Arma 3
409 人が評価
[CO16+10] Escape From Tanoa
Data Type: Scenario
Scenario Gameplay: Multiplayer, Coop
Scenario Type: Air, Infantry, Vehicles, Water
Scenario Map: Tanoa
Meta: Dependency
タグ: Tag Review
2.011 MB
2016年6月8日 23時02分
2016年7月29日 14時29分
18 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
このアイテムを使用するには、 DLC が必要です。

[CO16+10] Escape From Tanoa


I made this way back in the day before Tanoa was an official part of the base game. This workshop item is no longer supported, but I'll leave this submission up for user convenience.

For the official, Latest and Greatest™ version of this mission (and those on other maps!), go here:


What's a better way to explore Bohemia's all-new map other than trying to escape it?

This mission uses the "Escape" framework (vers. 1.7.5) developed and maintained by NeoArmageddon and Scruffy. It is a remixed, unofficial flavor of the Escape series which has a couple of tweaks thrown into it (see changelog).

For all official escape missions produced by NeoArmageddon and Scruffy, I suggest visiting here:

Alternatively, you may also visit:

LAST UPDATED: JULY 31 2016 @ 12:57 PM MST


Original Mission (ArmA 2) by Engima of Östgöta Ops.
Mission ported to ArmA 3 by Vormulac and HyperZ.
Continued development by NeoArmageddon.
Island ports and unit configs by Scruffy.
Unofficial Tanoa port by Phantom.
Additional scripting by FrozenLiquidity, Abelian, Dystopian.
Testing by Maikeks, Darcy, Memphis Belle, Aurelia, Freshman, Roy and many more.
Mag Repack script by Outlawled.
ZBE_Cache script by zorrobyte.


This mission and all of its content is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike Licence (

This license lets you remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially, as long as you credit the author and license your new creations under the identical terms. Others can download and redistribute this work just like the by-nc-nd license, but you can also translate and make remixes based on this work. All new work based on this will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also be non-commercial in nature.


I, nor does the aforelisted, take responsibility for the (im)possible damage to your game/system that may be caused by installation of this mission.


If you feel there is a bug within the mission framework (i.e., anything not dealing with placement of communication centers and heli extraction zones), please report it in the official BIF thread:
人気スレッド 全て表示 (15)
2017年6月17日 20時32分
Any Interest in putting Escape From Tanoa on Github?
2017年5月15日 2時41分
Not working properly on dedi?
2017年7月18日 13時20分
Malden 2035
Red Bandit
447 件のコメント
Red-Air-Wolf 9月1日 14時23分 
its a really nice mission the only down side is that somtimes i died 3 times in the same second if a team member is helping me then im not abel to move anymore so the only option then is to abort the mission is it posible to fix that please ?
Lucas 2023年12月31日 7時13分 
That was hard, but we managed to finish it :cuphead:
yannara 2022年12月13日 12時29分 
One of the best missions ever, thanks!
GatoEsconde 2020年11月9日 17時09分 
top top
Azza35 2020年9月21日 13時08分 
why disable stanima stupid stanima makes this game more realistic
bbstine 2020年8月31日 17時21分 
@swirly you do player enablefatigue false
I SwirlyPop I 2020年8月17日 17時13分 
don't know how active people are with this thread, but does anyone know how to modify mission parameters to enable/disable player stamina? any help or if putting me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated
Captain P. Star 2020年7月17日 8時27分 
Looks like you misunderstood what I wanted to say. I am not talking about the Escaped shipped by BI but about my original mission which this workshop object is a fork of (and which was developed much further in the meantime).
With my "2. Spawn are random (not handplaced)." I wanted to reply to "if you have spawns on islands you should at least place a boat " from Dog Udders. I meant "I can't place boats to every spawn, as spawns are random".
So to be clear in the official version of co10 Escape (the one linked above in the description) the spawns are still random AND boats are distributed across the island (in a random fasion).
Dispenser 2020年7月15日 12時21分 
-Capt Star, why would one prefer hand-placed spawns that are the same every time rather than random, which provide a new experience every time? I find the Bohemian version of Escape Tanoa to be almost no different than playing most regular missions (you start off fully equipped, the enemy is way too overpowering, and there's no sense of sneaking around -- just a march to the next battle). The version on this page is far more engaging.
-Dog Udders, some small islands do have jet skis, but if not (and you don't want to swim), just restart the mission. Takes like 5 minutes to beak out of prison again.