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Animated Combat Mod
タグ: mod, Battle
125.728 KB
2016年6月8日 20時21分
2017年8月15日 0時59分
41 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Animated Combat Mod

Latest iteration of my increased fighting animations mod, improving the visceral feel of battles.

This time around the mod maintains all orignial hp, damage and ability/spell durations for better balance and compatability.

Updated Feb 27th - All patches up to and including Brettonia

The mod is designed to make battles look, and feel, more dramatic and visceral. No standing around hoping your enemy drops dead of shame for not swinging their weapon more often, it's all about hitting, hitting and more hitting.

Units are modified to fight at least twice as often as vanilla, which when added to the additional attack mechanic in the game makes for a much more aggressive spectacle. However rather than use HP and reduced damage as a buffer against the additional damage I have only used tables that do not directly modify a unit meaning that adding additional units to the mod or making it compatible with unit balancing mods should be much easier.

In addition the lack of changes to HP and Dmg means I have not had to rebalance magic and abilities this time, which of course also mean you are free to use it alongside any mod that does so, such as Molay's magic overhaul. It also allows for any unit/lord/hero ability mods to be run alongside, which as long as they are balanced against the vanilla game should work fine here too.

The mod still uses slightly slowed down movement as I feel this simply works better for the game in general. Actual combat speed appears to be around the same, or maybe slightly slower than vanilla, I have only been testing small custom battles so far so am not totally sure how it will play out in bigger games.

A version without the slowed movement speed is available here:

As always any feedback is very welcome, if anyone would like to get online and play some larger custom battles against me using the mod I'd be more than happy to do that and get some direct feedback plus have some fun. I may even work out how to record a couple if someone is up for that.

Compatibility Guide:
Tables modded: kv rules, kv morale, kv fatigue, battle entities (move speeds, fire arcs), melee weapons (animation delay), fatigue effects.

If the other mods don't touch these you are good to go. For the most part if they do as long as there aren't direct clashes in the kv tables you should be fine since any changes are fairly minor.

I would be surprised if it was compatible with Radious since he mods the same tables to control battle speed, but I haven't tested it. If anyone finds out please let me know.

Notes, Bugs and Changes:

Went back to original vanilla reload times for balance sake as that seemed to be the overall concensus on ranged units.
293 件のコメント
kostaskladianos 2020年12月4日 21時38分 
Make one for TW2.
rekon789 2020年4月28日 6時26分 
Is there anything like this in tww2?
Wresdan  [作成者] 2017年9月28日 17時32分 
I honestly don't know if I will do this for TWWII, I haven't used it myself for a long time and while I love how cinematic it is I much prefer slower gameplay.
Kalae 2017年9月5日 15時53分 
If you can make the units swarm like in brutal battles i take it forever.
Markliuz Da Jesterly 2017年9月5日 3時34分 
Would it be possible to make this compatible with brutal battles mod?
aramis_55 2017年8月20日 5時23分 
Is it steel faith combatible??
Wresdan  [作成者] 2017年8月17日 17時10分 
@Parti Battle speed is, I believe, around Vanilla or slightly slower. To compensate for the higher attack speed I lowered the hit chances of all units.
Parti 2017年8月17日 12時21分 
So is this mod affects battle speed...?
I mean 2x attack speed = 2x DPS ?
Wresdan  [作成者] 2017年8月15日 1時04分 
@Cody712 No sorry, it alters individual units attack speed values in the tables so any custom units aren't affected by the move speed, fire arc or attack speed of this mod, you have to do them in addition.
Wresdan  [作成者] 2017年8月15日 1時03分 
Ok hopefully that's now working again. I don't understand this system at all. I make changes, I upload new file, a day later the system overwrites the files I have on my system with previous versions from the server ad I have to redo them. Fortunately I've got good at saving copies of each version but god is it getting tiring that there are upload issues every single time!