Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

239 ratings
American Freight Train - Short Container
Assets: Vehicle
File Size
8.377 MB
14 May, 2016 @ 8:36pm
26 Apr, 2018 @ 7:02pm
7 Change Notes ( view )

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American Freight Train - Short Container

In 2 collections by bsquiklehausen
bsquiklehausen's Train Collection
43 items
Gramercy Mod and Asset Collection #1
938 items
The largest, most complete set of modern, American freight trains on the workshop!

A modern American freight train for your city! Includes multiple custom freight cars, and is set up to feature automatic weathering, realistic nod and tilt levels, and more! This train is roughly the length of trains in the stock game, so it should fit into almost any stock or custom train station.

If you want a more realistic, longer set of trains, 20-30 car versions available on my workshop!

What's included?
Custom locomotives (1024x textures, ~1700 tris)
Custom freight cars (1024x textures per car, < 750 tris per car), Loading Screen Mod will share textures 9 times!
Custom sound effects - use Vehicle Effects for custom engine, bell, and horn sounds, as well as exhaust! Use Extra Vehicle Effects to get even more train sounds like flanges, brakes, and more!

What's not included?
Props, which are available as packs.
Other trains, which are available elsewhere on my Workshop page, or in my Train collection.

What liveries are there?
My trains use the following fantasy liveries (IRL equivalents in parentheses):
Colossal Systems (CSX)
Arrowhead and Western (Union Pacific)
Cedar Valley Northern (Burlington Northern/BNSF)
Gramercy Southern (Norfolk Southern)
American Midwest Railway (Kansas City Southern)
Kendrick Aubrey Railroad (Canadian Pacific/Canadian National)
EFX (TTX Leasing)
Skylines Service (Golden West Service)
Pipecar (Procor)
Falcon Falls Lumber Company (Tobacco Valley Lumber Co.)
Flathead State Rail Service (Montana Rail Link)
Coast Range (Southern Pacific)
Springwood Lines (Santa Fe)
and more!

Will you make a shorter version? This doesn't fit into my stations!
I have shorter versions available! Check out my Workshop Page or Train Collection

Why don't you do real life liveries? / Can you do *real life livery here* for me?
I just really prefer making up my own versions. It gives me some flexibility in the UV map, and also lets me have fun making up something new, something funny, something that pays tribute to a YouTube series that I like (or make), and it means that I can do a bit less research instead of having to find exact real life liveries of everything.
spudsz1 8 Nov, 2020 @ 1:19pm 
question can i repost a shorter version of this asset if not please inform me not to thank you
bsquiklehausen  [author] 22 Apr, 2018 @ 1:34pm 
@Vimes - working on it as soon as I get home.
Vimes 22 Apr, 2018 @ 3:53am 
This one gives me the error....

Error while parsing vehicle effect definition file(s). Assets will work but may have effects missing. Contact the author of the asset(s).
List of errors:
684699512 - Vehicle with name 684700650.AFT Short Container_Data not loaded.

when combined with your empy containers I then get...

Error while parsing vehicle effect definition file(s). Assets will work but may have effects missing. Contact the author of the asset(s).
List of errors:
684699512 - Vehicle with name 684700650.AFT Short Container_Data not loaded.
684700650 - Vehicle with name 518856581.AFT Short Empty Container_Data not loaded.

removed both and now no errors are noted.


Juche Catgirl 2 Feb, 2018 @ 12:02pm 
Oh snap, yeah I saw the comments on the other asset and I still got an error but I must have simply mixed the two assets up. I'll try unsub-resubbing before I fire up the game again, that should fix the problem. I got a couple errors right when these were first updated but I'm guessing they have been fixed by now.

Sorry for the mix-up! And thanks again, these new trains are fabulous! :-D
bsquiklehausen  [author] 2 Feb, 2018 @ 10:16am 
@Count Krzysztof - That's actually an already fixed bug with the Short Empty Container train as far as I can tell - it's possible I made the mistake on this one too though - I'll check it out right away.
Juche Catgirl 1 Feb, 2018 @ 10:27pm 
I love the updated trains! Just wanted to let you know this one is still spitting out a Vehicle Effects error:

Error while parsing vehicle effect definition file(s). Assets will work but may have effects missing. Contact the author of the asset(s).
List of errors:
684700650 - Vehicle with name 518856581.AFT Short Empty Container_Data not loaded.

Thank you for all your hard work!
bsquiklehausen  [author] 17 Oct, 2016 @ 9:16pm 
@Jewish Banana - Thanks!
Jewish Banana 17 Oct, 2016 @ 7:59pm 
Just wanted to tell you that the new designs you put on your freight trains are bitchin'. They're the best ones on the workshop.