No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

104 ratings
Around's Tips and Tricks
By Around999People
In this guide I talk about numerous tips, tricks, and just general information that I have gathered by playing or studying the game.
Ello there ladies and gentleman! I’m Around999People and today I want to Impart my knowledge upon you. So I will do something very, very special for you, something I have never done before. I will share my tips, my tricks, and the other just general knowledge I have gathered over the course of playing and studying No Man’s Sky.

I have put this guide into a sequence of the best tips and tricks I have come across in more or less the order of impact upon my gameplay. And at the end of these I will just talk about general knowledge which I found helpful to know about the game but not specific to a single tip or trick. Now, these are for the PC, but, I’m sure some if not all can apply to the PS4 as well.

I will likely make a video version of this guide in the near future so stay tuned!
10: Atlas Passes
If you’re like me you went out free exploring. Well, you missed out on an easy way to get atlas passes. Now, these open up many doors and containers for you. For example, on space stations you can usually find yourself a suit upgrade with the use of an atlas pass.

In order to get an Atlas Pass you have to find an Atlas Station which is basically another type of Space Station. When you get there you can usually find a blue print for an Atlas Pass. And the more stations you visit the higher the level of the Atlas pass (V1, V2, and V3)

Following the Atlas Path eventually takes you to an Atlas Station, but you can find it on your own through exploration.
9: Steel Doors
Often times you will come across a structure with a steel door. These don’t get affected by your mining laser. Well, equip the bolt caster. (You get the bolt caster by building it and then you just press 'X' to switch between the modes on the fly.) The bolt caster will break through the steel door. And usually there are rare blue prints behind these so it’s worth it. Although, sentinels will come for you so you have to deal with them too or get swarmed.

Another way to open Steel Doors is to use plasma grenades. One hit usually gets the door open.
8: Languages
Learn the languages! Go to the knowledge stones and learn words upon them. Go to other places where you can learn these word, hell, use every chance you have to learn new words. Not only is it fascinating when these show up in interaction with things, but it is extremely helpful. It can even result in a better relationship with the species in question, as well as new missions and rewards.
7: Wild Life
The game offers a large variety of plants and animals. Both are extremely helpful.

The plants

Plant life in the game is extremely diverse. You can harvest plants for Carbon, even the plants indoors if you walk to them. But we want to talk about the special plants. Every now and then you'll run into a planet with a plant that you can't harvest with your multi-tool. If you walk up to these you can press E to gather a resource from these. It can be everything from a rare resource to fuel to even trade commodities. Now, there are also plants that when activated do something rather special. They refill one of your stats. For example, a specific plant on a toxic planet was refilling my hazard protection bar.

The Animal Life

The many many different types of animals you find around can usually be fed. To do this, scan the animal by pressing 'F' and focusing on it. This shows you what you need to gather to feed it. The resources it eats are usually in abundance on the planet. So, after you feed it there are a number possible things that could happen. The animal could turn the resources you fed it into something rare which it then… deposits out. The animal could show you where to find resources of interest. The animal could fight for you and protect you. It’s possible there’s more that could happen but this is what I found so far.
6: Grenades
Plasma Grenades are one of the most handy things you can build.

You see those massive spires of resources or other large clumps? After you’re done harvesting that throw grenades down into the ground where it stood and you can dig down underground like that. And Underground cave deposits are staggering in the amount you can get from them. When underground your protection meter refills so if you're on a dangerous planet you can easily so this to refill it if out of resources.
5: Gather Data
One of the main points of No Man's Sky is exploration. And the game encourages this through a monetary incentive. When you press 'F' and focus on a life form (plant or animal) the device scans it and shows you useful information. You can then upload this information through your options menu and receive units.

However, did you know those save towers are a part of this? These little towers work as waypoints on the planet you’re on. If you save on it, it then puts the location into your journal and you can upload it for some Units as well.

Don't forget you can rename things too! Even after you upload!
4: Ship
In No Man's Sky we each begin with a ship. It's small, it's cramped, and most importantly, it doesn't hold much! There are at least two ways to get a better ship.

1) You can sell resources until you save up enough for a good ship. Though, this could put you out around 1,500,000 units. That's a lot of grinding...

2) Head down to a planet and look for large towers. These beacons sometimes show the location of crash sites. When you get there you can get the ship there for free. You just need to repair it. I have a lot more slots on my ship than I did before and some nice upgrades through this. Just don’t forget to click compare and to transfer over what you can!

3) You can also fly around the planet in your ship and try to find crashed ships which you can then rebuild. Just fly around and look for plumes of smoke and land near the origin of the smoke. (Suggested by Bort). Just don't do what I did once, which was to get rid of my ship and get in the new one to fly... Only to find out nearly every part was broken and needed to be repaired. So be careful!
3: Travel
Running around the game is tedious. It takes a long time to get anywhere on foot, even by sprinting. Which is why my favorite method for traveling is to just get into the ship and take off and land around where I want to be. Resources for fuel are rather easy to come by, at least for me. Even though I need to refill my ship after 4 take offs its not a strain on my resources. Also, the higher in the atmosphere that you fly the faster you will go!

I ran into someone else talking about how you can speed up land travel. The trick is easy to do and significantly speeds you up. When sprinting forward press 'Q' to bash, or boost forward, and press the space bar instantly or a fraction of a second after and it makes you go forward with that momentum. It’s a massive speed up over just sprinting.
2: Jetpack
Have you ever been forced to walk around an absolutely massive cliff? Or a mountain? Or any other such large obstacle? Well, maybe you didn't know of this tip then!

Your jet pack can be made to last a lot longer than it seems by the meter at the bottom right. If you go up to a wall and start up the jetpack it’s meter doesn’t go down to zero as long as you keep pushing against the wall. This applies when you’re in the water too, and can be a real help in getting to the surface quickly if you swim straight up at the same time!
1: The Inventory
No Man’s Sky comes with what at first seems like a hard to manage inventory. It's small, it's confusing, it's a bit all over the place.

So, the first thing about your inventory is obvious. Use both your suit and your ship. This can be done by left clicking on an item and pressing 'X' to transfer the item from your suit to your ship and vice versa.

I like to put one stack of fuel on the ship and have it full at all times. This comes in handy since you won't need to worry about it for a long while. Secondly, I put into the ship resources I can sell. In my case it's mostly gold and Heridium. This way, if I fly to someplace where I can sell my things it’s easy as transferring over from the ship.

In my suit I keep fuel for my weapons, life support, and all the other things you must maintain. As well as resources needed for various upgrades I want to have in the future. It's easy to use only a single fuel source, that way you can just use the others for more units.

Now we come to inventory space. You can increase inventory space through a number of ways. The first is buying or finding a bigger better ship. The second is visiting drop pods scattered around planets because from what I see, each drop pod gives 1 upgrade to your suit’s inventory space for a price. The price is easy to manage at first, but it does build up. You can also usually find upgrades to your suit at space stations if you have an Atlas key. Scattered around outposts you can find orange colored beacons which need a Bypass Chip. After you use the chip they usually point you to a drop pod, shelter, or other such helpful location which tend to hold upgrades.
The in game currency isn't the hardest to gain, but there are ways that make getting mass amounts of units easy. The best method I found for racking up units is to find a trade post on the surface of a planet. But, it has to be one near a plentiful outcrop of resources. One such location I found had tons of Plutonium crystals. And I was getting over 50,000 units a trip. I got 800,000 units in less than an hour of work. It really helps when that resource is selling for a higher price, making it even more profitable.

Things in your inventory disorganized? Move things around in your inventory by left clicking on something, then on where you want it to be and those things should switch spots. I find it easy to have everything I need to be refilled around the same area and upgrades together as well.

When harvesting large amounts of resources sentinels will fly to the area and investigate the spot then you, if you're still around. Now, If you use your multi-tool on resources right next to them, they will get aggressive. It’s helpful to be in an area where you can run around in circles, harvesting a bit around the perimeter of it so the sentinels don’t get aggressive on you due to always having to move and scan an area and you being out of aggro range by the time they're done.

Saving in the game can get confusing. The easiest method and my favorite is to get into your ship and out again. Every time you exit your ship the game saves, easy as that.

The asteroids found floating in space can be shot at and destroyed relatively easily. Now, the real kicker is that when hit they give you resources. So, you can fly around space destroying asteroids and returning to a space station to sell them.

On Toxic and Radiation planets if you're protection is running low enter a cave. Caves refil the protection meter. Could be a bug, but it makes surviving on these a lot easier.

You can repair your shields mid battle. Applies to land and space.

You can re-interact with most aliens with only 20 carbon. Each one has a different profession (engineer, chief scientist, scientist, etc). When you pay them the 20 carbon, they can perform services for you, such as recharge your suit shield, heal you, give you ship fuel, and sometimes teach you a new word if your standing is high enough with that race. I don't know if their profession has anything to do with the options, but this can be repeated for 20 carbon an infinite amount of times.

The large ships found around planets can be very dangerous, but if you attack them and destroy their cargo holds you gain the resources within. But, they call in reinforcements and pack a punch on their own so only go for them when you're sure you can handle it.
End Notes
This guide is a work in progress, which means that I will be adding to it as I play the game.

As mentioned, I will likely make a video of it for YouTube. It will be posted on my account at

Also, if you have any tips, tricks, or whatnot speak up! I will add as many as I can to this guide!
Xer0Flux 27 Nov, 2022 @ 10:57am 
This really seems more like a basic rundown/tutorial than a tricks and tips guide. Was hoping to learn something new here.
The Home Brewer 15 Jun, 2022 @ 10:37am 
Distress beacon nav charts can often lead to ships too
Also, what's the deal with carbon and NPCs?? seems like it is an old feature that has since been gones.
im brian 18 Apr, 2022 @ 7:43am 
if you dont like inventory management then this game is not for you
RunForRest 15 Apr, 2022 @ 9:52am 
Why this game after all these years still has no storage containers to craft at the very early stage is beyond me. I fukcing HATE inventory management bs, its just an artificial waste of time and nothing else. Thank god theres a savefile editor for crap like this
skyscan40 15 Dec, 2017 @ 4:33pm 
9. STEEL DOORS... Way easier to shoot the door with ship then fly away to loose agro
Around999People  [author] 30 Nov, 2017 @ 7:26am 
@Bort, thank you! Going to add it in
Bort 30 Nov, 2017 @ 3:19am 
An addition to tip #4. Instead of going to a tower and hoping for a crashed ship, simply fly over the surface, and look for plumes of smoke. It will be either a crashed pod containing random loot, or it will be a crashed ship.
Atech66 28 Nov, 2017 @ 5:08pm 
As a new player.. this is fricken priceless TY!:JoeWheelerApproves:
regeo979 29 Apr, 2017 @ 11:54am 
Thank you. Very helpful!
-KoTrT-Sir Balin 20 Aug, 2016 @ 4:55pm 
uhm about the ship
you say it can cost up to 1,5 mil? only for the small ones i'm afraid
when i bought a 25 slot ship i paid 2,5 mil and now if i want to buy a 35 slot ship i need to pay 26 mil. (and yes i know that's 26.000.000)