Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

403 ratings
Napa, CA - 81 Tiles - Roads & Landscaping
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16.794 MB
7 Apr, 2016 @ 4:34am
1 Change Note ( view )

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Napa, CA - 81 Tiles - Roads & Landscaping

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Napa is a city in California, just north of San Francisco. It is perhaps best known for its wine and vineyards. This map is a 1:1 recreation of the city of Napa. The road and highway network is true to real-life, with practically every important and most lesser roads being represented. The map uses real heightmap data, has a complex water system (including a dam), sprawling farmland (using resources for colors), and lots of trees. All 81 tiles of the map are detailed. Other than the roads and other details, this map does not have zoned buildings, pipes, or any other developed areas. I leave it to the player to develop the map as they see fit. The roads may be a tad odd in a few places, and overall the map's a bit rough around the edges.

See the Imgur gallery here.[]


81 Tiles Mod - The map has all 81 tiles open, it will not load otherwise.

Network Extensions Project - The map uses many roads from this mod. It will not load if you don't have them.

More Train Tracks Mod - The map's train tracks were built with this mod in place. It will load with no roads and errors if you lack this mod.

Unlimited Trees Mod - The map will actually load just fine without this mod, but most of the trees on the map will be missing.

Arid Beauty Map Theme - The map should load, will load with a default theme, or you can choose your own theme, if you don't use this theme, but I include it here because the map was made for/with this theme.

This map will NOT work without the above mods! Also, 81 Tiles can be an unstable and picky mod when it comes to other mods. It may well conflict with some other mods you have. If this map fails to load, try loading with only the required/optional mods enabled.

This map was also created using the following mods:

No Pillars

More Network Stuff - Used to add roads in the editor stage, and aircraft paths in-game, among other things.

Extra Landscaping Tools - Used extensively to edit the map, including planting of trees and addition of water sources.

Unlimited Outside Connections - Used to make the map's many outside connections beyond the main 4.

Sharp Junction Angles - Used for the many sharp-angled road and track intersections and ramps.

The map should work fine without subscribing to those mods, but if something doesn't work correctly, you may want to try those mods to see if they fix anything. You may also need them to edit the map to your liking.

Important Zoning Note:

Many roads, mostly dirt farm roads, have zones disabled. Use the Zoning Toolest Mod to toggle zones back on, or off, for the desired sections of road.

The theme this map uses may look best with:

Natural Color LUT

Daylight Classic Mod

The road networks and other details were laid out using the Image Overlay Mod , using a Google road map (acquired using Simple Mapper) and then a satellite map pieced together from Bing Maps.


- This is a SaveGame file instead of a map because I hit certain default limitations for numbers of zones and nodes when making the map in the editor. I could only finish it in-game and upload as a save.
- Additional objects to sub to, like trees, may be optional, they just won't appear on the map. Most are default trees.

Thanks for subscribing and rating!
IZX 2 Feb @ 1:31pm 
Furkan 10 Mar, 2021 @ 11:54pm 
Not workinggggggggggg i will do alll think install all mods turn up mods restart dont WORK
speedy1979 9 Mar, 2021 @ 5:22pm 
Okay everyone here is a solution. Before loading the save go to your mods look for the loading screen mod. Click on options and select all the safe mode options. Now go back and load the save. This should get you started.
Hope this helps.
speedy1979 9 Mar, 2021 @ 4:42pm 
I created a thread on reddit about the loading errors. Hopefully we can find a solution soon.
vent sus 4 Feb, 2021 @ 7:33am 
i have all assets and mods for this, the map doesn't appear in game
Steele 22 Aug, 2020 @ 4:04am 
I can confirm that this is no longer working. I made sure to unsubscribe from ALL mods except for this mod, and it's dependencies. When I load it up, it's a blank map that constantly pops up with error messages until the game crashes. We're gonna need an update for this one if you don't mind ;)
starzz 10 Aug, 2020 @ 10:28am 
i subscribed to the mods then it says an error occurred anybody having the same problem
HIGHL@NDER 14 Jun, 2020 @ 3:43am 
I installed all mods, activated them and loaded the savegame. Works fine for me!
chris_lee_bear 12 May, 2020 @ 12:26pm 
Could this one be updatet? I can't load it, probably because of tons of trees and bushes on the map...
RoLaAus 1 Feb, 2020 @ 1:39am 
I used to live in the Napa valley and this is a beautiful rendition of what I remember!