you - as it typically spans it's damage over 3 - 9 seconds.


Remember: Shift click portraits / Hold shift and use [select pet] hotkeys to assign where you pets should go/attack!

As a bonus to what I've forgot to mention: (Thanks napkinfactory)
Originally posted by napkinfactory:
My only advice for this achievement would be:

keybind a more comfortable key than F7 to "select all minions" and use it. Often. Select all minions and click on the ground to move them or the target to attack.

Minions have big problems with pathfinding sometimes. They lock onto a traget for attacking even if they're unable to reach it (fence, other room, underground etc.) and that results in them just sitting there and doing absolutely nothing. So make sure you know how to direct them where you need them to be. Much less frustrating :) rest is optional

Have a fun Passive Run!
hdgnomus 18 Nov, 2021 @ 6:10am 
Inspired me as well to go for this achievement, though finally I did it with only nature skills (so I managed to grab Specialist achievement as well). All the good storm stuff is on the higher levels after all, so I decided to keep the skill points to max several key nature skills. Worked well, occasional golems towards the end were kinda nasty though.
[CoH] Joker 24 Jan, 2020 @ 9:10pm 
Great guide.
Inspired me to go try for the 100 or fewer achievement.
Atos 27 Nov, 2017 @ 2:06pm 
Hello, can you explain the ??/?? numbers? i kinda get the sense of it.
Algahzor  [author] 18 Nov, 2017 @ 6:50am 
@maneaterkmz, 1 - you should have 5 pets total cosisting of a wisp, 3 wolves and a nymph. They seem to hold good aggro on bosses - but if you struggle with aggro, you would be using the brair wards (I suggested in this guide) - as they taunt mobs. finally, your third question is what it says on the tin - finish normal difficulty for less than 100 kills because pet kills, unlike grim dawn, doesn't count to your own kills - but you still get the XP for it.

The expansion introduced no new pets.
wasabimousse 18 Nov, 2017 @ 4:55am 
Still me.Ok i saw the max 100 kills is an achievement. So you made a hybrid guide and so detailed just for that? Regards
wasabimousse 18 Nov, 2017 @ 4:51am 
Glad to see you in the expansion already. Got some questions and I hope you dont mind

1. How many total pets are in this build at max lvl (pre exp)
2. Is the threat/boss aggro better in TQ than in GD? In Grim Dawn bosses will ignore pets and jump on you all the time
3. Whats up with this? "the goal for players to Finish Normal difficulty with under 100 kills. "
SmashTheStatl 24 Aug, 2017 @ 4:22am 
Это достижение можно сделать намного проще...
Rumpappa 24 Nov, 2016 @ 1:39pm 
Hi Algahzor, first of all ty for the guide. I wonder where should I grind for drop those items?
Marc Lonia 17 Oct, 2016 @ 6:50am 
Hi Algahzor, thanks for a very helpful guide. I always played conqueror plus other melee chars so this summoning stuff is pretty new to me. I'm having loads of fun I must say.

At the moment I'm going through egypt (normal) having put my points entirely in nature. Do you think I should keep this way till endgame and only go storm when I'm about to start a new difficulty level? What are your thoughts?

King of Predators 7 Oct, 2016 @ 4:24pm 
I wish that I had any kind of retaliation at the time that happend, but even than, you need to be attacked first. Even when I started using overgrowth, nothing really changed in case of kills. What I noticed from returning to backups, it kinda always added kills in similar spots and kill count grows, strongest killed enemy stays the same (even after moving to another zone after couple levels). Its not really big issue, since I still ended with 78 kills in the end, and without using backups, it would probably end up with less than 90.