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Game Market
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Warning! Items on the market are sold by players, and item prices are also decided by players themselves. It's not a game store, it's an auction by players for players.

This is where you can quickly buy or sell items and resources. Or you can snatch the best offer and make a great deal. Today we want to talk in depth about the game Market.

As you know, players can assemble their dream vehicles of virtually any shape, using various structures and frames, which can be obtained as battle rewards or built using Faction workbenches. You can also find the parts you need on the Market and just buy them from other players.

The Market in our project is a unique place, where players can sell any parts obtained in a battle or built with a workbench, at a price that they feel is right. Pricing on the market is determined solely by players. They decide at what price they want to sell or buy all parts.

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All operations on the Market are conducted only with in-game currency — ‘coins’.Players can get coins through store or on the market, by putting up their parts or resources for sale.

While trading on the market, you should remember some important points:
  • The market, as an intermediary between the players, takes a tax from each transaction at a rate of 10%, that is, if you sell an item for 100 coins, you will receive only 90 coins;
  • The number of trading slots on the market is limited, you can sell 20 units of goods and buy 20 units of goods simultaneously;
  • If your lot (no matter whether it's purchase or sale) has been on the market for two days without demand — the lot is removed and the goods (if you are selling) or coins (if you are buying) are returned to your warehouse;

There are several ways to interact with the market:
  • Through the part / resource card, for example in the warehouse;
  • Directly in the ‘Market’ section.

Item card (warehouse)

For example, we want to sell the ‘Lupara’ shotgun from the warehouse. Right-clicking on its card, in the context menu of the part we see three items related to the market:
  • Buy — instant purchase of this item for the indicated price (the lowest price for this part from the available listings on the market);
  • Sell ​​— instant sale of your item at the specified price (the highest price for which players are ready to buy such a shotgun, remember about the 10% tax — you will receive only 90% of the specified price for the sale);
  • Trade — switching to trading mode of the card, where you can see more information about supply and demand for this part and also set your own price for the purchase or sale of such a part.

Instant trading is convenient when you want to quickly sell or buy goods and there is no time to wait for someone to respond to your offer.

But as prices for these offers are set by the players themselves, and everyone wants to buy a part as cheaply as possible or sell the item at the highest price — trading through instant purchase / sale is quick though not the best way to earn coins (or save if you're buying something )

To conclude a more profitable transaction, we need to open the item card's trade mode through the context menu item ‘Trade’.

In trade mode, we see two tables: the top one displays information about the shotguns offered by players on the market, and the bottom one — about the shotgun's purchase requests.From the tables you can find out how many shotguns are being sold on the market, how many requests for the shotgun's purchase are on the market, as well as several entries of offers with the lowest selling prices and purchase requests with the highest prices.

If we want to sell a shotgun, we click on the ‘Sell’ button, and in the window that appears we specify the price for which we would like to sell the gun (immediately in the next field we can see how much coins we will get taking into account the market tax), and also indicate the number of shotguns that we want to sell. After confirmation with the ‘Sell’ button, the sold items are removed from the warehouse (they can not be used in vehicle assembly, in other words, they are put on display in the market), and you just have to wait until someone buys the shotgun.

By clicking the ‘Buy’ button, a request is made for the purchase of the part you need.

Trade through the item card is available not only from the warehouse, but also in many other game interfaces, for example, at the faction workbench screen.

Market section

Placing items for sale through the item card is of course very quick and convenient, but still the enhanced functionality is in the ‘Market’ section.

Market functionality is divided into three tabs.

Market - Parts

Here you will find a convenient market search function, with filters by category and rarity.

Clicking the left mouse button on the sale price is equivalent to a quick purchase of this part, and on the purchase price is equivalent to quick sale of this item from the warehouse (if it is there of course), and clicking on the remaining sections of the position opens the previously discussed card trading mode where you can put up a lot with arbitrary parameters.

Market - My Offers

In this tab, you can see all of your current purchase / sale offers, and see how many of them are in used.

In this tab you can also cancel your lot by clicking on the desired item. If you sell the item — it will return to the warehouse, if you wanted to buy something — the coins will return.

Market - History

On this tab you can see the history of all your trading operations, to whom, when and for how much you sold or bought. Sale price is indicated without taking into account the market tax of 10%, do not forget about it.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. My request on the market disappeared, I was not given money for the sale (or the purchased item did not appear in the warehouse)
A. Most likely it took 2 days and no one was interested in your proposal, the application was withdrawn and the goods (or money) were returned to the warehouse

Q. How can I sell / transfer a part to my friend?
A. Direct exchange of parts / resources / coins between players is not provided (and is not planned)
18 comentarii
Yukina 5 febr. 2023 la 13:02 
Stepfather Prime 14 febr. 2022 la 11:30 
logiqed 4 ian. 2022 la 7:21 
I'm trying to sell my D Minor, but i keep getting "Current prices have changed, update the lot price."
Doughnut 7 apr. 2021 la 2:53 
This player has 99 of structure parts... what???
Low Elo Legend 7 febr. 2021 la 6:28 
Lemme give you an example being useless; "By clicking the ‘Buy’ button, a request is made for the purchase...." ORLY? DERP. I...UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH EHHHHHH Though I had to click the x button and press alt+f4. When you wrote this guide. What did you had in mind as target group? 7 year olds or mentally troubled people?
Low Elo Legend 7 febr. 2021 la 6:23 
Sorry, but this is very basic and very useless. I can help more people with less effort.
Go to the rest is self-explanatory. Your guide is a nice try to help. But far from good.
Crack Addict 21 oct. 2020 la 20:06 
this guide is probably outdated, it was made before the engine name update
sandrotbg 30 iun. 2020 la 6:04 
Nice explanation. Then Gaijin sides with hackers and does nothing even when proof is provided and names of beneficiaries of hacking (typically sales of legendaries and relics are arranged at 1/3 of the market value). Gaijin, do something!
ONAIR TV 9 iun. 2020 la 8:55 
prices are too high. make a discount, we can all get it. especially at this time! (epidemic)
DragonF1reCDN 31 oct. 2019 la 9:08 
'Direct exchange of parts / resources / coins between players is not provided ***(AND IS NOT PLANNED)***' well, get planning, cause ur game is dying.