Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

37 평점
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1.029 MB
2016년 5월 26일 오전 8시 43분
1개의 변경 사항 ( 보기 )
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Player 1 (Blue) - Midgard (Teutons)
Player 2 (Red) - Jotunheim (Celts)
Player 3 (Green) - Alfheim (Japanese)
Player 4 (Yellow) - Muspelheim (Persians)
Player 5 (Teal) - Asgard (Vikings)
Player 6 (Purple) - Niflheim (Slavs)
Player 7 (Grey) - Svartalfheim (Incas)
Player 8 (Orange) - Hel (Goths)

This is a 4v4 team game. P1, P3, P5 and P7 versus P2, P4, P6 and P8.

See the "Hints" section for missions and "Scout" for faction specials.

* Destroy the four enemy capitals: Jotunheim, Muspelheim, Niflheim and Hel.

* Destroy the four enemy capitals: Midgard, Alfheim, Asgard and Svartalfheim.

Destroy named buildings and kill heroes to gain advantages over your enemies. Razing an enemy capital will provide 2 factions in the team with +100HP for all non-siege units as well as 4000 resources. Muspelheim (Yellow) will gain access to strong siege engines if they raze Bifroest.


Midgard (Blue)
* Receives additional tributes from villages/10min.

Jotunheim (Red)
* Giants (Woad Raiders) gain +10HP/10min.
* 25% refund of the resources from the Castle Age and Imperial Age techs.
* Receives gold from razing 10, 50, 100, 150 and 250 buildings.

Alfheim (Green)
* All non-siege units gain +10HP/20min so long as Vidblain stands.
* Receives the Thumb Ring and Ballistics techs for free in Castle Age.

Muspelheim (Yellow)
* Fire Giants (War Elephants) gain +50HP for every 100 kills up to 1000 kills. After 1000 kills they gain 5HP/10min.
* Receives the Careening tech for free in Castle Age.
* Receives the Dry Dock tech for free in Imperial Age.

Asgard (Teal)
* Einherjar (Berserkers) gain +20HP/10min so long as the relic is inside the Temple of Odin.

Niflheim (Purple)
* Frost Giants (Boyars) gain +10HP/10min.
* Bergelmir will collect tributes for Niflheim/10min so long as he's within the walled area of his keep.

Svartalfheim (Grey)
* Siege units gain +5HP/10min.
* Receives the Masonry and Fortified Wall techs for free in Castle Age.

Hel (Orange)
* Undead troops will spawn in Hel from Castle Age and onwards so long as Hel (the Town Center) stands.
* Undead troops will spawn in Niflheim from Imperial Age and onwards so long as the Hel Portal stands.
* Receives the Perfusion and Conscription techs for free in Imperial Age.

Created by Herr Robert
댓글 21
(Arm)_Starkill 2023년 8월 28일 오전 9시 40분 
Player 1 (Blue) - Midgard (Teutons) Player 2 (Red) - Jotunheim (Celts) Player 3 (Green) - Alfheim (Japanese) Player 4 (Yellow) - Muspelheim (Persians) Player 5 (Teal) - Asgard (Vikings) Player 6 (Purple) - Niflheim (Slavs) Player 7 (Grey) - Svartalfheim (Incas) Player 8 (Orange) - Hel (Goths)
Herr Robert  [작성자] 2017년 1월 26일 오전 10시 31분 
Unfortunately it's only possible to play as P1 when hosting and playing it in singleplayer.
Spookuslucas 2017년 1월 22일 오후 5시 55분 
how do you make yourself a different player if you play it solo?
darkdill 2016년 8월 8일 오후 8시 45분 
I take it this isn't meant to be played solo. Computers are too stupid with their kings.
Mister Smiley 2016년 6월 2일 오후 11시 41분 

Same. I think this would be better in Age of Mythology as well.
Doomed World 2016년 6월 1일 오후 4시 27분 
Think this would be much better in age of mytholagy
reactt 2016년 6월 1일 오후 4시 11분 
ah ok thank you
Herr Robert  [작성자] 2016년 6월 1일 오후 3시 42분 
Do you have African Kingdoms? You need AK to host it.
reactt 2016년 6월 1일 오후 3시 39분 
Is anyone else unable to find it after subscribing to it?
Wanderer696969 2016년 5월 31일 오전 5시 10분 
m8 ur setting records for shitest map