Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

37 ratings
New Workshop General: Scenarios
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1.029 MB
26 May, 2016 @ 8:43am
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Player 1 (Blue) - Midgard (Teutons)
Player 2 (Red) - Jotunheim (Celts)
Player 3 (Green) - Alfheim (Japanese)
Player 4 (Yellow) - Muspelheim (Persians)
Player 5 (Teal) - Asgard (Vikings)
Player 6 (Purple) - Niflheim (Slavs)
Player 7 (Grey) - Svartalfheim (Incas)
Player 8 (Orange) - Hel (Goths)

This is a 4v4 team game. P1, P3, P5 and P7 versus P2, P4, P6 and P8.

See the "Hints" section for missions and "Scout" for faction specials.

* Destroy the four enemy capitals: Jotunheim, Muspelheim, Niflheim and Hel.

* Destroy the four enemy capitals: Midgard, Alfheim, Asgard and Svartalfheim.

Destroy named buildings and kill heroes to gain advantages over your enemies. Razing an enemy capital will provide 2 factions in the team with +100HP for all non-siege units as well as 4000 resources. Muspelheim (Yellow) will gain access to strong siege engines if they raze Bifroest.


Midgard (Blue)
* Receives additional tributes from villages/10min.

Jotunheim (Red)
* Giants (Woad Raiders) gain +10HP/10min.
* 25% refund of the resources from the Castle Age and Imperial Age techs.
* Receives gold from razing 10, 50, 100, 150 and 250 buildings.

Alfheim (Green)
* All non-siege units gain +10HP/20min so long as Vidblain stands.
* Receives the Thumb Ring and Ballistics techs for free in Castle Age.

Muspelheim (Yellow)
* Fire Giants (War Elephants) gain +50HP for every 100 kills up to 1000 kills. After 1000 kills they gain 5HP/10min.
* Receives the Careening tech for free in Castle Age.
* Receives the Dry Dock tech for free in Imperial Age.

Asgard (Teal)
* Einherjar (Berserkers) gain +20HP/10min so long as the relic is inside the Temple of Odin.

Niflheim (Purple)
* Frost Giants (Boyars) gain +10HP/10min.
* Bergelmir will collect tributes for Niflheim/10min so long as he's within the walled area of his keep.

Svartalfheim (Grey)
* Siege units gain +5HP/10min.
* Receives the Masonry and Fortified Wall techs for free in Castle Age.

Hel (Orange)
* Undead troops will spawn in Hel from Castle Age and onwards so long as Hel (the Town Center) stands.
* Undead troops will spawn in Niflheim from Imperial Age and onwards so long as the Hel Portal stands.
* Receives the Perfusion and Conscription techs for free in Imperial Age.

Created by Herr Robert
(Arm)_Starkill 28 Aug, 2023 @ 9:40am 
Player 1 (Blue) - Midgard (Teutons) Player 2 (Red) - Jotunheim (Celts) Player 3 (Green) - Alfheim (Japanese) Player 4 (Yellow) - Muspelheim (Persians) Player 5 (Teal) - Asgard (Vikings) Player 6 (Purple) - Niflheim (Slavs) Player 7 (Grey) - Svartalfheim (Incas) Player 8 (Orange) - Hel (Goths)
Herr Robert  [author] 26 Jan, 2017 @ 10:31am 
Unfortunately it's only possible to play as P1 when hosting and playing it in singleplayer.
Spookuslucas 22 Jan, 2017 @ 5:55pm 
how do you make yourself a different player if you play it solo?
darkdill 8 Aug, 2016 @ 8:45pm 
I take it this isn't meant to be played solo. Computers are too stupid with their kings.
Mister Smiley 2 Jun, 2016 @ 11:41pm 

Same. I think this would be better in Age of Mythology as well.
Doomed World 1 Jun, 2016 @ 4:27pm 
Think this would be much better in age of mytholagy
reactt 1 Jun, 2016 @ 4:11pm 
ah ok thank you
Herr Robert  [author] 1 Jun, 2016 @ 3:42pm 
Do you have African Kingdoms? You need AK to host it.
reactt 1 Jun, 2016 @ 3:39pm 
Is anyone else unable to find it after subscribing to it?
Wanderer696969 31 May, 2016 @ 5:10am 
m8 ur setting records for shitest map