Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

46 ratings
Concrete Pads Prop Pack
Assets: Prop
File Size
1.426 MB
20 Jul, 2016 @ 7:28pm
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Concrete Pads Prop Pack

In 2 collections by Althazar
Civil Mania!: JazzAge Tileset
179 items
Civil Mania: The Generic Collection
19 items
You know what? In a city where all the buildings are hand-painted and have come from a game by some other developer, I would expect that some of the props would too. So here I made a driveway and a patio/pad for my level 3 and 4 homes, regardless of whatever tile set they belong too... Because where else would the little computer people park their cars or set up their dinning sets? On the street?! That's so savage!

Tri Counts:
- Driveway: 22
- Pad: 10

Seriously, they're so low-poly they don't really need custom LODs...