Scrap Mechanic

Scrap Mechanic

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Scrap Mechanic inside92!
This is my vehicule collection, i hope you enjoy! :)

Ceci est ma collection de vehicule, amusez vous :)

Bon scrap!
Items (6)
Created by inside92
vehicule tout terrain no problem, que des solutions! OFFF ROAAAD ;) (my) ma collection vehicule :
Fire Dragster!
Created by inside92
THE FIRE DRAGSTER! This dragster will punch everybody in the sky! be careful! ;) More blueprint (plus de vehicule):
Mustang Rover
Created by inside92
Vehicule tout équipé , toit ouvrant, portieres, radio . clim suspension ceci cela. cest du lourd; Meme avec une tonne de sable dans la bagnole; tu conduis a l'aise! More blueprint (plus de vehicule):
The Death Bike
Created by inside92
The death bike is here!! all in this model is here for you! be careful (very powerful engine) licence required to use! all equiped multifunction, dont forget protection because "sa arrache" (translate to french) good luck ;) More blueprint (plus de vehicul...
The Dark Jet
Created by inside92
There is your Dark Jet! takeoff with this jet anywhere! Le Dark jet est la! du lourd! premier Jet cab' de l'histoire! commande: 1: abaissez le nez (dive up) 2: levez le nez (raise up) 3: tournez à gauche (turn left) 4: tournez a droite (turn right) 5: incl...
California Bike
Created by inside92
The California bike! use button 1 for the stability when you start! Enjoy your new bike :) More blueprint (plus de vehicule): ...