Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

203 ratings
CEO Work and how to make Steady Profit. (Grinding)
By Nanachi Enthusiast
Just a quick guide explaining MY PERSONAL WAYS that I use the CEO system and make cash in GTA:Online
This is just MY PERSONAL way that I choose to go about using the CEO system and missions put into GTA:O recently. You do not have to follow this. I am not saying this is the best way to make profit either, this is just HOW I PREFER to.
-Becoming a CEO (All listed Requirements.)-
Simply put, you will need to be a CEO to do this, as a good portion of profit will be coming from selling off cargo in filled warehouses. (Skip this section if you have already done plenty of CEO Cargo missions and other assorted work.)

Becoming the CEO:
Smallest Price - $1,250,000 (Maze Bank West + Cheapest Small Warehouse.)
Largest price - $7,900,000 (Maze Bank Tower + Darnell Bros. Large Warehouse.)

Once you have acquired CEO status with a suitable Warehouse, familiarize yourself to the missions, challenges, and features in the CEO Menu within the Interaction Menu.
-The Pattern.-
Reminder, This is how I PERSONALLY choose to do CEO work and make profit, you do not have to follow my guide. And this may not be the most profit you could make on a steady basis.

Now that you have acquired CEO status and know what you're doing, the pattern is very simple to follow.

(Small Note: I recommend doing this in small lobbies of maybe 12 players and under. As large lobbies will be hectic and your missions may fail due to other players.)

1.) Purchase 1 or 2 Crates of cargo. (This depends on how much you would like to spend, how many associates you have, and the pace at which you wish to fill up your warehouse.) I prefer to buy 2 at a time, whether I'm by myself or with other workers, as it's the most economically sound, higher price, but not massive cost, and they will fill your warehouse up at a medium pace.

2.) After delivering your Cargo to the assigned warehouse, Go into your CEO interaction Menu, and start a VIP work. I would Recommend either Headhunter, or Sightseer. Both are fairly straightforward and offer at least $20,000 upon completion. When completing these they will give you the beforementioned large sum of cash for the mission. This extra cash will be your profit, as well as paying for your next pack of cargo. (High mobility/weaponized vehicles make these missions easier, such as helicopters or using a hydra as some targets are hidden away in the headhunter missions, and Sightseer can take you across the island easily.)

3.) Return to your office, buy more Cargo, deliver it, do another CEO Mission, being Headhunter/Sightseer. Basically Rinse and Repeat. You will make a profit of about $12k every CEO mission if you buy 2 crates of cargo like I do. It will add up over time.

4.) Sell your stocked warehouse for maximum burst of profit, then continue to fill it back up afterwards. 56 Crates of Cargo will net you just over $1,000,000. Which can be done easily with large warehouses, just will take time to get to that number, which is why you do the missions between to keep making profit, and easily paying off the cargo that you're buying. (A Small warehouse fully stocked will hold only 16 crates. Maximum Payout is $240,000.)
-Additional Notes.-
If you are starting in a small warehouse I would instantly recommend you use the profit from selling and the missions to earn up to a large warehouse. The Cheapest large warehouse being $1,900,000.

If you are afraid that you will not have enough players to deliver cargo, remember this:
1-9 = 1 vehicle. /// 10-29 = 2 Vehicles. /// 30+ = 3 Vehicles.
(I know sometimes you can get The Tug Boat, or maybe the Titan for Plane deliveries. This is more for the Cuban 800 Airplane and the Brickade Cargo Truck.)
1.) Be a CEO with a Warehouse
2.) Buy any amount of cargo under 3
3.) Do Headhunter/Sightseer
4.) Rinse and Repeat through steps 2 & 3.
5.) Sell cargo in warehouse for Burst Profit
Nanachi Enthusiast  [author] 19 Dec, 2016 @ 6:33am 
@\//\ SwitchRaY Yes but at the same time with the Import/Export addition, it seems to me like car stealing and selling is more profitable, Somewhat. Free to source a car, drive to garage, if it's high range spend $20k to upgrade, and sell for $100k for an easy $80k profit. I personally like doing this more than cargo.
skrattar du, förlorar du 18 Dec, 2016 @ 8:59pm 
Does this still work?
Kaz 9 Jul, 2016 @ 7:16am 
@Arklite | La Potato - Basically, at the warehouse with your cargo, there's a laptop that allows you to sell a group of your cargo containers at once. Activating this will spawn a vehicle nearby that you then have to drive / fly to the drop-off location, which then triggers payment to you.
Josh 9 Jul, 2016 @ 5:52am 
Hey, before I decide to invest in becoming a ceo, buying the cheapest office and warehouse, how will sell missions work? I still don't understand it fully. Would you mind giving me a brief explanation
hecking 9 Jul, 2016 @ 4:36am 
Thanks, helped me alot
Nanachi Enthusiast  [author] 8 Jul, 2016 @ 6:04pm 
@W.I.R $2,200,000
dog sage 8 Jul, 2016 @ 6:02pm 
It would be great if you found out and told hos how much does the 111 crates give you when you sell them.
Citröen Berlingo 7 Jul, 2016 @ 3:58pm 
Very well done, like from me!
pricken of rivia 7 Jul, 2016 @ 12:13pm 
A good guide, considering I blew most of my money on the office and warehouse, I wasn't aware that the pay-off of Headhunter was enough to buy shipments, thanks!
Nanachi Enthusiast  [author] 7 Jul, 2016 @ 8:10am 
@[KySiRl]YoungPoonguin Eh, just join lobbies and ask around for anyone to become an associate for them. You level up like crazy, hell at the beginning of the update I was level 69. Right now I'm level 138. and I only play like at most 5 hours a day, every other day.