

1,696 个评价
Auto Actions - Full client mod
3.400 MB
2016 年 3 月 23 日 下午 7:17
2023 年 12 月 20 日 上午 1:17
25 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

Auto Actions - Full client mod

This mod will automatically equip the tool fit for the task at hand, and more to come.

Also, this is a client mod, which means that only you, the actual player, not any server, needs it. You can join ANY server and it'll still be working.

A few examples of the mod's features:

- Hold space and get everything done without removing your finger.
- 只需要按住空格键别松手就能完成所有工作!

- If any tools are needed for a task and you don't have it, the mod will automatically try to craft it for you.
- 如果有一个任务需要任何你没有的工具,该mod将会自动尝试为你建造该工具。

- If enabled, you can re-fuel fires by right-clicking on the firepit.
- 如果(在设置中)启用,你可以通过右键点击营火的方式来重新燃火。

- If you want a specific tool or weapon, mod or not, as your primary weapon, just equip it, hold down ctrl and press this mod's settings menu button, then you will automatically equip that tool or weapon when you attack something.
- 如果你想要一个特定的工具或武器作为你的主要武器,请装备它,按住Ctrl键的同时按下mod的设置菜单键,然后当你攻击某物时,你就会自动装备该工具(武器)。

- Hovering your mouse over tasks which requires tools you don't have, will show a (Craft ****) option, which will craft the needed tool for you.
- 将鼠标悬停在某件需要工具(并且你还没有)的任务上时,mod会自动展示一个(建造 XXX)选项,该选项会为你建造需要的工具。

- If you have a nut from the same tree-type you are digging up a stump from, then it will replant the nut automatically.
- 如果你正在挖某个树桩,而身上有同类型的坚果,那么mod将自动为你种植树苗。

- You can specify if you prefer normal or golden tools in the settings.
- 你可以在设置中指定优先使用普通或者金色工具。

- Attack and enemy and it'll equip your best weapon.
- 攻击某敌人时将自动装备你最好的武器。

- Attack a critter and it'll use a boomerang, if you have one. (Not on by default)
- 当你有一个回旋镖时,攻击小动物,它将自动使用。(默认不启用)
- Stand in the darkness and it'll equip a light-source, if one exists in your inventory, but it can also craft one for you automatically. (Not on by default)
- 黑暗降临时,该mod将自动装备一个光源(如果身上有的话),它也可以为你自动建造一个光源。(默认不启用)

Do notice: 请注意:
- If you assigned a tool or weapon as your primary and you disconnected, then you'll have to reassign it.
- 如果你指定了一个工具或者武器作为主要工具后断开连接,你需要重新指定。

- Holding space won't dig up saplings, bushes and such, but can be overwritten by also holding down CTRL.
- 按住空格不会(自动装备铲子并)挖掘树苗、灌木丛等等,但是可以通过按住Ctrl键的方式覆盖。

- You tool type(normal/golden) can be overwritten by holding the CTRL button and hovering over a task that needs a tool.

- It won't automatically crafting nor show the crafting option, if you don't have the required materials or knowledge(made a prototype).
- 如果您没有所需的材料或知识(制作原型),则不会自动制作或显示制作选项。

- If you let go of space after having digged the stump up, then it'll reset and won't replant the tree.
- 如果在挖起树桩后放开空格,就会重置,不会重新种植树苗。

- If you wish to attack with a specific weapon while the feature is on, just equip the desired weapon/tool before fighting.
- 当(自动装备武器)的功能打开时你又想用特定的武器攻击,那么只要在战斗前装备好所需武器/工具。

- There's in-game settings for the weapon, critter, etc. features, should you not wish to use them.
- 在游戏中会有一个设置武器、小动物等的功能,你应该不太想用到它们。

- Many of these functions are turned off by default, so you'll have to click on Mods and configure the features as you want them.

List of mods automatically supported in the mod:

"[DST]-Scythes" - "Will equip a scythe to cut grass and such, if you have a scythe in your inventory."
[DST]-Scythes Mod – 如果你的库存里有一把(Mod制作的)镰刀,会在割草的时候自动装备。

If any bugs comes up or there's something you would like to get implemented, then leave a comment here and I'll take a look at it.

Or if you have any ideas for improvements or compatibility with other mods, then feel free to post it too and I'll see what I can do :)

This mod is based on Auto-Equip, made by noobler, but has been fully modified, expanded and made into a client-mod by Jespercal (Me).
该Mod是基于noobler 制作的Auto-Equip,但是已经被完全修改、扩充、并且被我(Jespercal)转换成一个客户端Mod了。
热门讨论 查看全部(4)
1 月 15 日 下午 3:51
置顶: You may report bugs you discover here
Dr. Chapman
2023 年 12 月 12 日 上午 1:01
problem with force attack (ctrl + F)
2022 年 11 月 5 日 上午 4:27
Not working
311 条留言
Шелл 5 月 12 日 下午 5:11 
So that you can carry out the actions of digging up a stump and planting a cone through the shift
Шелл 5 月 12 日 下午 5:10 
Hi, were you able to sync your mod and this one?
花欲燃 3 月 7 日 下午 11:17 
mamoo 2 月 14 日 上午 8:22 
작동하네요 감사합니다
Thraximundar 1 月 19 日 下午 10:01 
I love this but when tending my garden my guy keeps trying to dig up my plants. (yes my good ones, not just weeds) ty for your mod, it is a huge QoL update!
M0thim 1 月 9 日 下午 10:27 
does this apply to fishing?
Dirtmurrchant 1 月 1 日 上午 10:41 
when using woodie and you moose it disables auto attack so you cant get the combo slam
柠檬抹茶多加冰 2023 年 12 月 26 日 下午 11:56 
can you update this mod? this is the best mod I used, but now during the attack , I keep switching tools , can't use the weapon normally.
Dr. Chapman  [作者] 2023 年 12 月 18 日 上午 1:02 
Is this happening locally or on a server? Have you set any "primary weapon"? Is it just the regular spear and axe?
Skryne 2023 年 12 月 17 日 下午 5:47 
yes it just cycles between ax and spear. the durability goes down on both.