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S-Rank and All Tasks
Από Landon Keyser
S-Rank in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is the best rank you can get for completing a mission, and usually will reward you with S-Rank crew for Mother Base, GMP, flowers, vehicles, etc. Tasks are little side quest errands that can be completing during (or after a mission before you leave the hot zone) various missions. These task will include capturing animals, extracting/eliminating enemy soldiers, and odd tasks like extracting a full care of child soldiers. The purpose of this guide is to help get you both the S-Rank for whichever mission you like and the tips necessary to complete the tasks.
Μη αγαπημένο
S-Rank and Tasks
For S-Ranks, you should have completed a mission beforehand to get a feel for what’s in store when going for the highest rank. Things to keep in mind when going for this include:
-No Kills.
-No Alerts.
-No hits taken.
-Limit your time on the mission. Under eight minutes seems to do it for most missions.
-Extract animals for a small bonus too, if you can spare the time and Fulton equipment.
-Tasks can also increase your likelihood of getting S-Rank, but keep in mind, some will be time consuming, and many require a different play through to achieve.
-Do Not use gear that limits your rank when going for S-Rank. This includes stealth camo, infinite ammo, weather effects, and special artillery support like bombardment and sleeping gas.
-Disable reflex mode. It's 5000 points you shouldn't miss. Just utilize stealth as much as you can. CQC -and empty mags are your tools.
-Skip cut scenes. This is necessary because they reduce your score. Some are pretty lengthy, and the mission time counter is still ticking until you get your score.
-Checkpoints and retries deduct points as well. Abort and restart when needed.

Tasks should not be your top priority when going for S-Rank. Most are time consuming, many will require you to be somewhere specific, and some will take you near the edge of the mission sight. Task include:
-Killing/Extracting a certain enemy soldier. (One or the other per task)
-Picking a hidden group of fauna or a cluster.
-Extracting a wild animal. Usually easy, say for a few vultures and bears here and there.
-Listening to a conversation between enemy forces.
Prologue: Awakening
The first mission of the game. Big Boss awakens from a nine-year comma only to be attacked by enemy forces, a silent assassin, and a mysterious man named Ishmael. A man in fire and a boy in a gas mask show up too. Then you’re rescued by a guy on horseback. Sound like a metal gear game, yet? The mission is pretty straight forward and help you get used to the controls as you stumble around until you’re able to run and walk normally. You’ll get a little target practice too in the end.

Skip all cut scenes. This is almost mandatory because there are a lot of them and they’re really long.

Follow Ishmael’s instructions to the note. Hide when he says, run when he says. No retstarts. There’s a part when he says play dead. Stop and lay down – play dead as he says.

When you get a gun, make each shot count. For armed guards they’re not very tough and give you time for perfect headshots.

Avoid Triggering Reflex Mode
There’s two ways to achieve this:
One: Stay low, and crawl when needed. Avoid the guards and wait for them to turn before getting out of the lobby. You can bypass this fight all together.
Two: Disable reflex mode in the options. You are guaranteed to get the bonus and task completion.

Don’t Allow the Man on Fire to Attack, Even Once.
This one seems tricky, but this section will help you get used to the targeting system of the game. Don’t fire blindly at him hoping to hit him. Your shotgun has a range and a nice spread. Wait for him to get within range and only fire when he winds up for an attack, or when your crosshairs turn red.
Mission 1: Phantom Limbs
Mission 01: Phantom Limbs

This is the first real mission where you get used to the mechanics of the game and your first ally, D-Horse. You’ll have a few words with Ocelot before going a rescue mission to get Miller back before he’s executed. Don’t worry too much about time – it’s to like there’s a guy on route to kill him when you start. This level is vast, and you cover a wide variety of locations on your way to the Barracks.

Skip all cut scenes to save on time. Use D-Horse to move around the bases and use rocks and hills as cover. S-Rank isn’t too hard on this mission. Once you get to the base, mark as many enemies as possible to keep their locations known. I only had to knock out one or two guys before I could safely get Miller out of there.

I strongly recommend the pickup side above the barracks to avoid the Skulls encounter. Alerts and enemy shots will reduce your score. This mission is fairly easy to achieve S-Rank. Think like Big Boss.

Extract Kazuhira Miller.
Required for mission completion.

Pinpoint Kazuhira Miller's whereabouts.
Interrogate some of the guards at the base he’s being held at. Took me two interrogations before the guards started talking.

Extract the commander from Wakh Sind Barracks.
There’s a guy with a red beret walking around. He should be pretty easy to spot. He's in the back of the base in one of the four houses.

Complete the mission without being discovered by the Skulls.
There’s two areas where you can be picked up. If you pick the default location where Kaz is to be picked up, you’ll have to face the Skulls and need to outrun them. However, if you pick the landing zone north of the mission site you’ll ignore the Skulls all together. There is a guard post there with a few soldiers, so take them out or subdue them so they can’t shoot down the chopper.

Secure the rough diamonds hidden in Spugmay Keep.
Right after you start the mission and once you gain free control of Big Boss, jump off of D-Horse and climb up the left cliff as seen in the screen shot. You’ll find the cache there.

Extract the transport truck driver.
There is a truck driver driving between posts, and you only need him and not the truck. You can fire a shot at his ride to make him get out of the truck – that’s a fancy trick.

Tips: Since the mission does have a time frame, it is a good idea to have D-Horse as an ally. D-Dog can help you find the commander and truck driver if you are going for those tasks, but since these guards are light infantry and usually on low alert I say just stick with D-Horse and mark enemies when needed.
Mission 2: Diamond Dogs
This mission is unranked.

Complete the Fulton extraction training.
Required for completion.

Extract staff, raising your R&D Team's level.
Required for completion.

Develop the cardboard box and complete basic training.
Required for completion.

Complete restrain training.
Some of your recruits can help you here.

Complete strike training.
Some of your recruits can help you here.
Mission 3: A Hero's Way
Your goal is to eliminate an enemy commander who’s currently guarded and surrounded by enemy soldiers. They are pretty spread out, so if you’re quick enough and can stay in the shadows when needed you can complete this mission with ease.

If you’ve got a sniper rifle with a good zoom and have a steady hand, this can be one of the easiest mission to get an S-Rank. Grab D-Horse and run to the spot in the screen shot. You’ll have a window of time to snipe the target before he and his retinue go indoors.

Kill him and only him. A rifle that can zoom far enough to target his head should bring him down with ease. A high powered rifle can wound him enough to get a confirmed kill.

Get on D-Horse and leave the hot zone fast.

Neutralize the Spetsnaz commander from a distance (100m or more).
If you follow direction well and can reach the spot in the screen shot this should be more than enough distance between you and the target for task completion.

Extract the Spetsnaz Commander.
You’ll need the stealthy approach. I chose to go around the right side of the base, tranq each guard in your way, knock to draw out indoor troops, and stay low to keep quiet. Should be pretty straight forward and easy if you’re used to the controls and stealth mechanics.

Pick a haoma flower in the desert between Shago Village and Spugmay Keep.
There are TWO. Bring D-Dog when you’re not going for the S-Rank and have him sniff them out.

Secure the processed materials from Shago village.
This is placed under the bridge just outside the base. It is such an odd place to have something, but you’ll see it sparkle under the bridge if you’re taking the side route. There are two guards and a com equipment nearby. Watch out.

Tips: take into account sniper range, zoom features, and whether or not your gun has a silencer. This can make all the different between going in quiet or loud, and hitting the target from such a range.
Bring D-Horse for a quick in and out of the mission.
Bring D-Dog when you’re going for the other tasks.

Mission 4: C2W
C2W is a small Eastern outpost with a few guards and should be fairly easy since you get all your equipment and a buddy when you start. You’ll be visiting this spot throughout the game. I strongly recommend destroying the anti-air radar in free roam; it’ll make this mission and its tougher counterpart much easier in the long run.

Cheesy Route: If the anti-air radar was destroyed, you can have your landing site be the mission area itself and use the mini gun to destroy the targets. They have blue lights if you’re choosing to go out night, or they are in fairly plain site during the day. Since this mission isn’t too hard, a stealthy approach is advised.

If you go this route, don’t kill the guards – just destroy the com equipment and the chopper will take off and leave the hot zone quickly. Ignore task if you go this route.

Stealth Route: You can knock out the guards, tranq them, ignore them while you work, but I’d advise making sure they are spread out and you can get away nice and clean if you are using C4 or grenades.

Secure the rough diamonds hidden near the ECP.
This is hidden behind the hills just behind the base. Follow the path with the jackals and tranq them to reach the cache. Screen shot included.

Destroy the transmitter at the ECP.
This is the indoor radio equipment at the base itself. Guns, explosive, even the water pistol will be fairly useful here, but the louder your approach the more guards will come.

Extract the 2 prisoners from Da Wialo Village.

Extract the materials container from the ECP.
You will need the Fulton upgrade to get this out of here. And you can ride it out of the hot zone of the mission was complete.

Tips: If you don’t mind forgoing the tranq pistol, I’d recommend the water gun. Though it deals no damage it can sabotage electrical gear like generators, com equipment, and desk radios without alerting guards. Don’t underestimate how useful this small weapon is.
Mission 5: Over the Fence
This rescue mission will test quite a few things. Going long distances, going around mines, dealing with armored guards, etc. Your mission is to rescue a hostage who’s buried deep in enemy territory, in the basement floor of the outpost. It would be best to not alert anyone – there’s more guards here than previous mission.

Go at night.

Get in and out quick and quiet. Bring D-Dog – he’ll sniff out the guards so you can keep an eye on them, and he’ll find the hostage. Deploy at the southwest landing site for best results. Run past the bear stay at least 30m away to keep his interest away from you) and watch for the mines.

Run across the road, evading the patrols and outposts. You’ll notice some cracks on the wall past a guy with a spotlight. You’ll need to use those before and after you extract the target.
There’s a few under armored guards in the area, but a few guys with riot suits, so use knock and CQC routine. Drop down in the basement and quietly get the guy once you are 20-30m away from the guards.

Once you have the hostage you can bring him up the stairs and Fulton him outside, or through the crack in the basement, use the screenshot. Pretty much the one spot in the basement with a 100% chance of extraction.

Get out, use the same way you came or use the cargo Fulton trick since there’s three cargo crates around.

Fulton-Extract the engineer through the hole in the basement ceiling.
As described above, use the one hole in the Basement for the trick to work. Turn off wormhole effect if it is on.

Extract the prisoner plotting to escape from Wakh Sind Barracks.
Once you’re in the base past the walls, there will be a prisoner on the bridge above. Be careful not to extract him right there or he will alert the guards. Extract him near the cracks in the wall and stay at least 30m away from the nearest enemy.

Extract the 4-Wheeled Vehicle patrolling between outposts.
It’s the one four wheeled drive in the road just outside the base. You may need to dart one or two guys there.

Secure the blueprint at Wakh Sind Barracks.
Located inside one of the buildings in the base, passed the walls. You’re deep in enemy territory here. If you dark one people you may need to dark them all.

Mission 6: Where do the Bees Sleep?
Be ready for a face to face confrontation with the Skulls, because you with either have to take them down or outrun them. You’re tasked when retrieving a weapon known as the Honey Bee – a rocket launcher that is okay, but not as great as some other ones. It’s a big map, but if you’ve played before you know where to go and what to do. Find the base, sneak in and grab the weapon.

Destroy the anti-air radar in free roam or during the mission during your first play through. Start with D-Dog to sniff out enemy or with D-Horse but have the drug to make you aware of your surroundings. Land in the hot zone (destroy the anti-air gun with the mini gun) and stay low till you’re in the cave area. You may need to tranq a few of the guards till you get to the Honey Bee. Once you see the fog on your way out of the cave, be ready to get on D-Horse and boogy. Leaving the hot zone isn’t too far away.

Eliminate the Skulls.
These skulls are fairly easy, but do this when you already have S-Rank or during a different play so you can get the bonus for not using the Honey Bee. They go down after a few shots.

Secure the Honey Bee with its ammunition intact.
Don’t use the Honey Bee. Too make it easy, Don’t fight the Skulls.

Extract the prisoner who cannot speak.
The guy right outside the Laman whose being interrogated by some of the soldiers.

Extract 2 snipers from the Mountain Relay Base.
There’s a few floating around. Recommend you do this after a few plays.

Eliminate the gunship.
Use a rocket launcher, preferably after you’ve gotten S-Rank and the CGM to bring it down quick.
Mission 7: Red Brass
S-Rank can be tricky depending on which play your doing – loud of silent.
Loud: Sneak into the base and place C4 in the room where one of the targets is waiting. Wait for all three to be there and let it go boom when all three are talking or throw a grenade/use a missile. Run out of the hot zone.
Silent: tranq surrounding guards when they branch out to not get anyone alerted.

I wouldn’t run to the bases individually. Wait till everyone gets there before taking them out or extracting them.

Extract the commander and all soldiers riding in his vehicle.
This task is stated different than the actual objective. There’s two roads, leading into the base and that’s where you’ll see cars heading that way full of guards. North and South roads. Either have D-Horse poop in the road (which will make the vehicle drive out of control and stun everyone) or use the vehicle mines that do the same. You need to extract both vehicles and all crew members that fall out of the ride.Do this task in a different play.

Extract all three commanders.
Tranq them, use smoke grenades and CQC them, or using sleeping/stun grenades. There’s a few guards around so be careful. Do it all while they're nearby each other, otherwise the guards will notice when they don't arrive and they all start to flee.

Listen to the end of the commanders' conversation.
Hide well or use the stealth camo. Hide on top of a roof until all commanders get there and listen to the conversation about making mine fields. It’s a few minutes.

Extract two prisoners held at Ghwandai Town.
Do this either before you go for the mission or after. Not sure if it’ll count as leaving the Hot Zone if you do. I did this during the first run so I forget.
Mission 8: Occupation Forces
The mission is to eliminate colonel and his armored patrol before it reaches the fort. You’ll have a bit of time before he makes his route there, and you can use that time to prepare as well as complete a variety of objectives. Make sure to do at least two plays; one for S-Rank, one for objectives.

Choose the upmost landing zone away from the main objective site. Pick something to block the road – vehicle, dead body, D-Horse, etc. once the road is blocked, extract each ride from the back side. You’ll extract the target and his ride. Leave the hot zone shortly after.
Or rocket launcher. Boom.

Secure the deployment plans.
These are in the base near the lowest landing zone. You’ll need to tranq one or two guards to get it. It’ll be found in the center building – its’ pretty big, and the plans are on the desk next to the radio.

Extract the colonel.
Fulton upgrade required. If you destroy the tanks, or fire a shot at his ride he’ll jump out and you can dart him. Be warned, tank fire can kill him if they are targeting you and you happen to be near him.

Eliminate the colonel and all tanks before they reach Smasei Fort.
Very easy to do if you can block the road with something that won’t blow up. Stun mines won’t halt the tanks for long but it can work if done right.

Extract the prisoner held at Sakhra Ee Village.
Do in a different play. Use D-Dog to sniff him out. There’s a few guards. He’s in one of the metal hubs near the recreation area. It looks more like a BBQ pit.

Extract all tanks.
Use the method as listed above. Stay low, block the road and extract them from behind. Cargo upgrade required. Mines and missiles otherwise.
Mission 9: Backup, Back Down
Back up the Guerilla fighters and destroy as many vehicles as you can. Destroy at least one tank to complete mission. Do separate runs for tasks.

There’s a really cheese way to get S-Rank if you’re just trying to check this part of the mission off your list. Do a minimal loadout, bring D-Horse, and a phantom cigar, and a truck to block the road – you’ll be making a roadblock.

Deploy at the upmost location and build a roadblock between Yakhoo Oboo and Aabe Shifap, just before you get to the enemy camp on the edge of the map.

When the first vehicle finds your roadblock it’ll stop and honk a bit. Extract it before it starts shooting at your blocking vehicle. Race toward the edge of the map, staying on the far side of the enemy camp.

Smoke the cigar till you see the timer turn red. During my play, the timer was up when I came out of the time loop. Race out of the hot zone. Easy S-Rank.

Eliminate multiple fighting vehicles or gunships.
Destroy at least two vehicles, one may be the gunship that shows up if you take down all the other vehicles.

Eliminate all armored vehicles without resupply drops or fire support.
Use enough CGM shots or enough mines to take them all out. Do not call for supplies or use flares. This one is not that tricky to do. Fulton as many as you can.

Secure the weapon the transport truck was carrying.
You can’t just extract the vehicle. You must board and switch your second main weapon with it for task completion. But it is a CGM if you don’t have one already.

Extract an armored vehicle.
Fulton at least one. Not too hard.

Extract 4 soldiers searching for an escaped prisoner.
Found along the hidden path on route to outpost 15. The prisoner will be shortly ahead if you’re quick enough.

Extract 6 prisoners.
Use Raiden or Cyborg ninja suit, or D-Horse to get around fast enough. D-Dog might be a better option if you suit gives you enough speed. Two targets are times before they are killed or unavailable. Most guys will tell you to go for a specific order. I recommend going clockwise from closest to furthest. Deploy near Wahk Sind and use the hidden path for starters.

1) Take the hidden path between the palace and outpost 15. The four guards are close by. You can extract them after for task completion, but be quick.

2) Crossing the desert near the palace. She’s out in the open, and the tanks that possibly show up later will run her over or at least did for me.

3) In a metal shed near the palace. Guards nearby. Be careful. Speed and stealth.

4) North of guard post 12 down the river. He will stop at one point and sit down, but he could be in several spots. Run while searching.

5) By this time if your quick enough, Ocelot will tell you of the transport carrying the prisoner. It might be good to go for this one second if you don’t have a speed boost.

6) Wakh Sind barracks where you foun the prisoner in Over the Fence. Basement, lots of guards.

Extract 3 tanks.
Only available once you eliminate or Fulton all other vehicles that show up. Three tanks will show up – one at each spawning part of the map and headed your way. They will show up on your map when you get within 1200m.
Mission 10: Angel with Broken Wings
Your objective is to save the prisoner, Malak. The assignment was given by his own father. Don’t screw up or you'll have that on your conscience. This mission is fairly easy. Play at night for easy stealth.

Do S-Rank and tasks during separate plays. Bring D-dog to help find the guys you need a little better. Malak will be at the palace as the driver prepares to take him across the map. Best chance to get him and extract the tank if you’re quick and quiet enough is on the road just as they leave – before they get to the next guard post. The vehicle stun mines work great.
There will be two guards patrolling the route before they get to the next guard post. Watch yourself.

Extract the armored escort vehicle.
You get several chances to do this since it makes frequent stops along with the prisoner. Best to get it before the supply outpost unless you have stealth. Requires vehicle extraction upgrade for best results.

Extract 3 prisoners from Lamar Khaate Palace.
They are spread out around the broken palace and they will be killed if you aren’t quick enough. Bring D-Dog.

Extract 2 prisoners from the Yakho Oboo Supply Outpost.
They will be in the same room in the back of the outpost. I suggest going around the back rather than the front. Fewer guards and little lighting.

Listen to the last conversation between the transport truck driver and Malak.
So long as you’re quiet enough, you can hide behind the crates in the screen shot below. Use your directional mic to pick up the words of wisdom from the driver as he drops the prisoner off.

Mission 11: Cloaked in Silence
This mission seemed really hard when I first tried it, but later on this one will be a cake walk compared to the extreme version. Thankfully, both good ways to get S-Rank can be achieved about the same way. It’s time for your one on one fight with Quiet. You can either play her way and do a sniper duel, or you can come up with some creative (corny, campy, cheesy) bring her down nonlethally.

Minimal loadout if possible. No ally, for once, although D-Dog can still be great since she has a chance to get close. The further you get in the ruins the easier it gets to pick her up on your map.

You can find her via your binoculars. Once she’s marked, call a supply drop on her. The trick is to wait for the distance to get about 20 or so feet before popping up momentarily, then ducking before you get a face full of lead. You’ll use this trick in both easy and extreme mode because it brings her down non-lethally, and without a fire arm. S-Rank is almost guaranteed.

If you intend to play this game as it was meant to be played. Arm yourself with a dart sniper rifle and time your shots carefully. Her stamina bar can take a few hits but one or two headshots should bring her down quickly.

Neutralize Quiet without using lethal weapons
Can be done with dart weapons, stun first, rocket fist, and various types of grenades but most options might bring you too close to her. Sleeping gas bombardment works too, but limits your rank so don’t use it.

Neutralize Quiet with non-firearm attacks
Supply drop works best for this one. Bombardment will NOT get you task completion.

Tips: Don’t kill her; you’ll get her as an ally. If you’ve lost Quiet already via the main story, play this mission a few times (don’t kill her, and don’t use bombardments) and she’ll eventually be part of your crew.

Once you lose Quiet through the main story, this mission can be repeated to get her back.
Mission 12: Hellbound
This mission is a doozy. You’ll have two fairly large bases to go through to pick up Huey. Expect helicopters and walker gears. Total stealth with no kills really is the way to go for S-Rank.

Start with D-Dog. Have at least one rapid fire weapon and something to tranq guards. Go at night.

Skip all cut scenes – there’s a bunch. It’s a Metal Gear game, after all.

Tranq the two guards in the hanger and pick up the intel file. Leave the hanger, ignore the chopper, and go behind the main building to get out of the power plant camp. I only had to tranq two or three guards before I could make a clean getaway. Eventually the chopper will fly off to the main area.

Make your way to the objective site. Once there. Tranq the guy in the tower so he doesn’t become a nuisance later on. Once you’re in the camp watch out for walker gear. Mark everything you can because you’ll be switching to D-Horse later on.

Once you find Huey he’ll suggest you use his own walker. You can, but D-Horse is a lot more helpful and less clunky.

Once out of his hanger, make your way out of the main camp. Before you leave, make sure to switch to D-Horse and put Huey on back. You may have to do this again after the cut scene.

Once the metal gear shows up, put Huey on back and book it out of there. Hide behind the rocks and move slowly to not draw his attention. Move on foot once you’re at the rocks.

Shoot down his radar drones before they spot you – otherwise it’ll be a QUICK hide and seek game.

Once you’re in the chopper grab the mini gun and unload on the metal gear.

To achieve S-Rank, time isn’t as important as finishing the mission without any kills or alerts.

Some of the tasks are dependent on you not alerting anyone.

Extract 3 Walker Gears from the Central Base Camp.
There’s a few. Do this after you’ve gotten s-rank. It’s easy when they turn around so you can dart them in the leg or back.

Extract Dr. Emmerich without him taking damage.
Tranq anyone in your way before making a getaway, hide from metal gear.

Secure the Glamour Model (vertical) poster at the CBC.
The poster of the lady is in the garage next to the one with Huey. You can’t miss it – but it is pretty open to the enemy forces. Stay low.

Secure the blueprint at the CBC.
In the other large warehouse on one of the shelves. Becomes inaccessible if the base goes to alert. Stick to the shadows.
Mission 13: Pitch Dark
Destroy the oil separator tank and shut down the oil pump that’s contaminating local wildlife. Sound like Diamond Dogs is going humanitarian. The journey will be pretty long, but there’s some task that can be completed along the way.

Tranq weapons. Don’t forget C4, grenades, or a launcher of some sort. C4 works best because it can be used from a distance. A supply flare might not be a bad idea, either.

Skip all cut scenes. There’s two or three.

Run through the trees and into the enemy base, tranq the tower and tent guards and sneak by the tents with the child soldiers. If they hear something they’ll all wake up and run away. Sneak past the first base and ignore the second camp entirely.

Head to the oil field and start either tranquing guards or knocking them out. Try not to raise too much suspicion. There are a few snipers so watch up.

Attach C4 to the giant tank and shut down the pump. Once you are passed the gates on your way out, detonate the C4 and call for a chopper or leave the hot zone.

Extract the 4 child soldiers being trained at Masa Village.
Still night. Any noise will make them run, but if you can tranq a guard or two nearby (there might be three) then they’ll start to run. Use your tranq guns quick, or use a stun/sleep grenade on their tent. During the night they will be indoors and surrounded by a few guards; by day they will be a bit passed their homes with one guard.

Exfiltrate the hot zone before Mfinda Oilfield is sealed off.
If you have the cargo/wormhole Fulton upgrade, ride one of the cargo crates out after you shut down the pump and destroy the tank. Detonate while near the cargo crate – you’ll have a time limit. Cannot be completed in same play through if you choose to extract the four walker gears.

Extract the lappet-faced vulture from the burned-down village.
The burned down village in past the second guard post near the burned villages. Use D-Dog to sniff it out, but remain on the road when you fire a tranq round or you might scare it off. Go at night.

Extract 4 Walker Gears sealing off Mfinda Oilfield.
Instead of escaping before the facility is closed off, wait for two patrols of walker gears to enter at each gate. One patrol might stick around outside the gate but one enters for sure. Cannot be completed in same play through if you choose to leave the oil field before it is sealed off.
Mission 14: Lingua Franca
There are four prisoners in this mission, but only one is the target. Marking them will determine who is who.

Can be done with ease if you know where the guy is located. Should be in the northern part of the camp. D-Dog can help find them easier. He should be in a hut with a lone guard.

Extract him and leave the hot zone. Can be done in a few minutes.

Pinpoint the location of the 4 prisoners from an intel file.
Should be on a desk with the com equipment in the main area.

Extract 3 prisoners being held at Kiziba Camp.
Guard post 1, walking the road to the main camp, cages in the main area. Extracting them will prevent the conversations and alert the guards.

Extract materials containers from Kiziba Camp.
There are four – two in the main camp area near the cages, and two nearby where the interpreter walks to the during the second conversation bit.

Listen to all 4 prisoners' interrogations.
This one requires patience and should be done last. It should be noted 3 prisoners will be killed if you do this correctly. Harsh.

1. Race toward the location south of the camp. Bring D-Dog to help find him a bit easier. You’ll see a prisoner get out of the car and greet the guy. They have a few words before parting.

2. The interpreter will head north, follow but don’t alert anyone. He’ll approach another prisoner and have a few words about the guy you’re looking for. Don’t extract anyone just yet.

3. At the metal cages, two prisoners will be talked to at once.

4. The main guy will be talked with last in the hut near where second conversation took place. Keep in mind, every walkthrough I used suggested letting the prisoner get there first as the conversation could glitch and not happen.

Mission 15: Footprints of Phantoms
Another iconic and fairly easy mission – provided you watch the mines and keep a low profile. You’re assigned with the task of extracting or eliminating several walker gears. They are kept in two pairs in the back of the base along the mountain. There’s a quite a few guards.

Take either D-Dog or Quiet. Have her scout the area if you choose her. Tranq the guards you see along the way and head around to the right of the base. There’s fewer mines there.
One or two of the guards have full armor and need to be hit with gas or stun grenades. Use the quieter options.

Extract the prisoners and the walker gears and exfiltrate the hot zone. Not as hard as its Total Stealth counterpart.

Extract 2 prisoners being held at Ditadi Abandoned Village.
One is held in a small hut the other in a tent. The tent has a guard nearby; the others will ditch the prisoner if they hear something.

Extract all Walker Gears.
Fulton upgrade needed. Stay at least 30m to not get detected.

Pick a Digitalis (Lutea) at Ditadi Abandoned Village.
Behind the camp, around the mountain. It should show up on your map – if not D-Dog can help you find it. If Quiet is with you, she’ll take post not far in front of it along the mountain.

Extract a truck from Ditadi Abandoned Village.
Its right out in the front. Can’t miss it.

Mission 16: Traitors' Caravan
There’s some funky cargo that’s being kept a secret from nearby guard post. Interestingly enough, this truck will stop at various points. The main goal is to extract the cargo – Fulton or drive it out of there.

Bring D-Horse. Minimal loadout.

Make your way around Nova Airport and you’ll find the truck huddle up in the back with a few Zero Risk guards as it awaits its transport convoy to arrive.

Once you are 20-30m from the truck, the Skulls will appear. All the guards will be zombies from that point on.

Fulton the truck. Call D-Horse. Race out of the hot zone.


(Do in separate plays. One to take out the skulls, one for the driver and the conversations.)

Eliminate the Skulls.
Don’t do it so close to the truck. Either do this after you Fulton the truck or once you are a good 20-30m away. Use missiles or shotgun for best results.

Extract the transport truck driver.
You’ll have several chances for this: once when he first approaches the truck in the airport, once at guard post 12, and once at the final camp. Use the screen shot for conversation part 3 for best chance to pick him up.

Pinpoint the escort unit's estimated route from an intel file.
Intel file at the start of the mission. Head over to the enemy camp marked on your droid.

Listen to all the conversations between transport truck driver and outpost soldiers.
(Mark the spots on your map as your chopper flies up so you don’t get lost.)
1) At the airport. Hide behind the crates across from the truck as the driver has the conversation with the guard.

2) At the outpost 12 not far from the airport. You’ll have a good view of the enemy camp and a good spot to listen in from afar.

3) At Kiziba Camp. Security will be tight, but I hid behind some rocks and noticed no guards nearby.

(Alerts will make the conversations glitch out.)

Extract 3 Zero Risk Security soldiers.
ID the soldiers and go in quietly. Most are around the truck or in the back of the airport.
Mission 17: Rescue the Intel Agents
Rescue two prisoner – one still held captive by the guards, the other being pursued through the woods on the far side of the map. You only have so much time before the guards find the one that got away.

Bring DD and run for the captive on the far side of the map, being chased by guards. He only has so much longer. You have to tranq one or two guards to prevent both of you being seen.
The second should be fairly easy to get out of there, but she’ll need to leave the hot zone by foot, chopper, or jeep.

Some walkthroughs say to put both in a jeep and leave the hot zone.

Extract 2 CFA officials
These guys show up after you’ve rescued at least one of the targets (not the prisoner in the secondary tasks) and their location seemed to vary each time I played. I found both finally in the camp where the task prisoner was being held. Had to scan a few people and extract about four guys before I got both needed for it.

Extract the prisoner being held at Kiziba Camp
Found not too far from the intel agent in the woods. There’s a camp nearby and she’s in a building. There’s minimal patrols so getting to her will be fairly easy.

Extract 4 search team reinforcements
Do this on a separate play. Grab horse or a vehicle and race over to the closets guard post from the LZ. Three are getting into a jeep and heading toward the first target. One other one seemed to be on foot in my game. Dart one of the guys to make them jump out of the jeep. Use a vehicle stun mine or may D-Horse poop on their trail to knock them out if you’re quick enough.

Extract the transport truck driver
Shortly after the mission starts, head over to Kiziba camp. He’ll arrive shortly and park by the one building at the edge of the hill where you find the anti-air radar. He backs into his parking spot. Dart him or CQC him once he jumps out of the truck. You only need him, not the truck.
Mission 18: Blood Runs Deep
Child soldiers have been ordered to their deaths by their former commander, who asks for proof of their demise via footage being recorded by Kaz. But we know big Boss by now.

I went at night with DD, but most guides will say D-Horse to save time.

When you reach the mines, Fulton the kids if you have the upgrade so you don’t have to worry about all of them running around. You’ll only have to carry one.

Make your way out of the mine and to the route guided by Paz. Avoid the helicopter and you should be fine. You may only need to tranq one or two guards by that point.

Complete the mission by extracting 5 child soldiers, without the enemy discovering their escape.
This one is pretty easy, just stay close and utilize your call button to get them to stop. Better if you fulton them out early provided you have the upgrade with or without wormhole effect.

Eliminate the gunship.
Separate run. CGM preferred for quick take down.

Extract 5 snipers from areas near Kungenga Mine NE/SW outposts.
East of guard post 2, and south of 13 broken up into little groups. Do this on a separate run and bring DD. Stay low and prepare to dive if you don’t have stealth. Pics soon (9/22/16)

Extract 3 armored vehicles.
Guard posts nine and seven. Pretty much stay on the given path and block/extract any vehicle you see coming your way. For kids, these guys seem better guarded than half your targets in the game. Fan theory, anyone?

Extract the former rebel Mbele soldier.
At the plantation. He has a white shirt on instead of his standard uniform.
Mission 19: On the Trail
The target, known only as the Major, and his subordinate are meeting to have a private conversation far from their own forces, but still with a large posse of troops.

Sprint or ride D-Horse to the spot. Dart the guards near the target and extract the target. Race out of the hot zone. Ignore the chopper – it’s too far away to do anything about you.

The major is here.

Identify the subordinate of "The Major".
He can be found at the guard post closest to the LZ where you start. Or you can wait for him to arrive at the scene to talk with the major.

Extract "The Major".
Easy to do if you can dart or smoke the guards. I did it with a smoke grenade launcher to keep his guards busy.

Extract "The Major's" subordinate.
Easy to do, given you granted several opportunities (at the first outpost, where he switches vehicles, and when he meets the major. If you extract him before he meets the major – the target will sprint out of the hot zone and the mission will fail.

Extract the prisoner being held at Munoko ya Nioka Station, NE guard post.
In the back of the guard post in a small shack, where the subordinate switches vehicles.

Listen to the conversation between "The Major" and his subordinate.
A small conversation you can hear from the hill top and still be well hidden.

Mission 20: Voices
Some of the child soldiers that were rescued in a previous mission have given you a job searching for their friend. Spoilers: it’s not a pretty sight when you do find him. The last place he was suspected of going to was a place called the ‘Devil’s House.”

It’s going to be a long journey. While D-Horse can get you a great distance, I always choose D-Dog. He can help sniff out one of the wild dogs, which are required for tasks. Weapons: choose a dart pistol and a grenade rifle – a cheap one if needed. You’ll only need one or two shots.
Go total stealth – no kills if you can. You have to go through one large post filled with guys, but you can dart them and run if needed. After that, the rest is a breeze:
One outpost with about five or six guards – which is the starting point for one task objective. Go around.

A post before the broken bridge with two guards. Dart or crawl around.

A misty valley with a bunch of guys – easy to hide, and where you’ll find the wild dogs. Stay low and evade.

One last post before the cave. Three guards. Sneak around.

Go in and see the bodies and skip the cutscenes. Fight off the man on fire (or run away).

Successfully hit the floating boy with an attack.
During your fight with the Man on Fire, run outside toward one of the water towers, dodging his attacks when needed. Use your grenade launcher to bring down a tower – it’ll immobilize him. The floating boy will swirl around, quick call for a supply drop on him – it’ll work if you're quick enough.

This will also permanently immobilize the man on fire.

Fight off the Man on Fire.
Fulton him out of there after he gets immobilized. Wormhole extraction works best.

Pinpoint the route to Ngumba Industrial Zone from an intel file.
Outpost 20 on your map, in the tent by the guard tower.

Extract an African wild dog near the N.I.Z. West Guard Post.
In the misty valley toward the opposite tip where you entered. There’s should be one or two, but be quick, the soldiers will shoot them if you don’t dart one fast.

Listen to the conversation about "the bodies at Munoko ya Nioka Station".
Takes three conversations for completion. You can get in the bed of the truck after the first major outpost. The guard will enter shortly and drive to outpost 20. It helps if you mark him to keep an eye on him.
Conv 1: The driver will park away from the outpost, follow about 20-30 behind and hide beside the tent or in the dumpster to hear the conversation. Once he starts heading back to the truck, follow and get in the truck bed quickly.
Conv 2: Just before the broken bridge, he’ll talk to the two guards blocking it off. Afterward he’ll take off by foot. Hide behind the tent for best audio.
Conv 3: Just before the cave, near the tent with three or so guards. Once he shows up and starts talking you’ll get the completion.
Mission 21: The War Economy
A CFA Official at the Nova airport is about to meet with an arms dealer to inspect the base. Although there is a time frame you’re shooting for, you get plenty of chances to bring down the CFA guy. Look for the guy with the armored body without a helmet and the guy in the suit and tie following him. Both are going to be guarded. Expect walker gears, patrols, and a chopper.

If you’re forfeiting the task completion, then your goal is to snipe the CFA official as soon as he comes into line of fire. Get to the airport as fast as you can, snipe him (missiles seem to work too if it hits him), then run like hell till you’re out of the hot zone. I’ve posted a picture of where I sniped him from with D-Horse as my buddy.

Eliminate the CFA official
Required for completion.

Identify the arms dealer
Scope him with the idroid as soon as he gets off of the chopper.

Identify the CFA official
The arms dealer meets with him shortly after getting off the chopper. From the view point I've posted you can see him from the window. He's dressed in riot gear, but missing his helmet.

Extract the CFA official
Best two times to do this are either when they are speaking in the hanger, or once they've returned to the control tower and prepare to leave. Dart them and fulton them. Wormhole works best.

Listen to all conversations between the arms dealer and the CFA official
There are four, and you must be within ear distrance to finish the task. There are many ways to hide if you don't have stealth camo. Be careful not to raise ANY alert or they will stay on a constant alert and the conversations will not take place.
The first will take place when the arms dealer makes his way into the control tower. After waving to the CFA official, they talk a bit about the oilfield incident.
The second will take place in the north east hanger (the one with a truck in it) so hide in the truck bed to avoid detection, lay low when possible.
The third will take place in the hanger with the three cagro crates and the conversation quickly becomes about nukes. stay in the truck bed or nide on top of a crate and lay low. There will be two patrols of walker gears nearby.
The fourth and final conversation will take place where the first one did in the control tower. Be quick if you plan to eliminate them or extract them -- you're window is closing quick.

Secure the blueprint carried by the gunship
Only obtainable by taking down the chopper. Do this task last.

Extract the materials container inside the Nova Braga Airport hangar
In the hanger on the far side of the airport. Requires wormhole fulton upgrade.

Tip: As much as I like D-Dog, I found Quiet more useful here mostly because she can scope everyone out right away for you. D-Dog also grabs the attention of soldiers when nearby (thankfully doesn’t pull alerts) which can glitch the mission and make it a bit longer or make the conversations scenes never happen. He can also get hit by the truck or stall the driver if he gets too close. Just a though.
Mission 22: Retake the Platform
This mission is unranked.

The only task is to kill/subdue the enemy commander and is required for mission completion.

This mission is tricky. You have to sneak past several groups of armed guards and if you don’t know the layout of your base yet it is easy to get lost, cornered, and trapped.

Go with silent weapons if you can.

Tip: you may be out on a mission when this one becomes available. The choice to abort your current mission or wait and do this one later will be up to you.
Mission 23: The White Mamba
This mission you’ll be faced with child soldiers and are tasked with extracting their leader, the White Mamba – aka Eli. There is also a prisoner they’ve taken and her extraction will get you some points.

You cannot harm a child soldier or the mission is over.


For this mission, all tasks can be complete in one play if you’re patient enough and can spare the ammo and suppressors. Call supplies or use supply flare when needed.

Bring D-Dog. It’s a must.

This mission isn’t too hard. Since the child soldiers don’t have radios they can’ call for aid of they see one of their own get extracted or fall over. Dart weapons and a silence tranq sniper if you can. Anything loud will bring more of them.

Once you tranq enough guards you’ll find where the White Mamba is hiding. If you make your way to the docks, you’ll action be at the perfect spot to snipe Liquid… I mean Eli… and then you can extract him without the fight. For a kid, he has a lot of stamina in a fight, so this method saves time and effort. Move with him just outside his little fort, a chopper will arrive automatically.

Extract the prisoner being held at Masa Village.
She’s tied up and guarded by two or three child soldiers on your way to the Mamba.

Extract the White Mamba without giving him the opportunity to resist.
Take a sniper shot from the tip of the docks – you’ll have a perfect view of his head. Make sure you’re using a dart sniper with suppressor. He goes down and you’ll evade a very unnecessary fight.

Secure the rough diamonds hidden near Masa Village.
Guard post six in the tent. It’s on the way to the site, and you’ll need to tranq and extract the children for the next task…

Extract 20 child soldiers.
There’s a bunch and most are spread out in groups of twos. Essentially you could just keep tranqing them until you get completion, with D-Dog’s help.

Tip: Although I’ve read that some people will use Quiet on this mission (for the love of Big Boss, please make sure she has tranq rounds) most of the child soldiers have helmets, which’ll null most if not all her shots.
Mission 24: Close Contact
Two targets – one male, one female. Held at a guard post just north of the area called the Serpent’s Mouth. Go at night, I’ll be a lot easier.

DD or Quiet.

Make you way through the main area (the serpent’s mouth, I think) and dart or go around the guards. One fallen guard could start a domino effect that alerts everyone.

Outside of the base you’ll notice (if you’re quick enough) both targets held in the same tent and being sent in different directions. The male will be taken just outside the tent and get picked up by an incoming vehicle; the female will be sent back the way you came.

Try to get both targets before they get split up. There’s only a few guards protecting them.

Extract 6 Nubian goats near Ngumba Industrial Zone SW guard post.
There’s a bunch of them floating around – usually in pairs of two.

Extract 2 4WD vehicles.
One is at the area where both targets are being held – one will show up to take the male target way.

Extract 4 materials containers from Munoko ya Nioka Station, NE guard post.
There are four, so try not to remove any during free roam or you’ll need to repeat and complete a few missions till they return. There are found in pairs of two.

Pick an African Peach near Munoko ya Nioka Station.
Just outside the main gate. You have a good view of the base from there – and they can see you.

Extract a martial eagle near Munoko ya Nioka Station.
There’s a few floating around the main LZ. Try to dart them out of the sky, or just as they take off to fly away. DD will help – they’re big birds so it’s hard to miss them.

Mission 25: Aim True, Ye Vengeful
Once again you’ll be going up against mostly child soldiers so don’t use lethal weapons. You tasked with extracting their commanding officer and the one adult prisoner in their party.

Easy stuff. Head over to the camp and tranq everyone in the way. If you’re quick enough, the patrols will return after you’ve been long gone. If not, they’ll return and you’ll need more darts.
DD or Quiet would be ideal.

Extract their commander and run their prisoner out of the hot zone or call in a chopper.

Extract the prisoner who escaped Munoko ya Nioka Station

Extract the prisoner who escaped Munoko ya Nioka Station.
You’ll find this one just past the base, but be quick. He’s on his own timer before the jackals get to him.

Extract 12 child soldiers
Use a vehicle to extract the child soldiers' commander and the militants' XO simultaneously
put both in a car and drive out of the hot zone.

Pick a Digitalis (purpupea) at Munoko ya Nioka Station, NE Guard Post
South of guard post 16, on a large hill.
Mission 26: Hunting Down
A human trafficker is your target. Your goal is to reach him before he reaches his destination at the camp in the middle of the mission area. He takes his time.


He’s in the area between guars posts 10 and 14. Use the screen shot to determine his location. Race over with D-Horse and snipe him or dart the guards and extract him before racing out of the hot zone.

Pinpoint the trafficker's escape route from an intel file

Found at the abandoned village, on the table with the radio.

Eliminate the trafficker before he reaches Kiziba Camp

Easy to do since he seems to take his time. the intel file will tell you his chosen route.

Extract the trafficker and 5 escort soldiers

Found with the target, pretty spread out.

Extract 4 prisoners being held at Ditadi Abandoned Village
Each one is pretty spread out in a few of the tents.

Extract a side-striped jackal near Kiziba Camp

Bring DD, you'll find them on top of a nearby hill near the LZ.

Mission 27: Root Cause
There’s a prisoner who is vital to stopping the epidemic on Mother Base, being held by soldiers. He has a mind of his own, and breaks his bonds to drive a vehicle out of the guard post on the map.

It’s best to go at night and get the target before he gets in the truck. If he does, he’ll drive it into a tree and alert a bunch of guards.

Dart the surrounding guards and run him down the hill and out of the hot zone.

Extract the Intel Team member before he can have an accident.
Get him before he gets in the truck and crashes into a tree.

Exfiltrate the hot zone with the Intel Team member by land.
Pretty much required – he’s too injured to fulton, so yeah, run him out of the hot zone.
Mission 28: Code Talker
Around the time your base comes under fire from the epidemic you’ll be tasked with retrieving Code Talker. He’s guarded by Skulls and soldiers alike. Strongly suggest bringing D-Dog.

Head toward the objective site. Once you see the mist the skulls will appear after a small cut scene. Stay alongside the right of the river, crawling and hiding when needed. They will snipe you if they see you. Down the river you should notice cracks along the wall up the cliff.
Stay low and dive when needed. After some time among the trees they will call off their search for you.

Watch out for mines near the waterfall.

Stay along the left side of the manor when approaching. Dart the spotlight guard and keep going around the left.

Dart the two guys by the back door and enter the mansion. Take the left hallway down to the cellar. There should be any immediate guards nearby.

When you find Code Talker, skip the cut scene. Walk back to the back door of the mansion.
Watch out for zombie guards. Either LZ you take, stay low on the route there and beware of the skulls. Almost easy to go back the way you came.

Extract Code Talker without him taking damage.
As soon as you exist the mansion with him on your back you will be swarmed. There’s two to look out for but the rest you should see coming. With D-Dog you can see them before they see you. From here on it should be a breeze if you avoid the skulls or took them out earlier.

Eliminate the Skulls.
Strongly recommend you get stealth and a good sniper. Keep moving. Takes a few shots to fully bring one down, and they jump positions when damaged. Don’t use anything loud.

Extract the Skulls.
One by one their lifeless bodies end up in the forests. Not sure if you have to retrieve them all – I think I got completion for two or three. They will vanish if you wait too long.

Extract the armored vehicle sealing off Lufwa Valley.
Only if you beat all the skulls will they show up. Guards and a tank show up to the mansion. Be careful.
Mission 29: Metallic Arhaea
Your helicopter has crashed and now you get to fight the skulls and all their puppet soldiers. You can’t escape the mission until all the skulls are dead.

Quiet is your ally. Pick her best sniper if you have it.

Everyone and their grandfather suggest you use snipers on the skulls but they are way fast to take the time to aim. My suggestion if you go for hard hitting explosives: grenade launcher and missile launcher if you can. CGM 25 for rockets and anything with a good amount of ammo for the grenade launcher. Supply drop flares are a must.

Once you start, order Quiet to cover you. Make your way up the ladder of the hanger. Dodge enemy soldiers when you can. None will follow up the ladder and you can virtually ignore close combat this way.

From your vantage point, lock on and fire with everything you got. Keep moving though – they can still shoot you and hurl rocks your way. Use both sides of the hanger roof to keep yourself safe. Stay low and heal if you get hit.

Rinse and repeat. You should have all four down in no time.

Complete the mission without being grabbed by a puppet soldier.
Easy to do if you're quick enough. You can do this in your first pass. They are easy to dodge since their basically zombies. Make it to the top of the hanger and they won’t follow you.

Extract the Skulls.
I’ve heard reports that some need to be extracted, and others saying they all need to be extracted. If you wait too long they will jump up and disappear for good. I extracted three and I got task completion.

Tips: For fighting the skulls, heal if you get hit, keep moving, use supply drop flares when needed. One you go after one skull one will come to its aid. Watch yourself.
Mission 30: Skull Face
This is your big showdown with Skull Face. You must infiltrate deep into his base, past walker gears, tanks, mines, and a near needless supply of guards and turrets.

Stealth alone might not be enough. Thankfully there’s a cleaver (and cheesy) way out. This is the only mission I ever used D-Walker. After upgrading his armor as much as it’ll go, and getting some battle armor for myself I jumped on and blitzed my way to the very end. Once you make it past the third gate, race into the cargo elevator and run up the stairwell. Once at the top the guard stop shooting and the alert remains neutral. The trick is keep moving.

D-Walker – max speed. Shield on your back helps too. Armor is you need it.

Extract 4 Walker Gears.
There should be two groups of two. One at the first entrance, and one after each gate if they are spread out. Each time I play it’s different. Vehicle extraction upgrade required.

Obtain a cassette tape at OKB Zero.
Use the screen shot. It’s near the cargo elevator not far from the helipad where you need to go.

Extract 7 red containers from OKB Zero.
There’s a bunch, but every walkthrough I used say they’re all passed the second gate in the courtyard. They’re also red.

Extract 3 tanks from OKB Zero.
One past each gate. Wormhole works best to keep a low profile. Vehicle extraction upgrade required.
Mission 31: Sahelanthropus
Time for the big fight with the Metal Gear of the game. This version isn’t as hard as its Extreme counterpart, but if you don’t have a CGM 25 yet it’ll be a real fight.

Essentially, just don’t die or retry the mission – it’s fairly easy to do in one sitting. A rocket launcher and grenade launcher loadout will do nicely. No ally will be needed

I’d recommend D-Walker for his Gatling gun or rocket weapon, but Sahelanthropus will unleash a red mist that rusts all tanks, including D-Walker.

Bring supply flares too – they help a lot.

Most of his attacks can be dodged if you sprint and get behind cover. It may help to have something with rapid fire when he starts sending out the pods that shot at your allied chopper.
There are tanks present around the map, but I really don’t see them used a lot, even in videos. This version of the fight isn’t nearly as bad.

Destroy Sahelanthropus's head.
During the fight you’ll notice its armor getting damaged, once it’s head sustains enough damage and turned to a darker version with ash marks you’ll get this task completion with ease.

Successfully hit the floating boy with an attack.
For this, you’ll need to get the enemy health as low as you can, and dodged its attacks until the quick time sequence starts. The floating boy will jump out for a few moments and be vulnerable. Something non-explosive to hit him with would be best, because he is fairly close.
Mission 32: To Know Too Much
A prisoner has escaped soviet captivity and is about to be picked up by his captors. Rescue him quickly before the soviets find out where his is. Be ready to get in and out quick, and avoid the walker gears.

D-Horse – race over to where he was last reported. If you’re fast enough you can Fulton him out of there before the guards show up with their walkers.

Exit the hot zone or call a chopper.

Easiest S-Rank mission ever.

Extract the CIA agent before his discovery by the search team.
Easy if you have D-Horse or sprint to the spot as fast as you can. Fulton him out.

Extract 4 search team soldiers.
They all have walker gears, so darting them from the front can be rough. Wait for them to turn around before darting them task requires the guards and not the walkers. Take them anyway for combat missions down the road.

Extract the driver of the transport vehicle.
You have several chances: before he gets in his jeep to disembark from the palace, once when he arrives at the scene, and once on the way back.

Extract 2 prisoners from in Shago Village and Lamar Khaate Palace.
The village is a beast because of the timed nature of the mission. I highly recommend having stealth camo when you go on this run. Race over and Fulton him out – wormhole if you can. Race over to the place and grab the other.

Extract the Soviet soldier plotting to assassinate the CIA agent.
Only shows up when the prisoner has been brought back to the palace. No alerts. He’ll arrive in a ride of his own, wearing a black mask.

Mission 33: [Subsistence] C2W
Same as the C2W mission but with added challenge. You will have no starting weapons, no support or weapon drops, and no allies. The ‘ultimate in stealth’ as it is said in game. This mission was meant to be difficult. Thankfully, there are several ways to complete it.

A stealthy approach will take you a while, and you’ll need to utilize CQC and moving quietly around guards to complete this mission. I’d recommend marking as many people as you can.

My method was really cheesy – destroy the anti-air radar either in free roam or during the C2W, and choose your landing zone as the mission site itself. Using your binoculars, you can spot the com equipment you’re supposed to destroy. Use the mini gun to shoot down the three targets. The enemy will go on alert, so you’ll have to be quick to get a good enough score to reach S-Rank. Once the targets are gone, the helicopter will take off and you’ll be out of the hot zone.

Destroy the comms equipment at the Eastern Communications Post.
Required for mission completion.

Destroy the transmitter at the Eastern Communications Post.
Inside a building in the mission site. Clear out base with chopper minigun and proceed when clear.

Identify the comms equipment at the Eastern Communications Post.
Can be viewed from the distance, or using the helicopter trick in my S-Rank completion.

Secure the rough diamonds hidden near the Eastern Communications Post.
As with the C2W regular mission, this cache will have hidden behind the rocks behind the base.
Follow the jackals and you’ll reach the target. Caution: Jackals.

Extract two prisoners held at Wialo Village
Same as mission's counterpart.

Extract the materials container from the Eastern Communications Post.
You’ll need the cargo extraction upgrade for this to work. You can also use the cargo extraction trick to leave the objective site.
Mission 34: [Extreme] Backup, Back Down
Same as the non-extreme counterpart. Cheesy method with cigar if you’re looking for the S-Rank, or if you intend on playing the mission the way it was supposed to be played you must destroy/extract all vehicles without getting caught. Good luck with that.
Task completed the same.
Mission 35: Cursed Legacy
Two of Code Talker’s cargo containers have been obtained by the enemy and you have to pick them up before the cavalry arrives. All the guards have riot suits, so be careful, and know your CQC. Or use smoke grenades.

Cargo upgrade required. Smoke grenade launcher advised. Smoke or sleep grenades will do fine.
Dart toward the first cargo. Smoke all the guards nearby and extract it out of there.

The second cargo will be across the bridge on the other side of the cliffs. Shoot smoke at the guard waiting for you at the rope bridge. Go around the other, or subdue him. Either way ride the second crate out of there.

In and out in under three minutes and no kills. Should be cake.

Complete the mission by riding a Fulton-extracted container.
Cargo upgrade required. Do for S-Rank.

Complete the mission without the enemy discovering the missing containers.
Subdue and extract or kill the guards so they can’t talk, but move quickly.

Pinpoint the soldier's location from an intel file.
In the mansion on the ground floor, close to where you went to pick up Code Talker. Or in the tent just outside the mansion.

Extract the commander of the Zero Risk Security force guarding the mansion.
The guy with the red beret. If you have not sent anyone on alert he should be with the radio gear in the manor.

Recover the rough diamonds snatched by the raven near Lufwa Valley, NE guard post.
Northwest of the mission area. Two wild dogs and a flock of birds are nearby. Can’t miss it- they are flying directly over it.

Mission 36: [Total Stealth] Footprints of Phantoms
Much like Mission 15, but getting spotted will fail.

Go at night with DD. Dart pistol for weaker guards, smoke grenades for riot suits.

Do the tasks in a separate play.

Tips: Remember, you fail only if you’re spotted, not if you cause simple alerts.

Watch for mines.
Mission 37: [Extreme] Traitors' Caravan
Same as Mission 16, but the guards will see you at a further distance (snipers included), and the Skulls hit a lot harder.

But S-Rank can be achieved the same and task completion hasn’t changed much.

For eliminating the Skulls, I highly recommend the CGM 25, and away from the truck or after the truck is extracted.

For the driver, conversations, and zero risk guards chose stealth camo.
Mission 38: Extraordinary
This mission will require you to get a film canister hidden by an informant before he died. You'll need to be quick though -- there's a soviet force en route to find it too. And they find it pretty quick if you don't. You get a garbled photo to go off of to find the location. I recommend playing it a few times to get a feel for the locations of the canister. The locations are random, but it could be one of three spots.

Completing the mission itself isn't too hard and shouldn't require any major weapons or special gear say from smoke grenades or your decoy. There are a few riot suit soldiers, so watch out.
For my trip, I started at night and had the drop point be NE of the objective point. I brought the silent dart sniper to pick off the soldiers that had strayed behind the back pillars -- which was my preferred location of choice. I was in and out in two/three minutes.

For S-Rank, I'd go with a silent rifle or dart pistol just in case. I brought smoke grenades because I had enough to tie up the soldiers for a bit of needed but didn't need them. D-Dog is going to be your best friend during this mission, like most missions.

During a separate run, dart/CQC everyone or let the rockets and grenades fly. I used a tank.

This must be done before the jeep arrives. Be quick if going for S-Rank. Use camo if you're okay with a reduced score.

Either go for the prisoner first, or save him after you've captured the ruins but before you take the canister. Taking it will make you exfiltration the hot zone and you won't be able to save the prisoner.

There's a bunch of them around the keep. This one is tricky because they seem to land just out of reach of the player. I approached them to make them take off, popped the pill to give me a Reflex Mode, and unloaded with the dart SMG. Again, D-Dog is great for helping you scope them out. A small fall doesn't seem to hurt them, but don't shoot if they are perched -- they will stay there and be out of reach when they sleep.

Tip: Since there are three locations it could be, it’s best to play once through and get a feel for the spot and memorize its location. When you’re going for S-Rank in a separate play, pick a spot your familiar with and abort the mission and restart until you get your desired spot. For me, it was in the very back of the ruins on one of the broken pillars. Restarting or returning the checkpoint will reduce your score, hence why aborting and trying again from scratch work better. It’s a cheesy solution, I know, but it works.
Mission 39: [Total Stealth] Over the Fence
Same as Mission 5 for the most part. Bring tranq weapons for total stealth and no kills bonus. Ignore all other tasks for S-Rank.

Dart for the base, run across the road and tranq the guy at the spotlight near the crack on the left side of the base.

Climb up cracks. Dart guard next to anti-air radar. Distract and CQC armored guards.

Drop down to basement. Fulton or bring out of the basement and Fulton prisoner.

Fulton on a cargo crate or race out of the hot zone. First option is better.
Mission 40: [Extreme] Cloaked in Silence
Same as Mission 11:

Minimal loadout. Ally or not you’ll be using the supply drop to take her down.
Once the drop distance turned to 20m or less stand up and crouch down instantly to avoid getting one shot killed. Five supply drops should do it.

Be warned though, if she’s in the ruins it may be hard to hit her.

Tip: Theoretically, it could be possible to sniper her with a tranq sniper and the drug that gives you a temp reflex mode, if you time your shots carefully. I did this with a regular sniper, but was reduced to an A-Rank.
Mission 41: Proxy War Without End
An armored column division is going to gather near Nova air strip. Take them out or extract them.
Start with a vehicle and block the road where they plan to gather. Extract all vehicles. Wait for the chopper and blow it out of the sky. Leave the hot zone.

Extract 2 tanks and 2 armored vehicles
On the map is where they plan to gather. Four vehicles headed that way. Block the road, use vehicle mines, etc. There's a few guards so take them out first.

Extract the armored column's commander
He’ll only show up if the chopper reaches the air strip. Give him some time to land and head to his room. Red beret, I believe.

Secure the rough diamond hidden by the commander.
In the back of the airport base, in one of the offices. There's a few posters and crates near it.

Secure the blueprint carried by the gunship.
Go to the spot where the downed chopper lands. CGM for quick take down.
Mission 42: [Extreme] Metallic Archaea
Same as Mission 29.

Wear sneaking suit for health recover, or heavy armor. Quiet as your ally. CGM 25 max upgrades.
Mission 43: Shining Lights, Even in Death
This mission is unranked.

Provided you don’t miss when you fire (headshots, please) and skip all cut scenes you shouldn’t have any trouble. It’s more of a story mission than anything. It’s very iconic for the game and series.


(Both required for mission completion)

Identify the person who sent the transmission.
This cut scene will activate when you reach it. There’s a guy with a set of goggles that let him see the infected.

Eliminate the infected.
Completed after you put down each of your own men.

Tip: You will lose Heroism during this mission.

Mission 44: [Total Stealth] Pitch Dark
Same routine as Mission 13. Try to go at night if possible to fully utilize darkness. Do tasks during separate plays.
Shut off the pump. Plant c4 on the tank. Run to cargo crate. Blow up c4. Fulton out of there on the crate.
Mission 45: A Quiet Exit
This mission is going to suck no matter what your gear is. Quiet has disappeared and you’ve got to rescue her. Sadly, this will be your final mission together, unless you know how to get her back. Enemies are going to storm the broken palace. Be ready.

Notes: Quiet will disappear from mother base for good after this mission becomes available.

During your first run, you should note you cannot abort the mission, leave the mission, until it is complete unless you have the cargo upgrade to your Fulton system. There is a lone crate by the Lamar palace. Ride it out of there if you wish to truly leave and come back again. Once this mission has been complete and should you play again it can be aborted like normal.

Bring a CGM, but note that when the cut scenes change your weapon is swapped out with a lesser rocket launcher. But when the fighting starts you can switch it back, or so I notice.

Stealth won’t help you much – the enemy will shoot once you come into range. Weather mods only do so much anyway but they will reduce your score.

Quiet will call down for ammo, which’ll help a lot.

I would stay out of the ruined palace. The tight quarters and blast weapons don’t mix. There’s plenty of rocks and sandbanks to hide behind anyway.

Keep moving and fire when able. Use homing shots when you can, but time the enemy shots as best as you can.

Skip all cut scenes.
stay along the right when you have to get Quiet out of there.

Obtain Quiet's cassette tape.
Completion upon finishing the mission. Bye Quiet.

Extract 7 tanks and 7 armored vehicles.
All guides I read suggested the Parasite Suit with the Armor upgrade. Charge the tanks when they stop and fulton them out. Get at least 6-8 uses and flare grenades. You’ll be calling for a lot of ammo. I had 6 uses of the suit and 12 supply flares. Was able to do it after a retry.

Complete the mission without Quiet taking damage.
If you plan to go gung ho with the CGM and infinite ammo, just be sure to keep firing at the enemy when you can. Soldiers included. Tell Quiet to cease fire and they should stop shooting at her, but you’ll still need to take the enemy out. Got this one and the extraction in the same run – I think that deserves a gin and tonic and a cigar.

Mission 46 Truth: The Man Who Sold the World
Same as in Prologue mission, only this time you get the rest of the story.


Skip all cutscenes, turn off Reflex Mode for good measure.No retries.

Eliminate 6 soldiers at the hospital entrance
Head shots work best. Use your iron sights. I did this without them finding me.

Land 20+ shots on the Man on Fire
Grab an SMG for best results, just remember short bursts and don’t move your curser away.
Mission 47: [Total Stealth] The War Economy
Same as Mission 21, but since it’s Total Stealth, you’ll need to utilize speed and stealth a bit more.
For S-Rank, I allowed the official to meet and land with the arms dealer and have their talk – marking the CFA official as he got out of the chopper.

Once they reach either of the hangers for their conversations – that’s the time to dart both of them and extract them. Make your way to the hanger (dodging walker gears and the chopper) and fulton yourself out on one of the cargo containers – wormhole extraction required.

Do the task in separates plays.

Use the stealth camo since it won’t matter if your ranked or not. If you’re not in the same room as them, you won’t get the task completion for it.

Supply drop a missile launcher and take out the chopper for the blueprint.
Mission 48: [Extreme] Code Talker
Same as Mission 28 but the enemy will see you further and you’ll take more damage. The Skulls will pretty much kill you in one shot. Strongly suggest you avoid the skulls all together if you can sneak by the river and use the cracks to get up the cliff.

Do task in separate play.
Mission 49: [Subsistence] Occupation Forces
This mission is much harder than its counterpart. You have the same task of eliminating the colonel and his two tanks, but you start out with no gear. Ignore what videos you see online of people putting a body in the road to halt the tanks – in all my runs the tanks either ran over the soldier or I ended up with an A-rank.

Going full cheesy, here – requiring a bit of luck, faith, and playing at nighttime.

Start at the topmost landing zone, and go around the enemy camp. There may be two wild dogs. Throw them off of you and extract them for some easy points.

Mark your spot on the map in the road near the abandoned shack just north of the camp. Call a helicopter by the time you get passed the 200m mark and keep running for it. You’ll notice two sandbag walls nearby.

When Miller askes where you’re going, you’ll have a few moments to hide behind the nearby sandbag walls.

When the first tank is less than 20m away, dash for its left trend and duck to avoid getting fired at. Extract it before it can take it’s shot. You’ll notice the Colonel and his passenger are still in the truck. Extract them before they have a chance to get out.

For the last tank, dash toward it and extract it from its front right tread. You’ll get shot at but you should live. Here’s where the luck and faith come into play.

A little unorthodox, but it keeps you from running around the map looking for ammo and missiles. Do the task in separate plays throughs.

Secure the deployment plans.
In one of the main buildings in the primary mission area. As with this mission’s counterpart, picking it up will send the tanks your way. In this mode, you’ll have to get past a sniper and one to two guards.

Extract the colonel.
Easy to do. Follow any S-Rank guide including this one.

Eliminate the colonel and all tanks before they reach Smasei Fort.
Also easy to do. Follow the direction above. Luck and faith. Play at night just to be sure.

Extract the prisoner from Sakhra Ee Village.
In one of the main buildings in the primary mission area. There will be one or two guards nearby. Be careful.

Extract all tanks.
Block the road with a body, or follow the guide above. Extracting the vehicles isn’t nearly as bad as it sounds.

Tips: Play at night. If you can predict a dust cloud it’ll help with the minor task like the prisoner and document.
Mission 50: [Extreme] Sahelanthropus
Same as Mission 31, but you’ll die a lot sooner if you’re not careful. CGM max upgrades and flare supply highly advised. Armor or regenerating suit. No buddy.

Keep moving, hide behind rocks and dive when needed.

Several attacks to look out for:

Homing Rockets: Run like hell.

Flamethrower: One hit kill if you get too close.

Giant Gun: Charges up and one shots you if you aren’t behind good cover.

Machine guns: Run, and hide.

Sword and coffin trick: He’ll plant his sword in the ground and spikes shoot up, trapping you if you are unlucky enough to get caught inside. It will explode and damage you greatly. Sprint and dive out of the way.

Red Mist: At one point in the fight, he will launch a red mist that renders vehicles (including D-Walker) useless. It will also blur your vision a little.

Giant Leap: He’ll leap for you and jump on you if you are too close. For a reflex mode period the floating boy will appear. Shoot the boy or it’s game over.

Missiles at the chopper: Can be shot down with anything rapid fire.
Final Tips
Although some tasks can really affect your final score for good, make sure you save the complicated tasks like conversation for a separate play. Remember, you don’t have to finish the mission unless the tasks require it.

As stated throughout my guide, D-Dog is the ally I used the most since he can sniff out enemies, animals, and plants. Quiet can be grate for scoping out the guards, and D-Horse can get you places faster, but I hardly used D-Walker.

I used D-Dog up to certain points in mission then switched to D-Horse or Vice Versa. It helps a lot, but remember it will decrease your bond each time you switch the two allies mid mission.

Night time is the right time unless you’re quick enough and know how to stay unseen.

For conversation tasks, getting spotted or causing alerts will halt further progress.

No Kills, Stealth Bonus when you can. It really does help.
45 σχόλια
JCscarz 21 Σεπ 2021, 18:26 
Excellent guide! Wish I'd found this years ago when I got 100% on PS4 but I'm super glad I found it for 100% on PC thanks again!
Landon Keyser  [Δημιουργός] 18 Αυγ 2021, 20:32 
Thanks starjett07
piginablanket 14 Αυγ 2021, 0:45 
Landon Keyser  [Δημιουργός] 16 Ιουλ 2021, 18:02 
@Green, I complete forgot to add that. Thanks for pointing it out.
Green 16 Ιουλ 2021, 17:24 
You might want to note that if you have lost quiet, you can still get her back!

Just complete mission 11, 7 times!
Vrishnak92™ 27 Ιουν 2021, 19:18 
I believe it is because there is a conversation to be had between him and the apc but since it went missing, he is unable to have what is marked as a required conversation, which puts him on alert.

Basically, you have a very short frame of time between the point you capture the apc before the time he has the conversation with the prisoner.
Vrishnak92™ 27 Ιουν 2021, 19:16 
I discovered what the guys issue was, if you extract the apc before they reached that outpost, he would park outside the outpost and wait to see if the apc would show up. When it doesn't he calls out an alert before driving into the outpost fully.
Landon Keyser  [Δημιουργός] 26 Ιουν 2021, 16:20 
Vrishnak92™ I remember that one and don't envy where you are. It bugged for me a few tries but then once I found the hiding spot outside of base I was able to listen to the conversation through the wall. Make sure to mark him beforehand.
Vrishnak92™ 22 Ιουν 2021, 16:58 
Having an interesting issue with mission 10 when trying to achieve the final bonus objective: after reaching the outskirts of the Yakho Oboo Supply Post, the driver gets out of his vehicle for several minutes, & then calls in an alert to the cp, preventing me from ever hearing the conversation. Any idea what’s going on here?
ShinyRayquaza9 10 Μαϊ 2021, 21:09 
yeah 46 sucked, I eventually just spammed 250k worth of bombardment after getting tired of tanks one shot sniping me or somehow killing my vehicles in one hit when I did it my first time